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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. There is some terribad theology going on in this thread.
  2. That was a well done review Bester, thank you for sharing.
  3. You can always tell when a cast just enjoys working together, so it sounds like it will be a fun project for them to do a bunch of webisodes. A number of them already do stuff like Burning Love, so I look forward to seeing it. edit: Party Down was hilarious too. Everyone should watch it.
  4. Well at least this guy: can share art assets with this guy:
  5. Not to rain on the parade, but why would Obsidian use the Pathfinder setting? They just created their own setting that sounds a bit too similar.
  6. Nice! Who's playing? I notice you conspicuously wrote "professional" - indicating it's not necessarily an MLB contest. Well the Rockies are mostly professional.
  7. Robin Williams was forced at 63 to go back to work on a sitcom, which is not an easy gig. So he didn't really have a carefree life. Most of us will hopefully be happily retired at that age, or only working if we want to. It's pretty hard not to blame his ex-wives, honestly. The guy got fleeced in both divorces.
  8. Unless you are talking about low-level lifters or average-joe-gym-guy I couldn't disagree more. I want to see someone doing only yoga being able to dead lift 2.5 times their own body weight 4 reps, shoulder press their own body weight 3 times or doing 15 commando pull ups. Or 3/4 body weight bent forward rows 10 reps. Also bone density only increases through breaking the crystalline structure in your bones which then heals, which happens when you run (in your legs), punch sand bags or put really heavy weights on them. If Yoga was that effective in strength building and easy all the competing strongmen and athletes would do that and not waste their time with pumping iron. I think its funny how people desperately try to find alternatives to weight lifting using all kinds of strange logics. I know so many people doing that, its like they're scared of it and don't want it to be true. And the people with those theories usually have very little sports experience under their belt and cannot prove it. All I can say is that lifting weights is a quick, efficient and direct no-BS way to strengthen your whole body. Woldan, what exactly is your education? Have you taken any kinesiology classes on this stuff?
  9. What an apathetic and unimaginative troll post. Stick to what you are good at, Bester.
  10. Yes you could. Something like Yoga is very effective at building strength throughout the body. I decided to ask my wife about this, because Woldan's opinion of swimming seemed off to me. She has a degree in kinesiology, was a personal trainer, and now teaches PE. She actually supported Woldan, because she said swimming and biking are not weight bearing activities. I was surprised to hear that. So weight training is an important compliment to those, particularly in building bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. However weight bearing activities like Yoga and running decrease your need for lifting weights, and someone doing Yoga every day is going to be just fine competing strength wise with your typical person lifting weights.
  11. One of the greatest comedic minds that ever lived, by far. It's a shame that he had so many struggles late in life.
  12. Wow. What a huge loss. I know he had his problems, but he was one of the most brilliant entertainers to ever live. It's a shame to see him go.
  13. Eh, I develop plenty of muscle doing using my own body weight. I'm not interested in bulking up. As a rule of thumb, diet is also about 75% of weight loss. Exercise is an important compliment to a good diet, but exercising with a bad diet will get you nowhere fast. Age plays a role too. Your metabolism in your twenties is not the same as it is later in life.
  14. Heh, I watched most of that recently, but I didn't get through it all. I enjoyed the Mississippi setting, since I visited there this summer, but it was a bit of an odd film. The kid actor was also pretty good. Jennifer Lawrence is a good actress who unfortunately is stuck being the face of The Hunger Games. The movies (much like the books) are sloppily done and are cashing in on the young teen audience. Thankfully it hasn't derailed her career and she is picking up other parts with better direction.
  15. US borders have been open or or laxly controlled for most of our history, so your argument has no historical precedent. I do agree with you about the welfare system, that it is in desperate need of an overhaul. But do you really think that if we get rid of welfare that all those citizens are going to flock to unskilled labor jobs? Considering how many already turn to crime, I doubt the outcome would be so rosy. Then you have the economic implications of this new labor force. If all the companies making use of undocumented workers suddenly had to pay minimum wage across the board, we'd have a huge crisis on our hands. Personally I'd rather us focus on creating a decent trade school system in this country that allows American citizens to get the training needed to compete for decent jobs. That would stimulate growth instead of stagnation. You should be expected to show progress towards a skillset to receive full welfare benefits. We have the right idea with keeping people in High School until 18, but the constant cuts to vocational training has hindered growth tremendously. I'm not sure where I said to make undocumented workers legal citizens. Far from it, I want the US and Mexico to work with each other so that we can tap the labor force our economy relies on. Many undocumented workers split time between the two countries, again they come here for the opportunities that are available. They have communities and families in both countries, and so the meager salaries that they are afforded help sustain a larger group. It is incredibly communal. Here is another interesting idea about our border, if you are interested.
  16. Terrible to hear Labadal, but it sounds like you guys got on it fast enough to prevent anything worse.
  17. I support massive immigration reform. Our government is too meek and our general populace is too stupid to recognize how important undocumented workers are to our economy. We should have a full scale Bracero-type program with Mexico, one that benefits both countries. Instead the politicians ignore the potential solutions and gesticulate madly at the border to try and drum up votes. Our border should be focused on keeping out criminals, weapons and drugs, not families looking for opportunities. These families are coming for one reason: There are jobs available to them. They may not pay much, but it's better than what they get at home, and their kids get an education and potentially rise above the poverty level. Would anyone here realistically stay in squalor if their were better opportunities elsewhere? As I already stated, this is entirely separate from the unemployment rate for American citizens, because it has been shown time and time again that Americans would rather stay on welfare than fill the jobs undocumented workers are doing. That's a problem with welfare (one of many) but what do you plan to do? Force Americans to do those jobs? We don't live in a Communist state. Ideally we should be doing everything we can to create programs that benefit both the US economy and Mexico. Spending resources on borders and deportation is simply a wasteful exercise that never truly fixes the problems.
  18. You are kidding yourself if you think American citizens are lining up to harvest the fields. They'd rather collect welfare.
  19. There are an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in California, so I guarantee you've had more encounters than just that one if you are in the LA area. Here is a good article on what undocumented workers actually do to our economy. It isn't a black and white issue.
  20. Looks interesting, but I'm a bit concerned about the developer.
  21. Speaking of the motion control, it was a huge pain in the rear to find a regular controller for the Wii U and not one of those lame wiimotes. I ended up buying a knockoff a Walmart that is working pretty well, and eventually they are releasing a Gamecube style controller with Super Smash Bros.
  22. yup. jennifer connelly. she looks so young in that pic, but in our defense, that were 1991 and in 1991, Gromnir were much younger too. HA! Good Fun! Hey, at least you didn't post a pic of her in Labyrinth. She was only 15 there.
  23. Leo Dicaprio was never a bad actor though. It was pretty clear from The Basketball Diaries and What's Eating Gilbert Grape that he had the chops. Megan Fox seems like a nice person and all, she's got a bit of a geeky streak that makes her more likeable, but I wouldn't put money on her learning how to act.
  24. The Golden Door is really only available to people with enough gold to make their own, nowadays. Except it is our concern, for a number of economic reasons. It is easily in our best interests to have our southern neighbors be as stable as our northern neighbor.
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