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Everything posted by GarethCarrots

  1. stop trying to be clever, those three words are contextually wrong, well any truly intelligent person who has a decent grasp on the english language will notice the subtle difference between words that makes what you said wrong. as for the game, as long as you quicksave frequently and are blessed with a certain degree of luck you should manage
  2. with regards to the post on kotor3, im hoping that whoever develops it spends a good long time doing so and i would dearly like to see some of the npc 'learning' developed, here is one respect in which kotor shud take a leaf outta fables book
  3. no they are compatible, garik loran and dia passik had a kid, i think its if the species are like way different, say humanoid and feline, or feline and amphibious. thats where the problems start (dont ask how i know that cos i honestly cant remember)
  4. the logic, it frightens me, so strange and alien. help. help. :D
  5. one of the few times i wish i could say i was a genius game dev, sadly i cant. but seriously dude all the best on this, i think it's a great idea and i think its great that someone is being proactive instead of just complaining like me!
  6. literally yes, i was speaking metaphorically " :ph34r:
  7. i dont think that that article is cynical at all, your very optimistic thinking its cynical in fact, since a realist would accept that the article was merely making factual observations when do people learn, dont make jokes about sensitive subjects
  8. the sweet sound of the youngsters arguing, things never change
  9. ah such a useful contribution
  10. i have just read the unifying force, which for me is a huge landmark, it is almost sad but i think i have read all the star wars books post truce at bakura, so thats what 60 books. a long long time reading, and i can say that the unifyin force was an extremely satisfying end. im well chuffed over n out
  11. im an xboxer how do i get patches numbnuts (hehehe)
  12. deadly, why play an rpg which isnt finished and is therefore second rate. meh im so up for one last debate
  13. hah, this review has completed the poisoning of the game for me, i for one shall not be buying tsl. im sad to say iv converted to.....FABLE. weeks ago i would of murdered anyone who had said that, but now having played it is obviously gunna be superior to rushed old kotor 2, however i eagerly await kotor3! i bid thee farewell guys, has been nice being a part of this board and im sure il see round occasionally.....especially when i find out hu is developing 3 happy posting all
  14. eccentric oddball yes out of my mind no. opinion therefore subjective, my favourite quote for this board. btw whats your basis for me being outta my mind, im interested (if you want some real ammo i spent an hour today attaching pens to an elastic band than strapped it round my head in such a manner that it pulled my top lip up, i got some funny looks for that)
  15. yes im lookin foward to republic commando more than tsl actually on the topic of good star wars games battlefront is incredible
  16. meh i dont care how long i wait as long as the game i get is polished to perfection and bugless, sadly this will not be the case heres to shoving lucasarts next unrealistic deadline up their arse and actually getting a game that is ready for the consumer *anger vented*
  17. hmmm howcome no1 is flaming this topic...... in my eyes its more speculative than a k3 one (ps the k3 threads were bs in my opinion, but it was the content not the topic)
  18. perhaps, but then i am by definition a child, and it was a valid argument nd if you agree the forums are stagnant, do you agree with what i said in my earlier post, childishness aside
  19. obi wan was a guardian if i recall rightly
  20. 11th feb presumably, international xbox release date is same as international pc one, it was only the american xbox which was diff
  21. they got it 11th dec 04
  22. yes we have, in fact when you asked it there was another topic on the board answering your question, in fact its still there
  23. 1. look at all the threads on the board, it is STAGNANT i dont care what people talks about as long as it bears relevance to the star wars franchise (and kotor, even if indirectly) so long as they make for interesting discussions 2. if you want all stuff relating to k3 deleted dont bother posting again in this topic because its kind of hypocritical 3. i feel much better 4. yay republic commando looks great
  24. perhaps, but i was there simply to make an obnoxious comment, which i suceeded in muahahahaha yay 800 posts!
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