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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. After spending more than I'd like to admit replacing doors, keyboard and mouse sets, tennis racqets, a PC screen and a motherboard, a Game Boy and probably more stuff I'm forgetting, I recommend taking deep breaths instead. Not quite as satisfying perhaps, but significantly cheaper.
  2. While I understand your ethical reasons for being a veg, what I don't understand are your reasons for painting red meat as inherently unhealthy. Any diet based solely on one kind of food can't be very healthy... but that doesn't mean that food is bad by itself. I mean, if you are so convinced of the advantages of your lifestyle, why misrepresent the alternatives?
  3. Right, right. Life is a chronic disease with a very bad prognosis. The solution is obviously becoming a diet nazi...
  4. Interesting. Now, let me tell you about these runaway MG3s we used to keep clean as a whistle...
  5. Can't help you with that mate. So... lower your expectations? That works well in other areas of life, where the alternative isn't really an option...
  6. Indeed. These uneducated plebs, how dare they! Oh, the nerve! *sniffs tobacco* Not perfect, but at least consistently good -- from what I've seen, their aiming isn't affected by difficulty, unlike the enemy's. The AR accuracy upgrade deals with the dispersion present in rifles. That means that squaddies using the Vindicator wouldn't see much of an improvement, but if you have any using the Avenger, they'd work better. And interestingly, her loyalty mission is one of only two where a disagreement with Shep (as opposed to simple incompetence) can result in him not earning that character's loyalty. Infatuation/admiration? You bet. Worship? Not so much. The other character that displays this unthinkable independence is... Zaeed.
  7. Keep trying buddy. I'm not going to cater to your immensurable attention need by discussing it anymore, though.
  8. It's called "style over substance", technically. With some PC thrown in for flavor. Also: hey Hades, having fun with your new alt?
  9. HA! And people thought FemShep got the shaft in ME1...
  10. These people don't read very many YouTube comments, I'm guessing.
  11. Great. Talk about forums on the forums. And now I'm talking on the forums about the forums talk on the forums. Oh, shi-
  12. Obviously GT doesn't like you southern hemisphere types. The trailer looks pretty cool. Borderlands-esque gameplay?
  13. I was under the impression that newspapers had raised a stink about Il Cavaliere () chasing some underage girl. Too lazy to google it, though.
  14. I'm going to make a wild guess and assume he means:
  15. Yeah, there's that high school hentai sim with Monkey Island-like combat that Avellone always seems to be putting off working on, for some reason. Just give it some time.
  16. Yeah, he reacts. If Legion were Shepard's keychain, I'm not sure his reaction would be much less dramatic, though. What left me scratching my head wrt C-Sec/Legion exchange is that they at least tried to write an in-character reaction when you bring Legion to the Flotilla. Ofc, Shepard convinces or bludgeons through to get his way, but that's not important, it's consistent with game narrative elsewhere. On the Citadel, it's an absurd and ridiculous situation that isn't even nearly as humorous as intended. It's just... lazy. Bringing the EVIL baby-eating machine to the citadel *is* a pretty silly call. If you do it, you are either fooling around, or roleplaying a fool -- I'd be happy if a cutscene or popup prevented me from acting like a jackass, as would be consistent with the game in other situations. In fact, the option to roleplay Larry Shepard doesn't really exist, as the tone of the game doesn't leave room for that. It's no big deal, but it's a bit of a "WTF?" moment. I'm not going to touch the question of whether that does indeed break immersion or not.
  17. But would he? What's the point, after all... I kid, I kid!
  18. I'm sure there are better WWII games to sink some time into.
  19. Huh? So, it's somehow my fault that the writers couldn't think of a better way to fix the mess they had created themselves by allowing you to walk around with the ****ing bogeyman? Right man, I'll get back to you when Pedobear replaces Udina as chairman. I'm betting that'll be my fault, too!
  20. Actually, it gets better. Difficulty levels modify their health totals somehow... lower, the higher the difficulty level, obviously. For baddies, it's the other way around. =/ The thing with the colonies does have a somewhat acceptable explanation. Legion and C-Sec is just retarded. I'm all for comic relief, but using it in place of consistency only creates absurd situations, and this isn't a Monty Python game. I don't get this. Zaeed has as much content as any other squadmate. The only thing he lacks is a conversation wheel. But considering how little other squadmates have to say if they aren't a viable LI, I don't see what's the big deal. Except for Mordin. I would totally pay $1 USD for Zaeed DLC. Anyway, I wonder if this Kasumi DLC is the same as Liara's, or maybe they aren't done making stuff for ME2?
  21. Mostly because they are in this to make a living.
  22. Err... no. It seems to be a "fine-tuned" value for each weapon. For instance, henchman Mantis deals 0.55x of normal (Shep's) damage, but the Viper deals 0.65x. Most values are around 0.5 for henchman damage. Probably a way to compensate for their integrated aimbot, I'm guessing. Which is kinda funny, considering that the people shooting at YOU have the same values set between 1 and 1.1. edit: everything is in the coalesced.ini. Look for "DamageHench" for each concrete value. Follow these instructions to safely edit or browse through that file. And make a backup.
  23. According to the wiki, Legion deals 43% less damage than Shep with the Widow... so while powerful, it's not quite "gamebreaking". And poor squaddies need all the help they can get, they do. Also, squad Cryo Ammo I found to be one of the best force multipliers in the game, if used with AR or SMG-armed squadmates. In my Vanguard playthrough, I found that at least 2-3 enemies per encounter were consistently being frozen... which means they stop shooting at you BEFORE they are dead. Don't know about its effectiveness against barrier, though. Slam is useful for one thing and one thing alone -- to set up Warp explosions with Miranda. And since she gets at least one dot in that skill no matter what, you might as well use it... I wish there was a respec research project for jNPCs too.
  24. Bare arms? You mean as in, field stripped, right?
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