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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've been looking at that. It sounds a little like Laser Squad Nemesis, which was a play by email game the Gallop brothers developed.
  2. Blood Money was one of the best games I have played, so I'm sad to hear they are moving away from that at all.
  3. Hurlshort


    Maybe it's a sign you should buy her inline skates? Not a bad idea! I am rooting for a Boston/Vancouver matchup, but I can't decide who I want to win. I'll probably root for Vancouver, since I have been to that city.
  4. Hurlshort


    I guess he was skating without an ACL in his knee, which sounds pretty much impossible. My wife can barely walk after tearing hers.
  5. Huh, well that might get me to play it again. It was a pretty solid game.
  6. Hurlshort


    San Jose didn't look very good for most of the series, but I thought game 5 was their best game. Just the way hockey goes, I suppose. Vancouver was the better team.
  7. It does seem like American Idol is on a downward trend, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming seasons. I'm also curious to see how the X-Factor does.
  8. Weird. Are you on the NA servers? That might cause an issue too. I have only had a few crashes in Rift, they seem pretty rare, especially for an MMO.
  9. It sounds like you guys aren't watching enough Law & Order: CI. I'm like Vincent D'onofrio up in this game, laying down the evidence and cruising right through to the confession. Seriously though, I'm at about 80% with successes. Sometimes I try to save a big piece of evidence for later and that doesn't work, but other than that I find it easy to read.
  10. Full price. I mean it is a very solid game, but it is also an amazing bit of technology. While I agree that some of the heads look a bit weird, the facial expressions are an amazing of what we hopefully will see more of in the future. And it isn't just a gimmick, it's an integral part of the game. So yeah, I'm a big fan of supporting ambitious new projects like this, particularly considering there is so much focus on established IP's nowadays.
  11. I don't drive very often, I let the partner handle it while I go over my notes. He doesn't seem to mind after that one time I accidently ran over a tax-paying citizen.
  12. I can assure everyone it isn't rigged, since I didn't win and I am Tale's favorite forumite.
  13. How many companies are out of business today, making activation of their games impossible? I'm not being facetious, I'd like to know if there are any cases out there. Also, the Sony thing was messed up, but it still only meant three weeks without the game. It went longer than I think anyone could have expected, but the service was never close to being shut down for good. It's like being paranoid about keeping money in the bank. They are too big to fail today, so it isn't worth stressing about it.
  14. Yikes, I didn't know they had broken it down into regions. I hope that doesn't cause performance issues for you.
  15. Remember if you want to have any friends, we are on Greybriar with the Defiant faction, and Faeblight with the guardian faction.
  16. I think it just comes down to many of today's games being infinitely more complex than those made 10 years ago. Although I agree with you on the boring part, it's amazing how little we've come in that respect.
  17. I'm not sure about that, quite a few of these people are genuine celebrities. Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, and Jennifer Hudson are all legitimate successes, and there are a ton more that have released more than one successful album after appearing on Idol.
  18. Thanks for posting the links, she is extremely good. I haven't been watching this season, but with a voice, personality, and looks like that I am sure she is going to get picked up and do well regardless of the vote outcome.
  19. So far, as a traffic cop, it also isn't overdone with the amount of action like most video games. Aside from a short bank robbery tutorial mission, I've actually only shot one guy in about 7 cases.
  20. Yo, if I want to make a Defiant character what hints can you give me as a complete n00b? I like melee fighting type characters and have little or no interest in pansy spell-flinging. The character generation system looks a bit complex so any help / suggestions appreciated. Warrior is a great one to start with. I tend to make a few different characters in the first couple days, just trying them on for size, and then eventually figuring out which one feels right.
  21. It doesn't make me think of Tex Murphy, although I love the reference It is more like Police Quest. You have a fair amount of procedural police work that a private **** like Tex would never bother with. The funniest thing is how I cringe every time my character grabs evidence without gloves. CSI and Law & Order have totally trained me to be super nervous about tainting evidence, I have to remind myself this is in the 40's before DNA and ballistics.
  22. They are easier to find used or refurbished from Gamestop, I'd imagine. I played it a few hours with no trouble, but I haven't updated and I stay offline as much as possible.
  23. Wow, is it bad? I'm not sure, she meets with the surgeon tomorrow. It could be worse, she has a brace on now and is using crutches, after the surgery she will probably be on crutches for another few weeks. But she can move around somewhat, and she's young enough to rehab it and all that. She probably won't be doing many competitive sports in the next 6 months, but she should be able to walk well enough fairly soon after the surgery. Oh, today is our 8-year wedding anniversary too
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