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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I just don't see the tangible benefits to leaving. The EU may have a tremendous amount of problems, but does this fix any of them? But honestly I'm just parroting John Oliver here, it is hard to develop a real personal opinion when I am so far separated from it all. Good luck!
  2. As long as he doesn't start to hate the passengers.
  3. The no fly list is a complete violation of due process. It's a major problem.
  4. The NRA would never let that get through. They don't even let the CDC do research on anything related to gun violence.
  5. Trump is unlikable as well, so it's not much of a factor in this election.
  6. That doesn't sound anything like the Disney version!
  7. I just watched the Pirates send their backup catcher in to pitch and inning, and he struck out the Giant's best hitter this year. I love baseball.
  8. So how did the government refer to David Koresh and Jim Jones? Radical Christians?
  9. Rest assured the other girls will be ostracizing Jane after putting up those types of numbers. I've watched enough "Real Housewives" to know that.
  10. That was a refreshing read. edit: Until i looked at the comments, ugh.
  11. Wow. The original was cool, but that looks like it is on another level.
  12. What activity, law or behaviour previously not liked by western society should be tolerated? What is to be gained by perpetually accepting such acts? If you answer with new restaurants and interesting music then you have missed what people are being upset about. I must not be explaining myself well enough here. You can be tolerant and still have a reasonable expectation that your laws will be followed and your culture will be respected. You do not need to accept such acts, but you do not need to condemn the many for the sins of a few. You have a mentally unstable homophobic Muslim man who is the son of a Afghani immigrant (who is also pretty unstable.) He stockpiled weapons and then killed 30 people in the name of ISIS. Saying the solution to this is to condemn all Muslims is no better than those that want to ban all guns. They are both short sighted and reactionary, and ignore the vast numbers of peaceful Muslims/responsible gun owners. Islam, guns, even his use of ISIS; these are all just tools that he used to carry out a terrible tragedy. They obviously amplified his instability, and that should not be ignored. But how come no one focuses on the root of this issue? He was a crazy person. This was evident long before the shooting. He had issues in school and there were red flags throughout his life. We have a serious lack of mental health care in the US, and no one seems to be addressing it. That's my take on this. It isn't going to get better by kicking out Muslims.
  13. This game is intense. Lebron gets Finals MVP no matter who wins, I say. Not that it will be a consolation to him. Ugh, stress!
  14. It certainly isn't to welcome all of the above with open arms. If a man isn't tolerating the fact that your daughter is telling him no, your reaction should not be to tolerate him when he forces her legs open. Let's expand on your super gross scenario. A young man comes to your door and is interesting in your daughter. It sounds like you want to answer the door with a gun in hand, then follow the two around with the gun, occasionally barking orders and interrogating him. Or maybe you just don't open the door. I'd rather get to know the young man and find out his intentions. I can tell him what my expectations are. If he turns out to be a punk, I'm also not going to judge all other young men on his actions. If he were to assault her, which is a terrible thought, I'd rely on the law of the land to deal with him. I'd focus my attention on my daughter and helping her recover from her ordeal.
  15. We have a guy who attacks a gay nightclub because of intolerance, and we have a religion that everyone accuses of being intolerant, and we have a terrorist group that doesn't tolerate anything that is different... And the solution is to be less tolerant?
  16. I know we go over this stuff with alarming regularity, but the amount of intolerance that gets thrown around here is depressing. How does that solve any of these issues? And you can have a tolerant society that still expects newcomers to follow the letter of the law and make steps to embrace the culture they are joining. They are not mutually exclusive, quite the opposite. Lead by example.
  17. Man, Odd Thomas is one of my favorite films. That is tragic.
  18. This is a pretty biased way to differentiate between the two religions. It also is fairly sloppy with the history. But most egregious of all is the ignoring all the things that have happened in the name of the two religions over the past centuries. Just because Christianity is in a time of stability does not mean we should just label it the good religion and Islam the bad one. And realistically, how does that do any good? Is Islam going to become stable because of that? Probably not.
  19. Huh, can't say it doesn't chafe me a bit that they are disregarding all the TV stuff.
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