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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yay! I was travelling and I'm a bit jealous Gifted beat me to posting this great news. As for the fact that we got there through the Supreme Court instead of legislation, I will repeat my mantra about the courts protecting the minority against a tyranny of the majority. When it comes to civil rights, I am more concerned with equality than the opinion of the masses.
  2. Yes, they are. "Vilification of that battle flag and the Confederacy is part of the cultural revolution in America that flowered half a century ago. Among its goals was the demoralization of the American people by demonizing their past and poisoning their belief in their own history." What an overly wordy and simply odd way to characterize the civil rights movement.
  3. I totally read that as Arkham Knight porn report.
  4. Volo, you seem to be struggling with basic reading comprehension lately and I wish you the best of luck with your disability.
  5. You can buy Black Panther goods at Walmart? 'It's just a bloody flag' is an odd sentiment. Flags, by their nature, are symbols of something greater. Personally I've never been one to get hung up on symbols, nationalist, religious, or otherwise. But I recognize what a powerful part they play on human nature.
  6. I do think Rockstar actually has a solid direction when it comes to storylines and writing. Sure, they are basically clinging on to Scorsese films and Boyz in the Hood to create their mythos, but it is clear they are doing the research. It actually comes across as a bit too serious for me, I'd rather see the fun that Volition brings to the table. Outright mockery for the win.
  7. I'd say a large part of the gaming demographic cares very little about the writing. Hence the games at the top of the charts. That's why it is actually important to both expand the demographic reach of video games and support more niche products that appeal to you individually.
  8. I've told this before, but my ps3 copy of Saints Row 2 locked up on the final mission and became completely unplayable. The game just died. I put in about 60 hpurs before then, so I wasnt too mad. But I dont think the issues were limited to the porting process.
  9. I'm not really getting the impression that there is a big group in SC fighting to keep the flag up. The governor has led the charge to remove it. Also, cynicism, yikes. Cultures change over time. Not having a symbol that has become analogous to the Civil War, slavery, and racism flying above the State building seems like a pretty simple place to start.
  10. Flags are pretty important symbols. This kid basically worshiped that flag, and the nation in large part is now turning its back on that symbol. We can't bring back the dead, but we can make it clear that the country is united against this type of terrorism. Because again, flags are important.
  11. We aren't taking a big RV trip this summer, but I am packing up for a short two night trip to San Francisco. We will be taking a ferry over to the Giant's game tomorrow and will walk around the city afterwards. Near the end of July we are also going to Portland for a week (and a wedding) so that will be good. My plan is to go to New York in the RV next summer.
  12. The only people who consented to the flag being up at the South Carolina State House are a bunch of legislators from the 1960's. Other than that, of course I agree with you.
  13. Bo and Luke have already been shopping for a new car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Vngk047bQ
  14. I'm certainly not talking about banning the flag, or limiting the rights of rednecks to put their flag wherever they want. Having it fly above the state house is an entirely different thing. Will bringing it down solve racism in the south? Certainly not. But it will fix a stupid piece of legislature.
  15. I assumed it was. But as I said, right now they are banned from removing the flag. There should not be a legal mandate saying they have to fly the flag above the state house. It should have been easy for the governor to say "You know what? This is not the best time to have this flag up."
  16. Not knowing Rocky doesnt mean you are out of touch with pop culture. It just means you are out of touch. It is an iconic piece of film. There is a statue up of it in Philly.
  17. Without looking it up, I would imagine it is some sort of connection to ferous, and maybe mettle.
  18. a really bad comparisonBG was a complete game and the expansion came later as a bonus. they never said "there will be an island and a tower but you will have to buy them separatelly" battlefront 2 had space battles, old and new trilogy era battles and much more from day 1 battefront 3 is half a game in comparison to 2 and it is already set in stone that the other half will be added later But Battlefield 4 didnt have imperial walkers or speeder bikes!
  19. I have no idea who the kid is. But I liked Garfield.
  20. Incredible Burt Wonderstone - My quest for more Vegas flicks led me here. I wasn't expecting much, to be honest, and for most of the movie that expectation was met. It started off different than expected, two young boys who are bullied form a friendship over magic tricks. That was a good start, but then it spun into stupid humor with Steve Carell being oblivious. That went on for too long and I actually gave up on it, but then the next night I went back after a couple beers and the story changed a bit. Alan Arkin really changed the tone of the film, and it become a more endearing bit about a magician recapturing his enjoyment. The end was actually pretty great, I laughed more at the final scene than anywhere else, and so I felt that the payoff was worth the watch. Also, Jim Carrey really just exists on the sidelines. He is somewhat entertaining, but the payoff for his character is also pretty funny. Really, it was anot a bad watch with a couple of beers in you. edit: dangit, this isn't the movie thread!
  21. They were clearly holding back all the good writing so they could charge us for a full blown sequel!
  22. Except they aren't banning it. They are currently mandated by law to fly it. They have no choice.
  23. For the historically interested, the flag in question was General Lee's "battle flag" and represented the struggle for a confederacy of independent states without a strong central government in Washington. For some Americans, it still represents that. It's a bit ironic that it takes a special election and a 2/3 vote by the state senate to remove a symbol of independence.
  24. I felt the same way when I played Baldur's Gate. I was like, where is the big trap filled tower and the island full of werewolves? It was a punch in the gut when they tried to charge me for that content later on.
  25. Are they Kanadian? Roofles! Volo, they are stealing your schtick. Sue them!
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