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Everything posted by GarethCarrots

  1. id have to say, im gunna go with crisps over chocolate, perhaps if your neutral that represents crisps! yes it is all becoming clear to me :D god im sad
  2. maybe she was prone to loosing things cos she didnt like them being tight in response to what your post meant i agree, bastila was useless anyway, from the off i didnt like her, arrogant fugly byotch you could easily fall to the darkside in ten seconds, think of the force like a diet, one minute your on the straight and narrow, one chocolate bar later your the spawn of satan. chocolate bar darkside, chocolate bar darkside still cant see ne difference guys!
  3. muahahahaha you make it sound like the new bible (ps i reckon the bible was over rated but lets not get onto that)
  4. omg guys, u know you were just talking bout real life, well i gotta tell you something, its torture NO LIGHTSABERS OR LITTLE GREEN PEOPLE!!! :'(
  5. this is depressing, really. i no its sad but iv got quite attached to these forums and well not attached to the people on them, but it will be sad to see em all go... are these jade empire forums up yet? ps crafty is ur pic from ep 3?
  6. gareth carrots arent you all shocked
  7. whats the point in playin on a crappy 366mhz xbox when uv got a great pc! however the xbox is a better all round gaming platform...
  8. you should all be ashamed of yourselves! :D
  9. i think that for a graphics poll xbox shud be discounted, i myself use both platforms and i reckon that we should take both versions by their best estimate which is obviously pc. kotor 2 on pc is obviously not gunna have lags n stuff (decent pcs im takin for granted) so id say k2 will have best graphics
  10. whats the story behind your name dude..
  11. i for one think its thoughtful to post it, i enjoy playing games as a god! sad i no but im a casual gamer so obviously not subject to crippling pettiness when it comes to games vandar could u by ne chance pm me or emal me with what you sedin your originaly post, just in a 'for idiots' style much appreciated!
  12. yes unless there is something i dont know about that was wrong wrong wrong :D
  13. 1. prestige not prestigue 2. kotor is not d20 and never will be d20. i for one wish hardcore gamers wud stop saying kotor is rubbish cos it doesnt hold to d20, in fact lets just not mention d20 prepares for bombardment from angry old men/1000+ posters
  14. my fave scene.....boromirs death, that is one of the first heroic and prolonged death scenes i have seen done properly, not to much panting/drooling/whining. just right, i was very dissapointed boromir dies so early, damn tolkien damn him :ph34r: worst thing, the dead army, that was such a get out clause when they just ran in like a big wave and finished the biggest ever battle of middle earth in ten seconds hah
  15. double bladed saber shud be a thing on its own, it isnt dual wielding, thats just laziness from devs, or them thinkin we have enuff feats alreddy.
  16. master splinter, im not one to take hades side, but your last post about longer=better preserved was, idiotic and argument for arguments sake, as for the rlg i think it sounds awful, for munchkins and hardcore dudes alike. replace randomness with common sense...
  17. il be getting this game no matter what, the only question is when...... my excitement has dwindled so it wont be the first day its released
  18. even if it had been hyped as the best thing since sliced bread i think i wud hav lost interest, i just think that a single release date is the sensible option i guess thts wot im gettin at
  19. im a uk gamer, which obviously means the kotor release date is fast approaching for me, nd i was just wondering if ne of you other guys are feeling same as me: i was ded excited end of november, yay tsl is coming out, even if i wont be able to get it, but now that its my turn to get it im pretty much indifferent, wether this is cos of bad press or sumthin else i dont know. im j/w if u guys are still as hot for it.....
  20. well my neck of the woods is cricklewood ah the goodies, legendary tv
  21. argh whilst a dev is here would you care to give your view on the random item thing...
  22. muahaha nice to get my daily dose of pessimism from doctor hades as for the 'release' i h8 to say it but im barely excited, i was more excited about the release date which didnt affect me
  23. very informative dude
  24. as jag sed with the random loot generator (fasha rasha **** dastardly) theres not a chance of someone findin this netime in the near future, speshully with the level 50 restriction ps ne1 hu gets that bit in brackets, congrats, i dont fully understand it myself
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