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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Fallout 3 didn't really have a billion sidequests like Skyrim. I think that might actually be better for me.
  2. I'm pretty sure I've clicked on people and gotten little responses out of them. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't think they are all ghosts. I know they have little conversations with each other that you can overhear. I remember enjoying a drill sergeant laying into a group of imperial troops on Dromund Kaas as well. Also, the voice work is remarkable for me. Aside from an annoying person here and there (just like real life!) I've found everyone engaging. Some of the Imperial snark is just fantastic and has me grinning like crazy. I can understand the concerns with not having a real impact storywise. It's a very tough situation for an MMO. I've been happy with the phasing though, and while the world around me doesn't alter dramatically with my actions, the reactions and conversations with NPC's do respond well to my reputation.
  3. Wait, you can replay dialogue? How? I think Holocrons might have been disabled, there were some issues with them in a previous build. There is a really easy to find one on Korriban, that was the only one I ever found.
  4. So I'm curious what those of you non-MMOers think of the game so far? I knew I'd love it because I enjoy MMO's, but I wonder how it stacks up as a story driven RPG experience. It seemed to be pretty solid to me, I could see playing it for a month or two just for the storylines and then quitting.
  5. Love is a fickle master young padawan.
  6. You can earn those points you get for sleeping with the Twilek right back by confessing to your master about it, so obviously it's not too dark
  7. Those are some pretty harsh statements about Tigranes.
  8. If you make it past chapter 4, you can tell me in a few short words how it ends (I gave up on it a short ways into that) Edit: Installed it and tried it for 5 minutes last night. Between steamworks, GFWL DRM and limited activations I'm fairly happy not to have paid any money for this game (it came free with my EVGA card). It plays like a watered down Tombraider, even if the textures are a bit higher resolution WoW, that's really the opposite I've heard from anyone about the Batman games. Granted I prefer to play those types of games with a controller on a console.
  9. I didn't give them to the soldiers either. The way it was stated was you were just going to get a guy sleeping at his post out of trouble. Compare that to a woman in the refugee camp trying to help the sick, and it's hard to make the soldier choice, really. It seems clear that the Republic has a pretty large inventory of this stuff, and it's just bureaucratic tape that is keeping it out of the hands of the refugees. That anti-government stuff may not sit well with Cant, but it's just a video game folks. The big thing is there are just tons of these choices, and making a few DS ones isn't going to turn you into the Emperor. I found my Jedi toeing the line quite a bit, flirting with the ladies but still trying to do the right thing.
  10. WTF? How are either of those shiny good guy? Or evil, come to that. The sick refugees pull at your heartstrings with a sick kid. As a dark alternative, you can even threaten the kid to get the refugee to tell you were the drugs are.
  11. I went and looked at some new houses the other day, and I was surprised at how expensive they are. They were $600,000 for a nice 4 bedroom/3 bath setup, and apparently they are selling at that price. It surprised me in this market. We also sold our condo a few months back. While the price was sickeningly lower than what we originally paid, we received multiple offers after just a couple days on the market. So the housing market is far from dead.
  12. The future may look bleak, but I spend the majority of my days studying the past. That place sucks in comparison to where we are today.
  13. I wouldn't have minded if it was that... but this was "Oh honey, bribe him so we can be together!" And the implication was that the simple fact of HAVING that loving feeling made those two become selfish unrepentant dickholes who'd watch the world fall for their own desires. On the same token, it's not like you are killing them. You are just reporting their relationship to their masters.
  14. Quite a few of the dark options aren't really evil, they are just more emotionally based. I actually liked that. It doesn't kill you to take on a few dark side points.
  15. I still see them on the shelves at Target, so your best bet is to just keep an eye out for it.
  16. Wait until you get off the starter world to make that full judgement. Dromund Kaas and Coruscant really impressed me.
  17. You guys play too many video games.
  18. You should try Saints Row 2 first, it is considerably cheaper. You might really like it, I loved the customization, from my wardrobe to my cars. But it might not be your style at all.
  19. One of the worst things I saw with the Occupy movement was the fact that small businesses in the downtown area were losing business and even dealt with vandalism. That is the exact opposite way to change the financial system. I think I also read a story about how one of the Occupy groups had collected money and then put it in an account, which just happened to be with a major bank. Come on! Pulling money out of the big banks and going with smaller credit unions is a good start. Pushing legislators to close up the tax breaks for huge corporations and supporting small businesses is another. This is a tricky position, you don't want the government to have too much control over the economy, but you also don't want it dominated by a few gigantic corporations. We need more economists and less politicians.
  20. The problem was that a lot of financial institutions and companies accepted a very high level of risk well knowing that they were too big to fail. They were entirely unable to make judgements about the big picture and with their high level of access their self interest, which was assumed to be to the benifit of us all, resulted in the opposite. That's a valid complaint, escpecially given the scope of the crisis. We can't have a system balancing on a knife's edge in order to maximize profits. We can't change that either without a major rethinking of our financial system. I agree wholeheartedly. I just don't see how camping in a park is going to achieve that.
  21. Apparently you have a 2% chance of surviving a headshot, which is pretty good.
  22. The problem is the banks have all paid back the bailout funds, with interest. So I understand frustration with the fact the banks continue to get wealthy, good economy or bad, but I just don't see how letting them fail would help anyone.
  23. Yeah, you would think. That's kind of my whole point, the occupy movement was terribly disjointed and had no specific goals. They were just camping out for a couple months. How long were they palnning on doing that? There are people who have no choice but to live in tent cities, and I thought this whole movement was a slap in the face for them. I'm betting most of these people had houses to return to, whether it was their parents or a cheap apartment.
  24. Well, I'd say that most of these protesters are graduates who are in $100k debt or something from tuition loans, Really? Most of them?
  25. There are quite a few people who have survived gunshot wounds to the head. Their faces usually look pretty terrible, but that works well with the facial creator in this game. Heck, there are people who have fallen out of airplanes without parachutes and survived, so nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
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