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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Not even close. While the point may have originally been that, you have denied that the Soviet Union engaged in ANY sort of genocide. So, that's what we're discussing presently. And even then, the US don't factor in this anywhere. More squirming. You are focusing on an aspect of that website that YOU claim is inaccurate, which is tangential to the point we're discussing - and are then using it to dismiss whatever valid historical data it may contain. Just because you are ignorant of facts, it doesn't mean those things didn't happen. I have provided specific sources, you haven't. I'm done wasting time with you. Well?
  2. What, so imprisoning people on the basis of ethnic identity is genocide? Don't tell that to the United States, then.Misdirection. It's the USSR we're talking about (because YOU brought it up, too). "But you're worse!" is no defense, even if it were true. More misdirection AND style over substance. Can't you post even once without incurring in one or several obvious fallacies? What does that have to do with the mass forced relocations implemented by the Soviets after their annexation of the Baltics? Stick to the point, use reputable sources to back your claims, and stop running circles. German, on the other hand, is.
  3. Yes, mass deportation to labor camps on an ethnical basis IS genocide. Your squirming and attempts at semantic equivocation are evidence of your weak footing on this regard. Your calling it "****", without providing any evidence doesn't make it so. That's the website of a Latvian museum which, understandably, don't portray Soviet atrocities kindly. But regardless of the tone used in that page, Operation Priboi IS a historical fact, unlike the pseudo-intellectual gibberish you insist on mortifying us with.
  4. Is this where we're going? Posting random images we made?Oh, sorry about that. Maybe I should have added some cyrillic to make it more credible? I assure you, I didn't google that. "I have that information on recall". What, you mean that if Google can find it, it's not a valid source? That's is a new low, even for you, tovarisch. Let me remind you, that ALL the evidence you have come up with so far is your own weak rhetoric ("they didn't cause the famines on purpose!"), a chart that as far as I'm concerned you made yourself, and some links in the past to the web of the "people's party of somethingorother". And now you demand that others deliver academic historiographical sources, when your own are merely one click removed from "I'm getting lucky". Pathetic. I pointed you to Conquest's book "The Great Terror", which gives a figure of ~14 million murdered by the Soviet state. A figure that doesn't include unlawful killings by the RKKA in wartime, or various deportations including (but not limited to) that of Germans (Against their Will, p.279) or Latvians. You also claimed that the RKKA didn't engage in any active genocide, which is a patent lie. Even if we write off the all too common unlawful killings, mass rapes and general mayhem as "lack of discipline", the mass deportations to labor camps ARE genocide.
  5. I posted a video a few pages back that shows a class and a way of playing that revolves around CHARGING around the battlefield instead of hiding behind cover and taking potshots. But that must be "lies, mythical myths and innuendo". I wish proving everything was this easy. <SNIP> For some reason, Bio had the mad notion that it's fine for every mob to have perfect accuracy, always, regardless of difficulty level. That's what makes combat "too tight" - if there's more than one mob shooting you at any time and you are out of cover, you WILL be taking a lot of concentrated fire, and die. That's not how it is in other cover-based shooters, and I have no idea what they were going for with this. Possibly that's also the reason why enemies use special abilities less than you would expect and they affect the player so little when compared to gunfire - throw in really powerful enemy biotics on top of their mad gun skills, and the game would be impossible.
  6. Ahh... it all makes sense now. You are still butthurt over BIO's decision to turn the game into a cover-based shooter at which, obviously, you fail miserably. Hence your need to crank down difficulty to a point where you can play blindfolded. And then you come here to patronize about how this power and that tactic are superfluous. Really man, boasting online about your exploits on a single player game is really retarded. But to do so while you play on the easy(est) setting, is too much, even for you. "dumbdownedness", R00fles!
  7. So basically you play the game on autopilot. Well, seems to me that it's time for you to either try a harder difficulty where classes play differently (and they do), or stop being a petulant prick when others discuss tactics as those only pertain to higher difficulties -- since "it all comes down to the same thing", in whatever you're playing. "ZOMG TEH GAEM IS SO EZ" - No **** Sherlock, you're on Casual!
  8. Hahaha. Priceless. A shotgun-focused Infiltrator. So, what is, according to you, the point of picking an Infiltrator over another class?
