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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. No ****, Sherlock. Obviously, after years of paying insane taxes, you are left without the resources to face such an eventuality. You expect the state to cover your butt - which unsurprisingly, it can't do in your example.
  2. You have the wrong powers and/or squadmates. If on Veteran or below, take Throw Field or someone who has it, problem solved. You can spam this so fast it's ridiculous. You can also substitute or combine that with squad Cryo ammo, too, for amazing CC results. Even Concussive Blast will make a mess on a bunch of unprotected husks. If on Hardcore or above, the flammable or inflammable (forget which) area thing will make short work of the armor of whole groups, that can then be quickly and efficiently dispatched with the methods discussed above. ME2 gameplay is, in general, a disappointment. I don't have a problem with enemies being protected - and protections thus negating the win-button that biotics are. Just try it; you can edit the coalesced.ini to disable both cooldowns and protections blocking biotics. The result: the game becomes trivial because, otherwise, the only thing preventing you from cutting a swath through the painfully simple, short and repetitive design of most levels is the sheer volume of fire being rained down on you. The crux is that, quite simply, Bioware isn't very good at putting shooters together, RPG or not. Their grating proclivity to cheat heavily and blatantly to compensate for their shortcomings in AI programming doesn't help, either. Most depressing of all is that, despite all of that, 2 is still better than 1... maybe third time's a charm?
  3. The one that Deadly_Nightshade linked. Go check the date if you want to. I know. That was in response to MC's silly (and uninformed) remark.
  4. How is it?
  5. The patch came out five days ago. That's a copy of the patch for people with pirated copies of the game. This particular patch has been out for over a month.
  6. There's no making everyone happy, ever. I'm thinking that, regarding the casualties thing, both sides have merit. A so-called "suicide mission" makes no sense if in the end, everyone gets to go home, and indeed, that makes the whole journey feel a bit cheap. But then again, whoever said it was suicide didn't really know what the mission was going to be about. And then there's the C&C thing. If, despite your best efforts, you fail to save everyone, then the result isn't much different from what you would get if you half-assed your duties as a leader - thus killing the C&C component that gets some folks so hot and bothered. Personally, I think the way they did it is the best way: let the player choose. It's not difficult to game the system into killing the one NPC you want to die (not so) heroically, but the possibility to get everyone home alive is still there. Sure, it involves a fair bit of metagaming, but no system is perfect. The bottom line is that most people like their stories to end with the big goddamned hero riding into the sunset, so it stands to reason that Bio would appeal to that. But for those that like a bit more drama (or who simply hate being stuck with a NPC they hate), a path also exists. Just because you can save everyone, it doesn't mean you HAVE to. Oh, wait. There's that achievement thing...
  7. It's actually even better as Joe KNEW about the nukes before they were dropped. Dislodging the Soviets from the Japanese Islands, however, would have proven tricky. It also seems to be wholly ineffective as far as breaking the enemy's ability or will to keep fighting goes.
  8. In fact, NSDAP got only a little over 40% of all votes in the 1933 Reichstag election. If Hitler got where he did it was because of the other politicians' weakness and lack of resistance to intimidation - not to mention the post-WWI socioeconomic circumstances that allowed the rise in popularity of both Communists and Nazis. Details, details. Keep using the "I'm Jewish" schtick as a disclaimer for your willful ignorance, that's a great way to get people to respect Jews.
  9. Not really. As I said, Paragon Shep only has compunctions with killing when the victim is unarmed or otherwise helpless. This is not the case here, for the reasons I stated earlier.
  10. The flick that showed us the dangers of Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. Never forget!
  11. That, if true, would indeed solve everything. I'm not remembering anything of the sort, however. Hahaha. I suppose the easy way out would be just leaving the whole thing well enough alone.
  12. Concerning Legion's loyalty mission: I can't solve this dilemma.
  13. ^ Interesting point, but I'm going to have to disagree that plot interactivity mechanics are "gameplay". A fundamental part of games is challenge, or more accurately, the ability to lose the game. You can choose a way of conducting your character that will lead to the worst possible set of consequences, but you cannot very well "lose". Similarly, you don't "play" choose-your-own-adventure books - you read them. To me that's simply different, more or less elegant and involved ways of presenting the story, but they belong to the narrative aspect of the game, not the actual gameplay.
  14. Err... not quite. German troops weren't significantly better equipped or trained than their most direct adversaries. In some cases, their equipment was worse, in fact (T-34/Pz.Kpfw.IV, PPSh-41/MP-38, etc), and to further compound things, the Wehrmacht suffered material shortages from day one, which only got worse as the war progressed. German "Panzer" divisions were lucky to have a regiment worth of tanks. The fall of France seems to have been a bit more complex than that. German commanders charging without (or against) orders, a lack of Allied air reconnaissance essential to successfully account for and eventually counter the fast German breakthroughs, obsolete French doctrine and finally luck all played a role in the battle of France. Few in OKH believed that a war against France could go Germany's way. By all rights, Germany should have lost in September 1939 when France called off their offensive. Hitler gambled that he wouldn't be attacked in the West... and won. And if you look at the numbers of Allied (especially American) troops deployed to fight Germany, you'll see that they never enjoyed the numerical superiority that Uncle Joe had in the East. So I'd say that troops quality did play a role, even if it wasn't the only or deciding factor.
  15. This is exactly how I felt. In fact, I stopped playing for so long I actually lost my saves and had to start over. And I only did it because of the hype surrounding the game. That's fine. For me, games are first about playing, then about narrative. I have yet to see something that convinces me that solid gameplay must be at odds with a storytelling of similar quality. MotB nailed the atmosphere, the characters and (most of) the plot, but for me that's only half the game.
  16. It's Arsenal of Democracy... which is essentially HOI2.
  17. Some people never learn...
  18. Yeah, everyone talks real tough in safety behind their keyboard and... uh...
  19. I try to keep my enemies off-balance at all times. j/k
  20. That's pretty EXTREME, commander.
  21. Pretty much. - Kelemvor: Look, you'd better not try it. It's really difficult and it would be quite messy. - Spirit-Eater: Oh, okay then. *wanders off* This after the whole buildup, completing the quest and raising hell in Kelemvor's realm. You just... turn around and walk away. O-kay. After beating it, I was left wondering. Why did OE choose to develop a story where, at the very end, it's not even possible to try? Some sort of sick joke at the players' expense? It's even worse after going for the evil ending where it says that the player devoured a few gods before a coalition of powers managed to take him down... so chances are the player could have in fact succeeded. I could totally feel WotC flipping the bird at me, at that point.
  22. You can't skip the intros, but you can prevent the game from playing them. Go to Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Movies and change the extension of the following files to .bak: BWLogo ME2_006_ON_AntiGlamour2 ME2_Opening_SunMid_INT ME_EAsig_720p_v2_raw NumberReel Opening_End_Seq Opening_End_SeqFM Opening_Seq_INT ProNor_Pod2 ProNor_Shepard_Rebuilt ProNorEscape ProNorEscapeAsh ProNorEscapeKaid The only thing this doesn't skip is, obviously, the Normandy segment where you have to go save Joker, but all intermingling movies before and between that and the character creation menu are gone. Also disabled are the EA and Bioware logos that play on startup. And yeah, Adept is a bit of a chore to play - if on Veteran or below, he's full of win buttons. If on Hardcore or above... he's basically useless.
  23. Thanks. I feel like an idiot now. ;C
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