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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. If only I was as wise as you
  2. I really don't see this thing getting passed, or staying passed for long. It's too sloppy and there is too much resistance.
  3. I just read up on server transfers, apparently Bioware is working on a tool to allow us to move characters to other servers. That's great, I've got a few characters spread out right now, and I'm thinking of moving all my characters to a west coast server to get better latency. They don't have a date yet, but at least they are working on it. With the legacy stuff I was worried it wouldn't be possible.
  4. I try to limit myself to the WoW comparisons, but I remember the first content patch from Blizzard taking a long time after release. I also lost interest when they seemed mostly focused on raids and PvP content. I don't know if they are faster at this point, but I expect a lot more from Bioware in that regard. For me the gold standard on this is Turbine. They kept a steady flow of content in Lord of the Rings Online, adding a new area every few months it seemed. This new area pushed the narrative forward. I hope ToR does something like that, it sounds like they will with the new planet coming down the pipeline.
  5. Isn't this game being developed to pave the way for an MMO?
  6. 30 months? That would be 2 and a half years, so that would be pretty great. I'm guessing you meant 3 months. This game is fantastic. Are their gripes? Of course there are. But I played WoW at launch at it had plenty of issues (PvP didn't even exist), and I don't think it had the same initial subscription numbers. The servers are busy and there is a ton of content. I've seen a ton of people super excited at what Bioware has done with this game. It's really hard to predict what will happen in 3 months, but I just don't see a mass exodus in the near future. It's a fairly quick trip to 50 it seems, but the game is built around creating many alts, so that should really keep a large chunk of players happy for the near future. Plus they seem to have an aggressive timetable for releasing new content. So Star Wars, combined with Bioware Storytelling Machine, combined with typical MMO mechanics = Very engaging game.
  7. Last night my daughter wanted to watch some Disney Princess videos, so I brought up Youtube. She is good at clicking on the videos to the right that are similar, so I let her do that for a bit. I went out of the room to change my son into pajamas, and the next thing I hear is the door to the office shutting. I realized she must be up to no good, so I went back to the room, and sure enough she had locked the door. She opened it pretty quick when I counted her down, and then I got to have the inappropriate internet content conversation with my 4-year old. I'm not sure whether I should be worried or proud She had stumbled on some sort of sexy anime video, by the way. It was pretty harmless, but I was surprised that she knew enough to be secretive about it.
  8. Hm, I haven't played any PvP yet, but I haven't had any problems with fps when questing or in flashpoints. And I'm using an East Coast server.. The lag is a real problem for a good chunk of people, but it's not very clear what is causing it, at least form what I've seen on the forums. I'd recommend just staying away from PvP for a month or two, but if that's a big reason you play, I'd cancel for now, maybe come back in a few months when the bugs are worked out.
  9. Happy Birthday Raithe. Maybe you should try going to bed earlier? I wake up at 5 or 6 everyday as well, but I'm in bed by 10 PM.
  10. I would appreciate more if they would push out more fixes before new content. I imagine its really two different departments. But I get what you mean, there definitely are some bugs to work out. Why do I get lag in the middle area of my starships? It makes little sense, I go into the other compartments and it runs fine, it's an instance... very bizarre.
  11. The problem here is you are dealing with a completely subjective scale. When I give a student 73% on a test, it is very clear where they lost points. Even on something like an essay, we have rubrics that make it very clear where points were lost. Games just don't have that. Maybe it would be possible to create a standardized rubric for the media and games. You would need a different one for each genre, and reviewers would need to be trained in how to recognize all the criteria. I guess it could work.
  12. With the huge team they have working on this game, I'm really not surprised how quickly they are going to be pushing out content. Realistically that is the only way to maintain those big subscription numbers. I hope they do something about commendations. They stack up and pretty much go to waste as you level. In beta you would trade them in for higher level commendations. I get that this can be exploited, but if they could figure out something useful for them other than the slim selection of gear, mods, and surprise boxes that would be nice.
  13. I've been playing a Sith Juggernaut, this class is crazy fun. It's a serious DPS fest.
  14. That always looked interesting to me, let me know if you figure it out.
  15. I know it's cool to hate on things that are popular, but given that 90% of video game writing is absolute garbage, me thinks you folks are being a bit too picky. I read his books over a decade ago and I remember a decent amount about a few of the characters. Considering my age and senility, he must have done something right.
  16. Yeah, that does sound pretty lame. Thinking of that makes me thankful that I rarely reach the end game content in these games. By the time I get anyone to level 50, the cap will be raised.
  17. You just made me tear up a little. That would be magnificent.
  18. Just remember the game has only been out for a month, so you are fairly alone at the high end content. It will pick up soon, I imagine. Play some alts, I'm having a blast with a new character right now.
  19. Dude, we've been talking online for around 8 years. So if you were a 13 year old girl when we met, you are legal now.
  20. I'm guessing you haven't watched "A Clockwork Orange"? I have. I get how it's a reference to a film. Now, how is it satire? Lampoonery is probably a better word. Asking me to explain this is like asking me to explain the humor of fart jokes. I'd rather not.
  21. For me, Saints Row 3 is so over the top about it, that its hard to really see it as smut. It's not just sophomoric humor, it lampoons that humor and makes everything ridiculously charming. It's brilliant. But not everyone is into lampoons. I enjoyed Airplane, Naked Gun, Hot Shots, and Scary Movie. I think the Wayan's Brothers are awesome. So clearly this movie is in my wheelhouse.
  22. Krookie also didn't bash him, he simply pointed out his size. The average height of males universally is between 5'7" and 5'9" and the average hockey player is over 6', so that must mean something. Hockey is a sport where you can still break in undersized, but it definitely is an obstacle. Trust me, as a 5'10" 190 pound hockey player, it ain't easy going up against 6'2" 220 pound defensemen.
  23. I'm guessing you haven't watched "A Clockwork Orange"?
  24. Yes. Not everyone gets satire I suppose, but SR3 makes it pretty hard to miss.
  25. Actually I think RA Salvatore might be a good fit for video game writing. He has simple and clean dialogue in his books, and he creates memorable characters. Not every author needs to write like Tolkien. That said, I agree it will still be generic fantasy, and the screenshots seem to support that. edit: Just read the world building thing Oner said. Ah well, forget the dialogue then.
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