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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Just got back from 4 days in Vegas. We stayed at The Circa in downtown. It was fancy drinks, good food, and some very warm workouts.This one was called Paint the Town Red: One of the highlights was swimming at the UNLV pool. You can get a guest pass for $10, and it is a super nice campus and facility to check out: I peed on the Berlin Wall at Main Street Casino: My wife really wanted to make the run down to the Vegas signs near Stratosphere one morning, but it was about 97 degrees by 7 AM, so she was struggling. It is about 2 miles there and 2 miles back, but in the heat it can be a real grind. Heat doesn't seem to bother me as much. There is a beautiful memorial in the Arts district to the people who died in the 2017 shooting. I always like to swing by Oscar's steakhouse and order these meatballs. They remind me of my Italian grandmother. Art: It was a great trip. Now back to real life!
  2. I started playing Sea of Thieves with my son. He's much better at it than I am. Basically I get to steer the ship while he runs around doing the important stuff. It's a strange game.
  3. It will be interesting if they manage to incorporate the satirical nature of the original Robocop. At first it looked like a pretty bland shoot 'em up, but the CEO stuff was spot on. Considering Spec Ops: The Line is the only shooter I've bothered with in the last couple decades, I'm slightly intrigued if they can make it more than a murder simulator. Cheesy satire at its finest.
  4. It was a lot easier to adjust finances in my 20's than it is in my 40's while supporting a household with kids and a wife. For example, skipping a season of hockey for myself as an adult is fine, but it is a lot harder to tell my kids you can't play because we don't have the money. I'll be managing debt until they are grown up, most likely.
  5. Today's day and age is way less censored, so I'm not sure what you mean. Steam is loaded with explicit games.
  6. I did the same about a year ago and have yet to play it. *fistbump*
  7. We just got back from a family trip to Universal Studios in LA. We stayed at the Safari Inn, which is kind of a little historical icon that also is a fairly affordable family motel. Universal Studios was fun. We've visited before and it just tends to be a much more chill park than Disney. But it was pretty hot and we didn't spend too much time in the park itself. Instead we spent a fair amount of time exploring Burbank, which is a pretty interesting movie studio town. My daughter really wanted to visit the Hollywood Museum. I took her, but I told her it is a rough part of town compared to Burbank. It is right on Hollywood Blvd along the walk of fame. My kids are pretty good at navigating San Francisco and they understand how dense cities can dramatically change street to street, but my daughter's words were "I'm glad we went to the museum, but now we don't ever have to go back to that area." I think we will do the Warner Bros. Studio Tour next trip.
  8. Just like Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns, I expect Starfield to be like Fallout 4 in space.
  9. To be fair, if the interviewer doesn't understand the albatross metaphor, do you even want to work with them?
  10. Despite their flaws, I always end up enjoying Bethesda games and getting a decent chunk of hours into them. The exception is Fallout 76, but Starfield seems light years better than that train wreck, so that's good.
  11. I got hooked on a fun little game called Spellcaster University last night. I had actually picked it up on GoG, but then I noticed I had gotten it for free through Amazon Games awhile back. I always forget about those free games they give through Prime. Anyways, the game is a pretty fun simulation of running Hogwarts.
  12. As GD said, less than 1% of abortions are done in the 3rd trimester, and there are usually extenuating circumstances in those cases. These are women that have probably picked out a name, had a baby shower, maybe even setup a nursery. They have to make a tremendously difficult decision and it should only be between them and their medical professional. No politician or pastor should have say in it.
  13. When I met my wife over 20 years ago, she was a registered republican with a gun at the foot of her bed and I had just voted for Ralph Nader. Political sports teams are given way too much importance.
  14. I agree with everything Melky said. I think if I dug WH40k more, it would help. The lack of squad personality is the toughest pill for me. Why do I care more about my squad in Xenonauts? It's not like they have any unique personality either. I think it is because in Xenonauts or the original Xcom, soldiers were the underdogs. If they survived a toe to toe fight against an alien, it gave them a story. These Space Marines are pretty much OP.
  15. We went to the beach today to get away from the heat. My favorite beach is Lover's Point in Monterey, so we packed up wetsuits, towels, and my daughter's paddleboard for a good swim. When we arrived, thry had just closed the beach. A swimmer had been attacked by a shark right where we regularly swim. It was serious, he was airlifted away with major injuries. It is most likely a great white attack. I am pretty shaken. My wife and I swim there often, and my daughter goes out with us on her paddleboard. My son, who has recently gotten good at swimmimg, was going to get in the water as well. I hope the guy is ok, but I am also just disturbed by the whole incident. Lover's Point is usually thick with kelp, but lately it has all disappeared, and I think that has made it unsafe. Scary.
  16. I'm nervous about the Battlepass thing for Conan Exiles as well, but I am super jazzed about the content they are adding. Sorcery looks pretty well done for the setting and seems to add a decent travel system to the game outside the map room and suicide. The creative build mode is a big addition for me. I tend to make a mess of my attempts at creating decent fortresses, so it will save me a lot of headache. So yeah, lot's of very good in the announcement and one giant red flag. edit: Conan is the only game I have really embrace the DLC model with too. I buy up those packs with no hesitation, even if it is just cosmetic stuff. So I don't really know what the battlepass means in the long run.
  17. We hit triple digits Fahrenheit yesterday. It cooled down well enough over night though, and that's all I really care about. The tough part is when it stays warm after dark. We are heading to the beach today to cool off in the ocean.
  18. Round is a shape! But seriously, 54 is still young. You still have decades ahead of you, and the way some of this medical science is progressing, hopefully those can be good decades.
  19. Related: https://www.triathlete.com/gallery/this-dog-triathlon-is-exactly-as-adorable-as-youd-expect/
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