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Everything posted by Mayama

  1. So you think: - offscreen web, offscreen cloud kill, offscreen fireball fireball fireball - enter room of a deadly mage, leave room, wait out his spells, kill him - getting tons of movement speed / actions by stacking haste spells - getting 25 charisma with rod of terror + ring of charisma - abusing double regen effect while hasted - using the guard button to shot through doors - blocking doors with eye of the wizard was fun?
  2. Yes but thats to fast You cant react to damage spikes from stuff like crystal eater spiders
  3. After some playing around and playing through the game 3 times I actually find the combat way to slow. Im constantly anoyed about how long it takes till my guys can do something again.
  4. Can we sticky that?
  5. The rope+grappling hook that you find in the dungeons works, the grappling hook from the shop doesnt. Maybee thats the problem.
  6. Guild Wars 1 had no cookie cutter builds for their classes because it was impossible to build someting that works against everything, to many skills, combinations and other variables made it impossible.
  7. Alot of the spells look quite nice in slow motion
  8. If you accidently click on one of your party members with a single target spell selected it will target them.
  9. I dont know if its a bug but a+left mouse lets you attack your own party members, a character can even attack himself that way. Edit: Tapping A two times gives you a sword courser and lets you attack party members, its not a+left mouse Ok you can also kill NPC's this way, without even entering combat mode. Tested it on some villagers, they die, drop some loot, the death animation plays and than they just stand their for some seconds bevor disappearing completly. Attacking guards this way turns everyone hostile towards you. Quest givers turn hostile too, it seems random if the rest of the village turns hostile or not.
  10. Didnt know forced attacks are in the game. A + Left mouse lets you attack your own team members. Dunno if thats something well known but it should help all those math guys here that like to test stuff. You can make little test scenarios that way with your main character and a hired hero from the inn. The game ends if you kill your main character that way. A character can even attack himself oO... Edit: You are not in combat if you do that, your stamina constantly regens so its not possible to test everything. Edit: Tapping A two times gives you a sword courser and lets you attack party members, its not a+left mouse
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  11. Yeah their are differences but I cant really tell why. As long as the "select every party member and left click on enemy" tactic works its hard to tell what is actually happen.
  12. Not a real muscle wizard, not tanned, no baby oil. Just a wannabe. Also look at those tiny thighs that guy has uper body day every day...
  13. Yeah arena was just a word to discripe a save inviroment in which I can test builds/classes etc versus enemies. Basicaly an empty place where I can spawn some characters, set a level, and fight against some monster to test what is balanced or what works better. It would really help to find out which basic attribute weights the most.
  14. The current system confuses a lot of players, it would be easier if something between 8-10 would be called average with zero bonus displayed. Lower stats would display for example -10% damage and higher stats +x% damage.
  15. So basicaly: They rage like hatefull angsty teenagers Insult the developers in really nasty ways call PoE broken beyond repair and a complete failure ...because the game needs number tweaking? What a pathetic and awfull community.
  16. Min/Maxing wise my party would be 6 ciphers, one shoting everything.
  17. As I posted somewhere else, to actually test all that stuff and get a nice overview we need a way to generate a complete party and something that spawns enemies so we can try out combinations and balance.
  18. Doesn't much matter to me when the game comes out, but I think it's a bit premature to be calling for a delay. That entirely depends on how quickly they can knock out these bugs. Yeah exactly the beta is out for 2 days now.
  19. Would be nice to know what is considered average. It looks like 9-10 is average but I heard that we get alot more stat points for character creation in the beta than we would have availablle in the final game.
  20. I think some kind of system like the chanter song system would help. Setting up a string of wound abilites that he circles through, you should be able to use them manualy to of course.
  21. She disappears? I never had that... hmmm...
  22. Give the girl some free time! Its only a immersion thing but putting her in the house at night would be a nice touch.
  23. Let me adjust the font size in the combat log, I have a big monitor and a smaller font size would show me more information while still readable.
  24. I guess its to early for that but in general wouldnt it be nice to have some kind of arena where you could create a whole party and spawn monsters? I mean it doesnt need to be a arena, a empty area with an NPC that lets you create a party and spawns monsters would be enough. It would be really handy for testing stat influence, class balance etc. Edit: If you think that its not a good thing to reveal bigger monsters to the community than just buff the existing ones like lvl1 beetle, lvl2 beetle etc...
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