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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Kidproof? Kid-tested, more like. We had a few of the durable ones near the bottom, but my son requisitioned them for other spots in the house. He is 18 months, a little over 2 foot tall and a bit of a terror. I caught him kicking open a present the other day. My daughter is 4, and she's actually more difficult because she can reach much higher. She is better at following directions, but it still is tough to have anything breakable in her reach. I told my wife to put away any of the really sentimental ones for a few years.
  2. I hit level 20 today. I also had my first real tough dark/light choice. I had a war criminal in custody, but I had to choose between killing him or letting him go. Both my companion and my commanding officer were saying pull the trigger, the guy has killed thousands of innocents. It was a tough choice.
  3. I'm cleaning up the kids room, which is a bit overwhelming. I'm throwing out quite a few little things, which will make some space for the Christmas presents. The biggest hurdle is all the clothes, we received a huge amount of boxes from my sisters for my son, and I need to box up what doesn't fit and put away what he hasn't grown into. We've been running a humidifier for a about a week while the kids fought off a cough, and I found some goldfish (the crackers) under my daughter's bed that had mildewed. It was pretty gross.
  4. Yes, but that was right up their alley. Tron worked great as a stylized FPS with puzzles. I don't see how any of their IP's translate well for The Hobbit.
  5. I watch Youtube Datacron videos, and they make it a bit easier to not die a bunch. But I also just ignore the ones with any overly frustrating jumps.
  6. My Republic characters are Brashen and Taranto. I started a Sith named Tralgen, but I haven't played him much yet.
  7. Nice tree Raithe. Ours looks a bit funny because there are no ornaments hanging on the first three feet.
  8. Nobody is really attacking atheism. What exactly is the evolution of souls? It seems like you are trying to define and pin down something that is inherently indefinite and ever changing. We might as well try to figure out where love came into existence, or really any deep emotion.
  9. I also am more a fan of religion than religiously active. I consider myself a Deist, rather than agnostic, basically I don't subscribe to any particular denomination.
  10. I also have been doing datacron hunts. There was a pretty scary one in the Works on Coruscant where I was way up above the ground. Right now I have 7, but I am going to head to Tython and pick up the 3 there pretty soon, since that wasn't my starter planet.
  11. I am hoping you mean on the internet. I will defend the virtues of organized religion until I'm blue in the face, but I'm also very aware thatthey have plenty of foaming at the mouth folks of their own.
  12. This chart shows a fair degree of overlap. I grabbed it off the internet, so I can't verify everything, but it looks pretty close to what I see in the textbooks.
  13. Since you couldn't just stick to reporting the fascinating story, you might want to know that there are plenty of religious people that have no problem with evolution. In fact I don't believe we have any creationists on this forum, so I'm not sure who you are trying to goad. edit: Seriously, it's annoying that you even needed to bring religion up. This is a fascinating story and will be a great discussion piece for my students when we talk about the early man.
  14. I don't understand the thread title. Is Cutlock a bot?
  15. I'm pretty sure I said the same thing about Avatar when it came out and everybody hated me for it. But yes, Cowboys and Aliens was totally redundant. Olivia Wilde is always a nice looker though. That's because you are still wrong about Avatar. But yes, Cowboys and Aliens was a pretty standard popcorn flick. It was fun enough to look at but you don't want to go examining the plot or anything.
  16. My daughter is absolutely terrified about this whole naughty and nice list, it's been wonderful. We've got presents under the tree and fresh cookies in the oven most nights, so I'm very excited for the big day.
  17. Age has a lot to do with performance, it's silly talk to ignore the effects of a long career on the body and the ability to perform. Players like Selanne and Elias are the exception, not the rule.
  18. Considering ME2 was a pretty great progression from the original, I have high expectations for ME3.
  19. I did an Esselles run tonight, my first attempt at a Flashpoint. It was fantastic. Bioware really figured out how to make a fantastic co-op roleplaying experience. The conversations are handled so well, it's just perfect.
  20. Tough question. I think I still just prefer the Fallout setting over ES, and so I still had more fun with Fallout 3. But I think Bethesda made a huge improvement from Oblivion to Fallout 3, and they continued to refine themselves in Skyim (rather than slipping.) But yeah, none of these compare to New Vegas. They just lack the writing and subtlety of an Obsidian game.
  21. Yeah, these queu's have been a killer, but I'm not going to change servers just yet. I think it will balance out a bit with all the new servers Bioware is opening up.
  22. I'm having a blast. My characters on Corellian Run, both Republic, are Brashen (Trooper) and Taranto (Consular).
  23. Is that it? You're not even going to bother asking yourself if what I said might have some truth? If maybe the immense waste and consumption associated with Christmas is a worrying excess that people should start taking responsibility for? You realize you are basically questioning my parenting skills, don't you? I think it's better for our friendship that I ignore your remarks on raising kids. I get that you are just trying to raise awareness, but your tact leaves much to be desired.
  24. Had a pretty lengthy queu to get on Corellian Run today, but I think that will work itself out within a week. Usually people spread themselves over the newer servers. I made a trooper and got to level 7. I'll be making a Sith Warrior soon too. I'm off work after tomorrow!
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