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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Odd, that's the same way you deal with a large zit.
  2. Jesus, this is complete insanity. Even with Columbine and 9/11, and this may be the worst thing I've ever heard of. Targeting a kids summer camp? I feel sick to my stomach.
  3. I agree with not jumping all over Muslims when something like this happens. Don't get me wrong, I understand why people have that reaction, but it is essentially a victory for the extremist groups when they are automatically given credit every time something terrible happens. I really hope (as weird as that sounds) that this is just the act of one unhinged guy and not a real movement. It makes me sick that he targeted a children's camp to get at politicians.
  4. Well it always depends on the road, but basically its legal here. I agree with the complaint about speed, he is driving far too fast. There is pleanty of footage of people riding in the UK doing similar things, infact, riding into oncoming traffice as you described is extremely common here on A & B roads. You have to bare in mind from my perspective, you're saying people, myself included, deserve to loose their licence for driving within the law - in another country. Hey I think loads of laws in the US are silly, I wouldn't preach that you're wrong though. I'm glad you're aware of bikers out in the world though, so many people in cars don't see bikers. Are you really sure about that? I'm having trouble finding any specific facts, but everything I am reading defines lane-splitting as moving between lanes of vehicles that are proceeding in the same direction. Filtering doesn't seem to fit the bill either. Maybe I'm having trouble finding anything about it because it is absolutely insane. These cars are moving directly towards him.
  5. I live in California where lane splitting is legal. My brother rides his bike to work every day and works for a motorcycle company, he even worked for Ducati in Italy for awhile. I am always on the lookout for motorcyclists and give them as much respect and room on the road as I can. This guy is a complete a-hole. HE RODE INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC! He wasn't just splitting the lanes between two cars moving in the same direction. He rode in between oncoming traffic. Please tell me where that is legal. It isn't how lane splitting is defined in California. So in summary - Splitting lanes, with lanes both moving in the same direction, was stupid at the speeds he was traveling. Still, if the door closed on him, he would probably be the only one hurt and so it is just stupid and not necessarily an a-hole move. He was also doing some wheelies, which on a busy road is again stupid. Riding the lane between oncoming traffic is dangerous and shows little regard for other drivers. He deserves to lose his license and his bike.
  6. What an absolute a-hole. I don't agree - I see and do this kind of crap all the time, the only difference is the speed. The guy has gonads made of titanium! And yes, he's probably insane. I'm sorry to hear that. He isn't alone on the road. He is sharing it with a ton of people. He isn't just an inconsiderate driver, he is a completely self-centered a-hole. The least he is doing is scaring the crap out of a ton of people on the road. This isn't some carnival ride, it's a busy road in a busy city. He is passing families, elderly people, people from all walks of life and he is purposefully scaring the crap out of them. Then there is the possible consequences. Sure, his life is at the greatest risk. His odds of running into a car and getting killed are high. That would be the best case scenario, the person he runs into will have to deal with his death on their conscience, but at least he is the only casualty. But this guy was splitting the middle of two-way traffic. It's amazing that nobody swerved out of the way. He could have caused a dozen accidents in his little display that didn't affect him at all. He could have caused an accident that killed children! Driving is not a game. People die on the road all the time. This guy doesn't deserve a license, and if you drive like that, either do you.
  7. I'm not sure about that, he looks like a fairly unhealthy guy, I don't see how he will make it a decade.
  8. Rift is a pretty good example of how there is space for MMO's to succeed in a world with WoW. But I am pretty concerned about the huge budget that was apparently spent on TOR.
  9. They are throwing in a ton of in-game stuff in the collector's edition, but that is worthless to me. I'm really confused what they were thinking charging $90 for a few trinkets. It will probably sell like hotcakes anyways, some people here about in-game rewards and freak out. To me it seems about as valuable as monopoly money.
  10. I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans. That's a pretty crazy price. I was pretty set on getting the collectors edition, but I don't plan on swinging $150 for it. It's a bummer because I have a few collector's editions that I love. I've got WoW and LotRO sitting looking great next to a bunch of cool books. My daughter uses my Fallout 3 lunchbox for pre-school, and I use the GTA4 cash lockbox for car washes at the school. But nothing in the TOR collector's edition strikes me as worth an extra $90. I also noticed that it is $60, instead of the typical $50 of most PC games. I guess that isn't a surprise.
