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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It is definitely just a glorified pedometer. I actually had no interest in tracking my runs or heart rate until my wife got one, and then I got tech envy. Still, it puts all the vital information in one easy to navigate app, so that's nice. Plus I haven't owned a watch for years, and it is synced with my phone so the caller ID shows up on it when my phone rings. So it's a fun little luxury. This isn't my dashboard, but this is an example of what it looks like: It also lets you compare to your friends, so that scratches the competitive itch.
  2. I see it more like your childhood best friend who goes far away on university and once you meet him again after those years you realise he grew into bit of jerk. But somewhere deep inside hope he will change to better, so you still be going on his party just to check him up Why u edit out my adorable cat pic? Also stop expecting your childhood friend to act like he did when he was a child. Especially when he's not even really the same person, just another guy with the same name.
  3. Maybe they still hold out hope they'll stop screwing the series. Or perhaps it's just fun to pick at games, hardly hurting anyone - well, maybe people overly invested in a company selling them stuff. Being positive about this thing is as productive as is being negative about it, one wears the tshirt of a sucker, the other a cynic. Anyone who expects Fallout 4 to be different than Fallout 3 is wearing both shirts. A realist would expect the game to be much the same, and have a pretty good idea of what sort of enjoyment they can get out of it. But yeah, I still don't see why someone who disliked Fallout 3 would spend much time discussing the sequel. Seems like showing up to a friends party and hour early and whining about what crappy parties they put on. It's a free country, but that doesn't make it less of a douche move. Keep douching, I suppose.
  4. No I wont, and no it is'nt trolling. Your uncritical hype contributes just as much to this as the opposite. The game isn't even out yet. If you hated Fallout 3, why would you even waste time talking about the next one? Being excited about an upcoming title and talking about it in a thread designated for the game is hardly the same as that.
  5. The crafting looks pretty sweet. Much better than FO3, for sure.
  6. Fallout 3 was the best Bethesda game since Skynet.
  7. I got a fitbit Charge HR last week, it is pretty awesome. Doesn't really do a good job tracking hockey, but it is great for my daily runs and everything else. It also tracks sleep, which is cool.
  8. Does Lexx have dark secrets we didnt know about? *gasp*
  9. It's not great, but he's not a prototypical PG either. Look at how often other players bring the ball up and set up at the top of the key. I'm happy if he keeps his turnovers around 5. He'll make up for it in other ways. He pulled two offensive rebounds off missed free throws tonight!
  10. That was pretty rough, but he was still impressive in all other aspects. Although I can see Lebron still getting it even with a loss. He's been a monster.
  11. I don't disagree with the article, or backing the guy, at all. I've said over and over and over and over that I hope he is well compensated if he takes it to court and the evidence shows he was wronged.
  12. How am I censoring you? You shout down and call me names whenever I voice my opinion. It is ironic when you call me an SJW because that tactic would seem to be the hallmark of an SJW.
  13. I'm a bit tired of Volourn calling everyone who disagrees with him an evil nazi SJW. The irony only entertain for so long.
  14. Why do you laugh at evidence? Do you just take the guy's word on it? That's as naive as taking the girl's word on it. Both of them are claiming rape way after the fact, btw. Of course a man can be raped. Why didn't he press charges after it happened? Who is excusing the practice? I'm all for the guy suing the school. If the evidence holds up, I hope he gets a windfall from the school. In terms of his degree, I'd need to know more about it. Expelled for disciplinary reasons is the same thing you get for plagiarism, so I have a hard time believing he can't find some other school that would allow him to complete the degree.
  15. Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence. There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done. Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery. Which does not negate the last year or so of him being unable to complete his degree due to being expelled for disciplinary reasons. Well again, life is not fair. It would certainly be worse if he was facing criminal prosecution. Even if the lawsuit does not pan out, he can likely still pursue his degree through a different school.
  16. Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence. There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done. Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery.
  17. The new Xcom is different than the original, but is definitely a pretty excellent game in its own regard. The Enemy Within expansion also is pretty fantastic and adds a lot of cool mission types. Xenonauts also came out, which is basically an old school game that plays a lot like the original Xcom. I recommend it too. Not as flashy as the new Xcom, but it has a lot of depth.
  18. It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely. Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.
  19. There are a lot of terrible things that can happen in life, and being drunk can increase the odds of those things happening. That's just life. The odds of this particular scenario are still fairly low, I'd imagine. And honestly, if the evidence in his suit vs. Amherst holds up, he's going to get a sizeable payment for his troubles. As everyone else has said, surround yourselves with people you trust, and you should be in pretty good shape.
  20. Oh sure Slowtrain, just post like you haven't been MIA for a couple years.
  21. For any of you guys who are actually worried about getting accused of rape, the solution is pretty simple. Don't put out until the 3rd date. That usually is long enough to see what type of crazy you are dealing with. I was in a frat, we had our crazy parties, but I don't know a single guy who met a girl and had sex with her on the same night. Maybe we all just had weak game, but that seems better than getting accused of something like this.
  22. I wont buy something unless it is 50-75% off.
  23. Started Wolfenstein New Order. It's a wild ride!
  24. In case you haven't noticed, reddit and the media are triumphly declaring that it is not censorship. It is about creating sound environments for constructive discussion. We do not need a history book to know what kind of spiral they have started now. But I would really recommend reading some history books, because then maybe you'd spend less time worrying about this stuff.
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