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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Divine Divinity - I'm really enjoying this, it's amazing that it took so long for me to give it a try.
  2. Do I have a few months to help my students develop psionic powers? I'm pretty sure they can win that way. Anyways I don't agree with censorship, I was just illustrating what the logic might be. I would say it is the responsibility of the parents and the community to keep young folk away from the hardcore stuff. For example, if you want a pen, do not visit Pen Island.com.
  3. It should totally be in the fourth person perspective, that's where the future lies. You don't even have to be at a computer to play the game that way.
  4. Why are you calling young children idiots? Seems a little extreme, even for you.
  5. Played a few rounds of BF4, and I am terrible. Managed to get a k/d ratio of 0.22, so yeah. I did get better by the last round at least. This game is insane though. I was riding on a gunboat, and the weather picked up. We were crashing into huge waves, and I was using a chaingun to tear down the foliage on the small islands nearby. It was intense. I've really never seen anything as amazing as this game, and it's crazy to think I'm playing it with 60+ other people. Technology has come a long way.
  6. It can potentially be an 11-5 team that doesn't make it, The Cards can win and still miss the playoffs. All that has to happen is the Saints beat Tampa, and that's pretty likely.
  7. I would assume it's more to protect people from stumbling onto porn through Google. For example, if I do a search for Bust of David when looking for Renaissance sculptures, and end up with a different kind of bust. That being said, I am not a fan of censorship and would rather parents be the responsible party here.
  8. I decided to pick up Battlefield 4 on Origin for half off. So I'm watching the massive 25 gig game download.
  9. I just figured out that Bester is Harlequin. There really are a lot of MMO's that use different formulas, it's just not that easy to pull it off. The Secret World is another example of a game that departs from the formula.
  10. Played around with Spacebase, lost a lot of people to asphyxiation. Lost one guy to a large space worm too.
  11. Yep, it's easy to forget what a great bench they had last year.
  12. I'm trying not to worry too much about the Warriors. They definitely were missing Igualda (sp?) for a few weeks though. Right now they are handling the Lakers, so that is good news. It's a tough conference. They haven't had much trouble with the sub-500 teams, so I think it will balance out by the end of the season.
  13. Today I used a Walmart gift card and bought a new mattress for the RV. It's memory foam, and I'm very excited to have it for our upcoming trips.
  14. So my Christmas plans have been way simpler since one side of my family cut off contact. It was a bit weird last year, but this year I'm actually enjoying the fact I don't have to travel. We also take the money we don't spend on gifts for that side and buy presents for families in need, and that is enjoyable. I did most of my shopping on Amazon this year. We will be having dinner with my wife's family on Christmas Eve, and then hosting them for a Christmas day brunch.
  15. Anyone else intrigued by Verdun? WWI FPS with some interesting multiplayer ideas?
  16. I'm pretty sure the numbers were just the US. The highest numbers were among those who have been medically retired, so that is clearly a major factor. Apparently the whole mental health services has been completely lacking, and it is really only starting to be implemented in many departments in the last few years.
  17. I've been attending a Citizen's Police Academy class for a few weeks, it is a way for our local police department to get input from the community and allows them to run a volunteer program. I was shocked to learn that police officers are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than die in the line of duty. That's horrific. So go hug a cop or something, jesus.
  18. Bo Jackson is on his way to your place to prove a point. Bo knows, Volo. Bo knows.
  19. If you didn't like the first Hobbit, I doubt this will change your mind.
  20. Yeah, but you have to choice not to tolerate it and not buying it. Members of the koala nation have some beaurocrats deciding it for them. Poor schmucks. So I get that, but I think I might prefer the crying koala, because there are other elements of the game that interest me.
  21. Geez, I've got a pretty high tolerance for messed up stuff, but the description of that abortion clinic scene made me cringe.
  22. I doubt the developers pay that close attention to these types of threads.
  23. I'm not sure why it is only parents with newborns. My toddler has put the kibosh on plenty potential workouts. So Tuesday I went for a run. I had homework clinic after work, and it is dark by the time I get home, so I thought I'd do a quick run before my first class. The only issue was I was wearing boxers. Somehow I got a rash on a very sensitive area from running. It hurts to pee now.
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