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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You use Praxis kits to enable the Typhoon ability. Then all you need is ammo to make it work.
  2. I'm a lot less upset about Syndicate than I am over XCOM. Syndicate was an action game at least. Sure, it would be better if they did something like Republic Commandos with a squad and different missions, but the 4 person coop might capture that. Xcom is an absolute travesty.
  3. I find it relaxing to craft in some games, like a good break from killing and talking. None of these games compare to the hardcore crafting system in the MMO Vanguard. That was a crazy system. It took months to craft boats and houses in that thing, even if you were grinding heavily.
  4. Uh, that seems pretty reasonable. I doubt that is their only evidence, but I don't think I know any woman that carries around a bunch of condoms. Of course maybe I'm just not meeting the right girls WHAT THE ****?! What kind of twisted logic is that? Oh god, I could go into all sorts of rants about sexism and individual freedoms and what happens when two people are really horny and want to have lots of sex multiple times during the day and thus need lots of condoms, but instead I'm just going to write that post off as an ignorant off-handed comment. In no way should carrying a bunch of condoms ever be reason to consider a girl or a guy a prostitute. It should be reason to consider them a healthy girl or guy who justifiably enjoys sex and wants to avoid pregnancy and disease. Moreover, in no way should prostitution ever be considered an illegal act (within certain bounds that respect the integrity of the individual and their right to choose). I already conceded the safe sex angle to Wals and admitted I was being naive about it, chill out. This makes it pretty clear they aren't targeting average folks, by the way. I'm happy to concede that actual sex workers shouldn't be targeted for carrying condoms because of public health, but you are being naive if you think they are just rounding up sexually active couples and charging whoever has condoms with prostitution.
  5. You really want to be careful where you get your seafood too. There is a lot of bad stuff out there.
  6. In case you missed the discussion between me and Hurlshot a couple of days ago: No, I didn't, and the reason is because I'm no longer a kid. Sorry but i'm not up to the latest news of Nepenthe land (did you get hair on funny places already?) and just to give you the heads up, the enemies are also more accurate and have faster reaction time. Ahhh, good times. Damn you Orogun, Get off my lawn!
  7. Kids can only sit for so long before they start going crazy. I usually take them outside and wander around. Most of the crab places we go are located on piers, so it's a good place to explore. We only get to do this once or twice a year, really. Crab is one of the few things we don't cook at home.
  8. Trust me, the type that i posted in my link is simply unbelievable. There simply no excuse to continue smoking when you have on of those. The "feel" is better, the amount of vapour is more thick, you can decide what taste you want ( or ) and how much nicotine you want. Personally, i use as low as possible to keep the addiction at bay. I know they are still pretty new, but how is it on the health front? Does it eliminate second-hand smoke concerns? It doesn't smell either, right?
  9. I'm not a huge fan of crab (although I would probably dig it in curry) but my wife loves the stuff. If we go to a crab place, I usually get up and take the kids away for awhile so she can just enjoy cracking shells and removing the meat. It takes forever, and I don't think she is eating all that much for the work she does to get at it, but whatever makes her happy.
  10. Fantastic comparison!
  11. Actually I didn't think about it from the safe sex angle at all, I'm glad you pointed it out! I am pretty naive about this stuff.
  12. Eh, I think Calax is already too far gone. He might as well learn from a master like Wals if he is going down the crazy path
  13. Uh, that seems pretty reasonable. I doubt that is their only evidence, but I don't think I know any woman that carries around a bunch of condoms. Of course maybe I'm just not meeting the right girls
  14. It's by the Blood Bowl creator, so it might not be a total disaster. Apparently there is an RPG in the works too.
  15. I've gotten a few cool CE's over the years, GTA4 came with a functioning lockbox, Saint's Row 2 had a tin box with some decent swag, my WoW and LotRO boxes look good on a book shelf. But they used to be just a bit of extra swag, now they are getting insane, and I get the feeling that they are really trying to milk as much profit as they can here. It used to be more of a nice thing for really big fans who wanted to put in a little bit extra.
  16. I miss the days when CE's were $10-$20 more. I can't believe I got a lunchbox and a bobble head for Fallout 3 and it only cost an extra $10. It's getting insane. Also, the extra digital content is ridiculous. I'm already paying to play the game, we have a set price point for those digital goods, don't try and sell me an extra fake weapon or fake hat for more money.
  17. I'm up to level 27 in Age of Conan. I'm still struggling a bit with my character build and skills, but I don't feel completely helpless out there. Although it really requires some concentration to not get torn up when fighting more than one mob. Most MMO's are pretty slow, meaning if my kids are distracting me and I get attacked, I have time to saunter back to the computer and get going. in AoC is I don't start out well I'm dead. I haven't actually gone through the Great Wall, I'm just doing stuff on the outskirts.
  18. It sounds like Russia lost an entire KHL team and staff in a plane crash. It's been a horrible summer for hockey players.
  19. Or you knock out some old lady in the mall, and buy it with money from her purse. Now now that would be illegal, don't you think? No, it's ok because she wasn't going to spend that money anyway, so it's not a lost sale or something. So, it's perfectly ok as long as you don't talk to steam support about it? Kind of like mugging the old lady is ok if you don't get caught? :D No no no, you just make sure you don't mug the same lady twice. You also need to make sure no one else mugs her. Maybe you can take her home and put her on a shelf, that will keep it legal.
  20. Yeah, I increasingly feel like that, too, but if i feel like playing the game multiple times, I'll generally start bumping the difficulty. I switched a few years back to easy and I find I finish a lot more games now. I just don't have the time to grind through the hard parts of games and get better at them. I play for the story, and once it stops moving, I go on to the next game.
  21. Yeah, that really isn't trading. It's gift exchanging.
  22. Morgoth is negative about everything, so his comment is actually a badge of honor.
  23. You probably have a lot of RAM. Mine were fairly annoying on the PC.
  24. Or you knock out some old lady in the mall, and buy it with money from her purse. Now now that would be illegal, don't you think? No, it's ok because she wasn't going to spend that money anyway, so it's not a lost sale or something.
  25. Are you playing AA on easy? I play everything on easy now, I'm too old and crotchety to worry about being challenged enough.
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