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Everything posted by Mayama

  1. Do it yourself I need to go shopping right now
  2. Give the wizard are talent thats called something like "arcane focus" and reads: Every buff on you gives you +X accuracy.
  3. Brilliant post! In the same way as they become better at lock picking by solving fed ex quests or gettng better at conversation while crafting a fancy item. XP is a abstract unrealistic way of tracking progress.
  4. Bug? I gave them gold and it was over. Next question which version is actually buggy or does it depend on how good your skill role is.
  5. I guess you mean encounters as in quests? Well you can solve all 4 quests in the beta without killing anyone. Heh! You got me there. I pressed stealth and it turned all party to stealth mode, and I gave up on it, and tried sneaking without game-mechanic: sneaking. And all I got was hostile reactions. You are probably right about that - but it would be bizarre sneaking through those maps, crammed with beetles and prides, though - they are there for the taking, my combat-xp fingers are twitching at the sight of them. You dont need to kill the ogre You can give the bandits gold for the egg You can let the thief flee and lie to the guys waiting at the bridge You can use the cultist hood and cloak and pretend to be a member I didnt do the last two things myself only read about it. You only need to kill 3 trash monster groups if you really dont want to use stealth.
  6. Sorry but I take you thread hostile and turn it into a: WHAT skills does this game need to allow diverse and interesting character development? I would suggest to lower the base damage of weapons and give all (or only martial art) classes skills that let them buff the weapons damage. You could also easily differentiate different classes that use the same tools like for example give the fighter a skill (or a set of skills so its not so easy to get) that makes him the best ranged dps. That would let you choose between the ranger that has many tools at range and the fighter which offers superior dps.
  7. Jan Jansen was cool, maybee a comic relief but cool nonetheless
  8. I guess you mean encounters as in quests? Well you can solve all 4 quests in the beta without killing anyone.
  9. Maybee its you because usually games have a learning curve and the interesting setting, story or gameplay make you endure through it. Thats something not present in the beta especially because they throw a complete lvl 3 party at you.
  10. You want your wizards fragile compared to weapon users? Super easy: Give all the martial arts professions a skill at lvl1 that sound like this: You deal 50% more damage with all weapons. BAM! solved all your problems.
  11. I hope too it would be a serious disapointment if its only "get +5 damage to x" stuff
  12. Its a single player game around a story not a multiplayer game where you train to beat real humans. Edit: Also if we talk about multiplayer games here the best equivalent would be mmorpg PvP and the major problem most people have with it beside balance is that every class has one perfect cookie cutter build and does not allow variations.
  13. They didnt want multi/dual classing like in BG because it was kinda broken and not balanced at all stuff like kensai + x or beastmaster into something that could abuse dual wield was really OP. The number of variations made it more or less impossible to balance in a reasonable time. Right now almost everyone agrees that the stats need either more weight or skills need to allow more specialisation. The skills in the beta are not complete. A example how it might work in the end: You want a sharp shooter like fighter, so you max might and dex and dump all other stuff. Now you select a skill like this: Musketeer, you are proficient with fire arms and deal 20% more damage with it. All of a sudden your generic fighter turns into a sniper because those small bonuses add up. We dont know how the whole skill package will look like but thats a way to easily enable variation in the current system.
  14. Yes indeed, BG forced you to play a wizard if you want all the INT dialog options, forced you to play cleric if you wanted to get all the wisdom dialog options and if you played a fighter it locked you out of all extra dialog options. You could find a charisma 18 ring very early in BG2 because that stat offered many extra dialog options and without that ring only sorcerers would actually see those options.
  15. Yeah the feedback is the real problem, one of the BB wizard level 1 spells has a working casting animation. Just try it out on one of your party members, it adds so much to it by just telling you what the character actually does for 3 seconds.
  16. The whole "combat is to fast" argument has alot to do with lack of training, I made 3 playthroughs and the game gets easier to manage if you have some experience with it. Its not really fast, most of your party members do one action every 6 seconds if not interupted, the rogue hits every 4 seconds. You have usually more than one seconds for every character which is quite long if you know what you are doing andyour fighters do not need to use a ability every second. Right now when I jump into the game to try stuf out combat feels really slow. If feels like a lot of those "combat is to hectic" complains come from people that do not want to learn and adapt to the system. When I played BG for the first time it was overwhelming and I had to pause constantly. Same thing here. A quality of life additon would be adding hotkeys for your party members like 1-6 and hotkeys for the skills. Thats basicaly everything you need.
  17. Thats something people with experience should discuss, spider petrification victims.
  18. I do not defend Obsidian with that comment because they are well knows for buggy releases but the beta has only one game breaking bug so far. The disappering item bug, everything else works good enough or has a easy workaround. If you dont have the disappearing item bug which only seems to happen to some people you can play the beta just fine.
  19. It only seems to happen in hendynas and winfriths house. Both share the same layout/base graphic
  20. Well one thing was rather realistic in BG2, that wingless elf girl and jaheira bitching at each other and somehow it was all my fault in the end without doing anything... women...
  21. Well yes but you could also argue that not being forced to kill every random monster with meaningles loot triggers the same areas. I killed every single lion in my first two playthroughs but in my third one I realized that I dont have too I can just walk around them, im not forced to do something rather boring just to not falll behind in levels.
  22. I actually dont need to justify anything because its magic. Its amazing on how you insist that something that is all about creativity and a free spirit needs to bound to a specific rule set. If I make a fantasy world in which you need to be naked and wear a shoe on your head to cast spells than so be it.
  23. I personaly like that fighters, rogues etc. do not feel like a summon, well no even most summons offered more choices than those classes in BG. I always hated the fighter in BG because it was a autoattack bot. Edit: The BB fighter has two active abilites in the beta. What is wrong with the fighter feeling auto-attackish? Maybee that I think its super boring?
  24. I personaly like that fighters, rogues etc. do not feel like a summon, well no even most summons offered more choices than those classes in BG. I always hated the fighter in BG because it was a autoattack bot. Edit: The BB fighter has two active abilites in the beta.
  25. What about saving the last kill-xp dragon from a horde of greedy adventures?
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