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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. pcgamer.com almost always covers PoE. I'd be surprised if they don't write anything when something drops.
  2. Yo everybody. I was just wondering if anybody had seen any news or info about Obsidian or PoE II related to E3 yet? In update 34, E3 was mentioned, but I haven't been able to find anything about it anywhere. Maybe I'm just searching in the wrong places, but even E3's own schedule doesn't mention anything. Anyhow I'm curious, so if you guys have heard anything, please post it here.
  3. Dude, at this point you just sound like a typical internet brat. Don't do that.
  4. My favorite theme in PoE is probably the existence of Aliens among us. It is kept suddle, which is brilliant by the writers, but there are clever hints about it. Here is a rare piece of evidence.
  5. It would be super cool if I could use mine for 50% off on a new car instead. Cuz I already have Tyranny.
  6. Might be more realistic, but a man can hope.
  7. I have high hopes for 2018. Cyberpunk 2077 is probably getting pushed to there, and PoE II. So.. yeah... Pretty decent way to kick off 18. ^_^
  8. Wait what? Update 28-29 had cool lore tidbits. Update 30 was just awesome with alot of technical stuff, 31 some of that also.. If we know anything from the first PoE campaign, it is that Obs will release cool stuff when it's ready for us to see. We'll get there.
  9. This isn't about the content of any single stretch goal as this is turning into a debate about. My personal opinion is that Obs did a great job early in the campaign, and a rather bad one in the later stages. There were next to no media coverage doing the final stages of the campaign and in the slacker period on any major gaming site. Fergus said it himself, it's like a political campaign. You can't go out guns blazing, then stop your communication and still expect to win.. I don't understand why we saw no interviews anywhere in the later stages. No headlines about the slacker backing. Communicating solely by figstarter was never going to break the final stretch goals. I love Obs, but they kept saying that a marketing plan was in motion. It just kinda never arrived...
  10. I like the idea that the item was a rad looking sail or figurehead the BIB could give you for some reason. Maybe even stuff you could place in your chamber or somewhere else. I would most definetely pimp my own ship with that.
  11. I preordered Tyranny, so I got a ticket. Feel free to grab. TYRANNY-94SW00O9LT6C-50
  12. Hurray! Brilliant! Hurray for Fluffle, hurray for anonymous, hurray for the rest of us! Great community we got here!
  13. If Ydwin isn't funded she will be a sidekick. Which means she will be in the basegame, and probably won't get remade into a companion later. But that's just speculation. I think however, that the devs will answer this in fig updates in due time.
  14. haha, that makes sense. I didn't think my modest donation, 40$ on top of my initial donation would jump us up so many %. :D Whoever this gentleman, who is also most likely very attractive is deserves alot of praise for his/her example. So even thou I got taxes coming up soon, I'll follow that example and make another donation when I get home.
  15. Well, there has been some info from OE on this matter. First of all, almost no items will transfer with your watcher. A few minor "novelty" items may crossover. But none of your big items and certainly not your soulbound stuff. At the start of PoE 2 all that stuff is in Caed Nua's armory, which is destroyed by Eothas. Whatever is salvaged after that calamity is sold to get you a ship. So some of the items might pop up later in the game, since they were sold and still exists somewhere. Most other items aren't coming over.
  16. I always let Kaiden die. I can't be bothered with his uninteresting implant ****. I need me some spaceracist ass on my boat!
  17. Yeah, paypal is a real bitch when you need to recover it. I had to make a new account. Luckily, I used my old card for the old paypal. I think the easiest path is to borrow someone's paypal, transfer them the amount directly and let them use paypal. Starting a new account or getting a new card seems like too much hassle.
  18. Seriously? You were able to start your computer, find fig, pledge, create an account on this forum, transfer your pledge to the backer portal, start a thread and write words. And you don't know how to google measurement conversion? Call me a sceptic, but I find that hard to believe. :D
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