  11. What an absolute a-hole.
  12. http://jezebel.com/5822662/when-sesame-str...he-beastie-boys Sesame Street/Beastie Boys mash up.
  13. I was pretty shocked by the Fitzgerald hate. I was also shocked that Tolkien was called a bad writer. I can understand being bored by a great writer's choice in subject matter, that is all about personal taste, but there are reasons these folks are legends of literature.
  14. I'm really sorry to hear that Nightshape. Take care.
  15. You're probably right. I think I was excited to see anything at all.
  16. Nobody is really saying you are wrong Volourn. I don't remember anyone claiming that DS3 is a success yet. But the numbers are still fairly uncertain, and I, like a few here, are hopeful that they will turn out well in the end. I mean, I would think that everyone here would want Obsidian to succeed, so there is no reason to be so aggressive about what might turn out to be a bomb for them. I for one am very hopeful for DS3, it is a great addition to the Obsidian stable of games.
  17. What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad. You should know by now, Volourn doesn't need facts. He just knows things and we should take his word on everything. I bet he even knows who really killed JFK but refuses to tell us. ooh I know that one too! Lee Harvey Oswald did it.
  18. Exactly. I buy games that interest me, who makes them is irrelevant. Yeah I don't get that. I mean I get it as an overall philosophy, but you both spend a lot of time on the OE forums. Obsidian provides these forums for their fans (and a few trolls). If you enjoy these forums and want them to stick around, there is really only one way to show that, and that is buying their products. They are trying to run a business after all, not a social network. Now I don't think that means you need to buy every one of their products, but I do think they all deserve your consideration. If their products really aren't worth your consideration, then I don't see why you would hang out here. Do you bring your own beer when you go to a bar?
  19. Are you set with two, or do you plan on having more? My wife is 36 and she says no more for her. But we ended up with a boy and girl as well so I think that's just about as perfect as you can get.
  20. Dark Knight Returns looks fantastic. They showed a brief bit of Bane.
  21. Actually I'd say he pretty much ruled it out with what he said. It's like when you start a sentence out with 'no offense' and then go on to say something offensive.
  22. It is not too late to repent, sinner Nepenthe! It really is too early to call it on DS3. It hasn't hit the bargain bin yet or anything, so if it can keep selling at a steady rate for awhile, it should do fine. Looking at that list, it's clear that quality has little to do with sales. I get that Zumba Fitness is for a specific audience, but all those movie license games in the top ten are frighteningly bad.
  23. DS1 was revolutionary, the engine was fairly amazing for the time. But I compared it to the movie Independence Day once before, it was a great looking game released at a very good time, but it hasn't held up as an important piece of software or anything. Although I was fairly surprised to see the number of "Dungeon Siege in name only!" posts when DS3 was released DS3 is just Alpha Protocol with swords!
  24. Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows part 2 - I enjoyed the books, but this might be the first of the movies that eclipsed the reading. As a series of movies, I thought the first was good, but the next few dragged a bit. Starting around the 5th movie though, they began to get better with each one. The acting really hit its stride as these young characters began to be fleshed out, and the themes began to be a bit more mature. Also, the person in charge of casting in these films deserves a bloody Oscar, it has been perfect from start to finish. Now the 7th film set the stage for this finale, and a few complained about it, but what it allowed the 8th to do was be an absolute thrill ride from start to finish. It was an epic conclusion. Both the last book and this movie made me emotional at a certain point, and that is always a plus in my book. The book and the movie share the same events, but I would even go so far as to say the way they were presented in the movie versus the book left me in a more positive mood. So I'd just say it was a great ride, from movie 1 to 8, and it ended phenomenally.
  25. If you look at Metacritic, Dungeon Siege 3 has fairly decent scores. In fact it only has 1 negative score and almost 50 good scores from critics. In comparison, Alpha Protocol has quite a few negative reviews and did very poorly when reviewed on the consoles. DS3 is definitely better received than AP. I'm not talking about user reviews, I'm talking about actual published reviews. But that really doesn't have anything to do with sales.
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