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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Taco Bell is actually one of the healthier fast food joints you can go to. I'm betting that burrito is probably no worse that anything you get from any other burrito place. They don't use lard either, which gives them an edge. Although I doubt it tastes as good
  2. It shouldn't surprise anyone that a culture of hating authority figures simply widens the gap between the cultural group and said authorities. It takes work on both sides to create a respectful relationship.
  3. "with jobs" and "play the game enough" kinda contradict each other, no? at least, for me to justify tossing $15 out the window every month I have to play the game at least 20 hours a week. and even now, while I'm a student, I can't dedicate more than 4-5 hours a week to games, let alone one game. Most of the people I play MMO's with have full on careers. The key is that all they really do is work and play the game, and they play that one game exclusively. When you work and 8-10 hour day, you still have time to come home and play for 4-5 hours. Cut back on the sleep a bit and you can get even more. I did join a guild once where it seemed like quite a few of the people were on disability, that scared me off pretty fast. I go through spurts like that, maybe a week or two where I'm really enjoying the game and putting in a lot of hours. But I get burnt out quick, and I like to play a variety of games. I've honestly encountered very few teenagers in MMO's. I'm sure they are out there, but I avoid the general chats and most of the guilds I've been in have been pretty mature.
  4. If you watch Kaep throw, it's pretty clear he's a legit talent. But he is definitely still learning, and it's fairly amazing that he took a team to the Superbowl. This year they've obviously committed to developing his passing game, they've basically ignored the option that worked so well in the playoffs. It's a work in progress. It hurts that Crabtree is out too, because he's basically got one decent route runner in Boldin and a speedy tight end in Vernon Davis. There are a lot of dropped balls by the other guys, he is a QB that throws hard. That's been the biggest change between him and Alex Smith. Crabtree thrived with Kaep because he's a great route runner with fantastic hands. Alex Smith throws a completely different ball, it has more touch but it also isn't going to get there as fast and he's limited downfield because of that. That's why Dwayne Bowe isn't having a huge season in KC, despite the team having success. There are still positives. He's not putting himself in a position where he is going to get hurt a lot, like many other running QB's. He's not turning the ball over a ton. His upside is still pretty huge. I still think they've got a better than good shot at getting a wildcard.
  5. I'm not sure what some random review on an obscure website has to do with the gaming industry. The guy was clearly trolling.
  6. I had tacos with turkey meat, cheese and tomatoes. It was tasty and easy.
  7. I'd really just prefer subs to be a bit cheaper, maybe something in the $5-10 range.
  8. Maybe Gorgon is thinking about Eragon? That was written by a 13 year old and they made it into a forgettable movie. edit: The book was not predictable at all. I knew that was going to be a major problem with the movie, the preview itself gave away more than it should have.
  9. I'm too much of a wuss to try Ironman. I'm more stressed about a bug or a glitch killing off my best soldiers than anything else.
  10. I still think we need an Xcom expansion/new game where we get to visit an alien world or at least fly to Mars.
  11. I think some modder figured it out for them too. Regardless it is good they have it in now. I'm very happy with how they managed to capture the PnP feel of the Shadowrun universe.
  12. After watching the first episode of Almost Human, I'm a huge fan of the two lead characters. They are extremely fun to watch, and as much as I love the special effects, I hope they keep the budget reasonable so we can have more than one season of this awesome show.
  13. In Enemy Within, the Base Defense mission was pretty awesome, and I'm enjoying the whole genetic modification aspect. I really enjoyed one crashed UFO mission on top of a large office building. It's not that much different than the base game, I'll admit.
  14. You are right, the odds to get robbed are so low we don't have to take precautions. According to this reasoning I probably should throw my fire extinguisher out of my window because the odds are tiny that I'll ever need it. Or stop using use seatbelts because the danger of having a deadly accident where a seatbelt could save my life is statistically really low. Or watching for trains when crossing tracks with my car. Yeah, no. And comparing the danger of getting robbed with getting struck with lightning is really....puh-leeze. Read the news, a bunch of people get robbed daily, and that in my little country. I'm not talking about getting hit by meteors. I say if you can make easy precautions that make sense AND make you feel better, what speaks against them? Better have it and not need it that need it and not have it. And when you need it, you NEED it. But there are also a lot of precautions you can take for home safety that don't require firearms. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you having them if it works for you, but you are acting like it is the only solution. It's a good solution for people you are trained and comfortable in the use of firearms. For me, the risks of having them in a house with small children plus the costs of a gun safe, training, and the guns themselves are simply not worth it. I'm also confident in the quick response time of my local police, I'd think differently if I lived in a more rural area.
  15. He talks about it near the end of his Deus Ex:HR Let's Play videos.
  16. On the Jedi side, the consular has similar spells but they are more wind and earth based. I guess it is less evil to dig up boulders and throw them at people.
  17. Just finished my base defense mission in Xcom, what a crazy fight that was. I managed to pull it out with only two casualties, although every single person is in the medbay at this point. The two I lost were base security guards, I was surprised they didn't show up on the memorial or anything. Plus I had two other guards survive and I wish they could become regular troops after what they did. Ah well, it was still a blast, thank goodness for my sniper's radar boosters and heavy explosives.
  18. Kaep doesn't look good, but I don't think he can get all the blame. The offense as a whole is a mess for the Niners.
  19. Playing two games of Xcom, one with gene mods and the other with mechs. I came to realize that I'm completely uncomfortable lopping off the limbs of my soldiers, so I'm going to drop the mech game and stick to the genetics.
  20. Then better hope that you'll never be the target of a really dangerous burglar or burglars. I like being prepared though, totally beats hoping in my book. I'd be interested to see what the statistics are on how many people are victims of a home invasion and would have been able to prevent it if armed with a gun. I mean, sure, it may make you feel better, but if the odds are the same as getting hit by lightning, I'm not going to walk around wearing a large lightning deflection rod on my head just in case.
  21. Man of Steel - Huh. It had some good parts. In fact the whole Krypton stuff at the beginning had me thinking this was going to be a great movie. At some point I got increasingly worried about the property damage. I wish they had spent more time with him wandering around aimlessly. I guess I'd rate it about 7/10 or something.
  22. Actually I watched a bit with her, you might be right!
  23. It's been a long week. My wife is working late tonight, so I picked up my kids, went to the store and got a pizza, The Croods movie for my daughter, a skylanders character for my son, and Man of Steel for myself. Now I'm going to kick back. Unfortunately all the good TV's are occupied so I'll play games and watch Superman when they go to bed.
  24. To be fair, Prince of Persia is kind of ruined now that I picture Jake Gyllenhaal in the role.
  25. There was a Julia Roberts version? I was talking about the Charlize Theron one, I think it was called The Huntsman or something.
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