  9. HAVE you played on Insanity to put put your nonsense to the test? Ah, I forget. Changing difficulty "isn't necessary". It's clear enough that Volo has been playing a bit too much Bizarro Effect. Yeah, because it's not like the Infiltrator specializations revolve around maximizing sniping efficiency. Nope, not necessary. It's not necessary to use biotics as an Adept either. Nope, that ain't the point. Because this is Volologic we're using, here.
  10. Whoa, whoa! Stop the presses, Volo is being anally retentive again! Ammunition for the Mantis is 10. 12 for the Widow. Some encounters throw far more enemies than that at the player, so you have to maximize damage per shot AND move around to get more ammo, which is risky. The whole point of an Infiltrator is to use the sniper rifle. It's not "necessary" to do so, but then again saving, mining for resources, changing weapons, and using abilities aren't "necessary". Life is full of things that aren't a "necessity", but make it less painful, easier or otherwise more bearable. Case in point, you are living proof that thinking isn't really necessary... but it's generally an advisable habit. edit: also, try Insanity.
  11. Would you like to know who staged Shep's daring escape from the Cerberus facility? Find out in the next DLC!
  12. Ah, of course. I have some information of my own, as well. Here: Serious business! The math involved in calculating that one is far too complex for you to grasp. And last but not least: That should settle it!
  13. Hahaha. I cite specific sources, and lof counters with... rhetoric. How predictable. BOR-ING
  14. Solzhenitsyn? Robert Conquest? Nah, too easy. Vasily Grossman? Alexander Shtromas? Really, it doesn't matter. When you are a convinced Marxist, you can just wave your hand and make facts go away! Hint: do some Google searches on "German forced labor in USSR" and "Sovietization of the Baltics", to get started. Remember: Soviets preferred to work people to death rather than kill able-bodied fascist pigs, counter-revolutionaries, saboteurs, rootless cosmopolitans and other undesirables.
  15. Yeah... no. http://savygamer.co.uk/2010/02/19/drm-assa...age-to-ubisoft/
  16. Sentinel is a good choice. Having both Warp and Overload allows for greater flexibility in squad makeup than any other class, and tech armor is nice. On the other hand... it lacks teeth. The only Sentinel I've played so far was on Normal, but I definitely did not feel like I was lacking 'teeth', certainly not in the later phases of the game when I had the Vindicator and AP ammo. YMMV But compare it to the damage bonuses the Infiltrator gets from the get go, for instance. Sentinel may get decent damage output after getting the extra weapons training and a bonus talent, but at that point some of the other classes get pretty crazy. Infiltrator/Widow, Vanguard/Claymore, and even Soldier/Revenant are in another league entirely... without any significant drawbacks since, as I said, tech guys no longer have non-combat advantage. Not saying you can't kill stuff as a Sentinel... just that it's much more tedious than other classes, except for Adept.
  17. Sentinel is a good choice. Having both Warp and Overload allows for greater flexibility in squad makeup than any other class, and tech armor is nice. On the other hand... it lacks teeth. And the biggest reason for picking a tech class in ME1 - unlocking containers/h4x0ring - is gone, as any class can do it. If you are starting a new game, and don't have your ME1 saves, you may want to check this, as the default start makes a few odd assumptions. And since the game allows to change face on import, you don't have to worry about playing with someone else's face. What do you mean, useless? Given the limited amount of sniper ammo, the extra damage from cloak is pretty much a necessity... Take Tungsten or Heavy Warp ammo, and you are a ****ing invisible one-bullet-one-kill wonder.
  18. Cry me a river.
  19. Good point. And yet, the gaming market and the considerable economic activity it generates are expanding, and that's pretty much inarguable too. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/games-t...illion-in-2013/ So, if the industry isn't doing too good, either they adapt their business model to market demands, or crash and burn. Digital distribution, DLC and episodic content releases are acceptable changes. Punishing legit customers and encroaching on consumer rights are not.
  20. Do they make intent detectors?
  21. So if it's got intent, it's worse than "accidental" or "incidental" or "collateral" deaths due to actions, no matter the body count? People will be dead either way, but it's the main factor deciding whether a commander can be tried as a war criminal or not. *ahem*
  22. No, that is not all, I'm afraid. You forgot to mention the forced, untoggleable mouse acceleration. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I play using *SHOCK!!!* keyboard and mouse. Why do I have to have gamepad control aids forced on me?!
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