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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case. His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer. I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place.
  2. I'm pretty sure the Ice Age movies are made for children. While some films appeal to both adults and kids, some are really just for the youngins.
  3. Dream just needs to go get a controller. The game played great on my PC with my Xbox 360 controller. Also DS2 came out in 2005, so expecting DS3 to play the same was not a very realist expectation. Different developer and publisher, different scale and scope, really it was Dungeon Siege in name of the king only! Thank goodness for that too, DS1 and 2 were lame.
  4. Obsidian has a history of bug issues, but they've been vocal about their intent to change that. Dungeon Siege 3 showed that they can release a clean game. Regardless, I'd rather deal with a few bugs and play their games than some of the stable AAA titles that are popular today.
  5. Last night I dove to block a shot and it got me right in the ear. Even with my helmet on, it still hurt like crazy. Now it has swelled up a bit, there is a blood blister on one part, and it is pretty red. We won 3-2 though, so worth it.
  6. I'm shocked that f2p folks can't submit tickets! That doesn't make any sense to me.
  7. I think it was available at $165 and up. I guess that might be a bit pricey for a Wasteland 2 key
  8. I also missed the Wasteland 2 KS, but I am on a fence here... On a one hand it has a lot of features that I'd love to see, but the dialog in the current form is a huge turn off for me... If they would go with the dialog system similar to NWN2: SoZ it would be a must buy (so actual dialog trees, but special dialog options from different party members based on their attributes/skills), For me a dialog is a huge part of a good RPG. @ Morgoth I am in same boat, I didn't pledge back then because I didn't really understand or appreciate the potential of KS Did you pledge enough to Project Eternity to get the Wasteland 2 key? I also wasn't sure about Kickstarter until after the Wasteland 2 drive was over, so I'm glad that it was offered through PE.
  9. I'm not going to get too excited about this, a lot has to happen for this to get close to development. It would be great though.
  10. TOR is much better when you think about it as KotOR 3-8. As an MMO it has a lot of flaws. I still love it though, but it's like an Ike and Tina thing, not always healthy.
  11. That's mine too, but I still think it was closer to an adventure game so it didn't fully convert me to an RPG gamer. I believe Might & Magic 3 was my first full scale RPG, which I played a couple years after I started in on all the Sierra adventure games. I was in 8th grade and a friend gave me his copy, and I fell in love with RPG's after that.
  12. Jagr went to go play hockey in his home country, I respect that completely. Thomas has shown disrespect for the game and for the USA with his actions. There are plenty of ways to voice your political opinions in a respectful manner, and he has gone out of his way to do the opposite. He has a contract to play hockey this year. I'm a bit confused on why they can't cancel it or he can't simply retire and return in another year if he wants, but it seems like he put the Bruins in a bad situation here.
  13. I'm pretty sure having rocket scientists from NASA come up with Angry Bird puzzles is a great way to make me fail miserably at solving them.
  14. Gilbert Grape, Howard Hughes, and his recent turn as a slave owner in Django Unchained were pretty far away from his stereotype. Sure, his roles in Shutter Island, Departed, and Gangs of New York are all pretty similar, but they don't share much with Catch Me if You Can or Basketball Diaries.
  15. Didn't Leo win for The Aviator? I just looked at the list, wow, he's got a ton of nominations and very few wins. Ah well, at least he's getting the nominations.
  16. I hope Thomas doesn't play again. His antics are wearisome.
  17. I'm not entirely sure what Trash man is arguing, but it sounds like he is upset about the aggressiveness of the LGBT rights movement. That is a common argument, I know quite a few people who say they don't care if someone is gay but that doesn't mean they need parades to show it off. But honestly, that is how human nature works. For centuries gay people have been repressed and persecuted. In the last 30 years that has been slowly changing, and we are really at the peak here where gay people are being allowed to openly embrace their identities. So of course there is going to be some hypersensitivity, some that go overboard on the political correctness. It is important to have voices of reason to combat that hypersensitivity, but it is so much better than the centuries of condemnation that came before the shift. Let's also not fool ourselves, there are huge parts of the world and even developed nations like the US that continue to tar and feather anyone suspected of being gay. As long as the word gay is still thrown around as an insult on the playgrounds of our nations, we have a long way to go. Racial epitaphs used to be thrown around in the same way, and it took decades of social sensitivity to change that.
  18. The Islanders are eventually going to have an entire roster of guys that don't want to play for them :D
  19. I haven't seen Trouble with the Curve, but I've enjoyed Justin Timberlake in a couple movies. He was really good in Alpha Dog. And yeah, his Saturday Night Live appearances are pretty much the best thing out there. It's pretty hard to hate on a guy who has no trouble lampooning himself over and over again.
  20. What I'm saying is that act is a lot more rare than most people think and it doesn't even apply to female relationships. It's also a private matter between the couple and not really something that anyone else should concern themselves over. There are plenty of ways to be intimate with someone that don't involve that. It's also very unrealistic to simply say the government should get out of the marriage business. I agree with those of you who state that, but there simply isn't a large movement to do so. You are avoiding the issue when you do this though. The fact is many governments ARE involved in marriage and there are many benefits to being married. The question is should the government be allowed to discriminate between which couples deserve those benefits. My answer is emphatically no. Governments have a duty to protect the minorities against the tyranny of the majority. Gay couples are not provided the same rights as straight couples, and that is a major injustice.
  21. Bringing up anal sex when discussing gay marriage is always a head scratcher for me. It really has nothing to do with it. In fact bringing up sex in general when talking about a lifelong commitment to another person shows a lack of understanding about what it takes to have such a relationship.
  22. LOST was more about the journey than the destination though. The ending was bound to disappoint many. Which is really what people should do with the Mass Effect series as well. Don't let the last 10 minutes ruin the previous 80 hours.
  23. Huh, I'm surprised he is so unhappy with Greenlight. I guess he envisioned it as something better, but I thought it was a pretty good way to get indie developers spotlighted.
  24. In some ways Half-Life as a series has been the highest end of storytelling in games, it's not perfect obviously, and there was much improvement from Half-Life to Half-Life 2. In your universe LOST was not a pile of ****? LOST is fantastic, but I understand some people didn't enjoy it. What I don't get is putting Half-Life on a pedestal. It is a great shooter with very good cinematics worked into the game, but it's a pretty meh story. It's definitely not original in any way, which can't be said about LOST.
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