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Everything posted by mychal26

  1. I wish there was a slider to reduce global exp gains. More than anything, I don't like hitting the level cap way before the end and a simple slider would be effective in making the game more challenging and allowing players to hit the maximum level near the final boss. This seems to be pretty relevant for PoE since people are hitting the cap many hours before the final boss (in some cases 20 hours or more). Maybe this would be something easy to mod.
  2. My Eder has 61 deflection , 76 fort, 56 reflex, 64 will with level 6. And my Kana has 22 Intellect . All unbuffed/naked. At least the def stats on eder are surely bugged. my Barb has only 26 deflection and gets destroyed on melee. Damn...I was wondering why my Eder was a tanking god. I have the same defense stats as you, but at level 5. My Kana also has a 22 intellect unbuffed. I'm not too far into the game, so I think I'll wait for a few patches before trying again. Certainly disappointing, hope it's fixed soon. Time to start Bloodborne
  3. DLC? *wards against evil* ... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66894-how-to-make-custom-portraits/
  4. Hmm, I'm doing a cipher on hard and was able to get the bandits on first try and wolves on second. I'd recommend carrying multiple weapon types. For the bandits and wolves I used a 2h weapon to knock down health quickly. Also, I had previously created several wizard flame aoe scrolls and those were very useful for the wolf fight. The aoe blind is also useful in the early game as well.
  5. The self-entitlement here is quite amazing. The game doesn't release for another day and a half, so I'm not sure how anyone thinks they should get it early just because reviewers were given early copies, which is the standard practice in the industry. If you don't get the key by the end of Thursday complain, but doing so now just makes you seem like whiny b****es.
  6. I'll never understand how some people can be okay with killing by chopping, crushing, piercing, burning, electrocuting, and whatnot, but somehow a few swear words represents a threshold that shouldn't be crossed. I'm American, so I see this quite often, but the reasoning always seems asinine. Personally, I prefer realism in that when you or someone around is in a life or death situation then more often then not swearing will probably be taking place.
  7. Going to have to agree on Cipher. I've played the BB numerous times as a Cipher (since I typically play a battlemage as well), both in melee and range, and they work well. I actually enjoyed playing melee more than ranged since, well, range is kind of boring (and a 2H greatsword on fire from the soul whip is pretty cool looking). That said, I'll probably main a ranged Cipher when the game releases since I'll be using companions in melee. I also like the Cipher as the main character since they can manipulate souls in conversations, which leads to some neat dialog options.
  8. I much prefer the BG2 exploration as opposed to the BG1 exploration (that is, regions open up as you get quests or progress through the story). I don't mind a few regions you can explore for no prior reason at all (other then adventurous spirit), but I feel that some linearity can produce a more cohesive story (this is probably one of the reasons I don't like many of the sandbox games like Skyrim).
  9. I would prefer continuing with the same characters (perhaps to level 25 - 30). This gives an overall epic feel to the story (and one of the reasons why BG2 was so awesome). I also agree that some type of relationship (doesn't have to be full blown romance!) would be welcome, especially with NPCs that are brought over from the first game (two game character development ftw).
  10. I'm not sure how it doesn't look well using KS over and over. It is simply another platform for funding, it's not declaring bankruptcy, it's not taking an emergency loan from the government, it's not something to only be used by companies in need. It's simply another source of revenue, one that allows the developer to either fund a game from scratch or increase the content of a game in development. For those that back the game, we get it cheaper, and usually with a lot of neat additions. In addition, more games using KS can only be a good thing for the fledgling system, especially if they do well. From the backer beta I would say that I would very likely back another KS and I hope they do go that route. Using funding from both KS and revenue generated from PoE and its expansion would probably the most ideal method (similar to D:OS).
  11. Then you are a fool! It was linear and was all about combat, and the villains were never properly built up. It COULD have been an excellent continuation if it had been BG3 instead of an expansion since Bioware would have more time to flesh it out. The problem with ToB was that it was wasted potential. Thanks to it we'll never get the proper sequel BG2 warranted.Wow @ bigots. What? Did I block him? Did I even show a hint of intolerance toward his opinion? No. I just countered his with mine. This was done with the hope he would elaborate on his opinion. You know, like a discussion or something. EDIT: Was it my opening line? "Then you are a fool!" is not a real insult. It was a friggin' reference to gargoyles. Slow your role. Discussion is good. And yes, when someone states their opinion and the rebuttal starts with, "Then you are a fool!" I tend to see that as bigoted. Not to say that I disagree with your POV afterwards, mind you - I think you had the right of it. Truth be told, I didn't mean to come across as some sort of forum warrior, but calling someone a fool for their opinion tends to irk me. Also, I did enjoy the "slow your role" comment, lol, now I'm wondering how I can work that into a conversation ...
  12. Then you are a fool! It was linear and was all about combat, and the villains were never properly built up. It COULD have been an excellent continuation if it had been BG3 instead of an expansion since Bioware would have more time to flesh it out. The problem with ToB was that it was wasted potential. Thanks to it we'll never get the proper sequel BG2 warranted.Wow @ bigots.
  13. I would say the only thing that is necessary, at least on harder difficulties, is ensuring that the group has attack abilites that can penetrate all defense types (Def, For, Ref, and Will). Nothing is worse than hacking at a single enemy with huge Def and Ref and not being able to touch them since your characters attack can't bypass those defenses (which I would imagine would be a problem for an all same class party - moreso for melee).
  14. In my opinion, TotSC type expansions are quite a bit worse than ToB/MotB type expansions if only because the former type feel more as an optional area to explore, not something directly related to the story. However, if the team has a direction that they want to take the sequel (which is hopefully tied directly to the first game with the same characters), and adding additional main story sequences will somehow disrupt the transition between games, I think a TotSC type expansion would be the most beneficial.
  15. I hope a KS (or something similar) is done for a sequel. Although I have only played the beta, I really like the way the game has turned out. I'm more than happy to support another project if given the chance.
  16. I think the graphics are perfectly reasonable in PoE, and quite a bit better than W2. The team should use all existing resources for any expansion/sequel so they can focus on refining what they have.
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