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Everything posted by GarethCarrots

  1. hahaha love that last sentence!
  2. oh god that is so so so so bad, its almost worse than lmao in fact its worse
  3. excuse my ignorance, but what does rofl stand for?
  4. careful someone mite accuse you of blasphemey if your not careful :D
  5. well now lets clap ourselves on the back for derailing a topic and apologise for deraling and stop this stuff. haha i love a good argument, oh btw its prbably my IMMATURITY that hides my INTELLIGENCE doncha think sorry everyone, pride and arrogance always keeps you arguing i guess!
  6. hahaha thanks for the laughs dude! your language is very sophisticated, shame the argument doesnt match up! i would wade through your post and argue this, but obviously neither of us is gunna back down so wots the point, im satisfied being immature but more intelligent than you nd youl just have to be satisfied with being mature but less intelligent will ps i never accused bill gates of greed! im just jealous hes rich, dont try and make EVRYTHIN i say sound wrong youl just make yourself sound wrong pps 'greed is exclusive of bill gates' try exclusive to! i mite be giving proof of immaturity but ur giving proof of being a complete moron! or perhaps you would say moronicness? ppps arrogance doesnt take style, look heres the definition dude: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors hehe your my inferior! lol your right i am immature, cos im a teenager mainly.
  7. your the only one hu didnt understand it, seems to me your the one hu needs to re-read it instead of skipping through 'frantically' awaiting a chance to be conceited and pompous. i didnt leave ne room to be patronized, thats your imagination i think. having read what you post generally i should imagine im probly more intelligent than you (thats just my opinion, if ya want to try nd prove otherwise go ahead). explain my immaturity and where it occurs. ps you need to revise your post, there is a dodgy spelling " pps i mentioned having money being a big issue. now do you see the link, if not wow that is really worrying. pps dont accuse me of arrogance, if you do im gunna accuse you of hypocrisy
  8. lol such a constructive post hades, cmon dude even you have to admitt you hav to justify your negativity
  9. for me the biggest prob with an mmorpg is that as a child its not practical to play one, i wasnt sure enough that i would like galaxys to give up a large part of my allowance etc etc money is such a big factor in everything, damn bill gates
  10. random numbers guy: 1. if you read a thread thoroughly you will understand whats sed in it 2. dont patronise me it reflects badly on you adan: yeah i apologised earlier in thread, i got a bit mixed up with your post
  11. it is a proven fact that in royston vasey 99% of murders are commited by morbidly obese people, often craving a pork pie and a wheel of stilton
  12. my apologies, for future reference, to quote more than one quote use the quote+ and quote- buttons
  13. lol so if u like ppl giving ideas what was wrong with mine, thats my view, i wasnt telling ppl not to give their opinons! note to new forum users, read before replying, its kinda fundamental!
  14. 'such a thing is a mathematical impossibility' 'whats really needed is to come at it from a different angle. just my opinion again' im afraid that a dude ypu probly think rather a lot of sed its a mathematical impossibility to make a gd star wars mmorpg so im afraid your opinion is obsolete. btw why on earth is it a mathematical impossibilty, its not maths for a start
  15. i presume the amen denotes the fact that you are praying what you say is right. your god will sure as hell have to be powerful for that
  16. what is everyones favrt item in the game, not includin their lightsaber...... excuse spelling mistake in title
  17. maybe we should trust the people hu have turned out 2 brilliant story lines eh, im sure with a proper amount of preparation time they will come up trumps, thats the only thing that stopped tsls story bein flawless
  18. tuh why is it the mods only get involved with interesting threads, the ones they dont approve of that other people like are gone in a flash, the boring ones (no offence to hueva made this) just seem to stay put?!?!?!?!?!
  19. id be interested in what crpgs have actually left you without any major complaints, and fps for that matter. also having read alot of the reviews and player reviews the only thing that leaves me worried is the bug factor which will apparently be addressed b4 international/pc release. therefore, to a casual gamer like me, not a harcore d20ist the major problem with kotor 2 is that it was rushed, simple. however would you agree that you find that the major problem is its, hmm dunno how to say this, its babyish simplicity by true rpg terms, or is it another of a seeming plethora of problems.
  20. haha you make me laugh dude, cheers, im not feeling so good but that reply has almost made my day
  21. im not gunna suggest nethin i personally think they will make kotor 3 an epic, it will hav to be to make any sort of positive impact. ps why do you think they should let the series die hades
  22. just not gonna bother, an rpg is only as exciting as its story, and even the best story becomes tiresome. am thoroughly lookink foward to tsl tho, speshully since i read the thread about bug fixing
  23. that is a major problem with kotor in my opinion. you get hardcore d20 fans who arent happy with nething less than the true system whereas on the other hand are the newbs who wud not enjoy the game so much if it was hardcore, they need easing in slowly. in my mind it is beneficial to a computer game to be more free flowing and relaxed, to rigid and it would lose a large number of customers.......
  24. not contradicting you, just wanting to sort out the facts so i can develop my own opinion. how do you know that it is based entirely on oriental philosophies and also explain the link? ps pulling stats out your ass isnt conducive to a good argument nur ab
  25. so what are the best crystals ppl have found so far.....
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