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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. We all know that snopes is just a liberal shill.
  2. Nope. It's a shame, really. Trump has been consistent in saying terrible things about people, but Clinton seems to be playing it safe.
  3. My wife and I get to pour wine for a local winery this weekend, so that should be fun.
  4. Still plugging away at WoW, I have my Death Knight up to level 81 and am looking to start the cataclysm content.
  5. Geez, why can't she talk like that in the debates? I mean, there were a few moments when she went off the rails talking about faith and her daily spirit guide, but she handled the talk about self consciousness and the struggle with ego with incredible grace. Great question and great response.
  6. NEO Scavenger was a pretty fun post apoc game, but definitely not big budget.
  7. I never got into Sunless Sea. I'm not sure why it didn't hook me. I'm not a big Lovecraft guy either though.
  8. Didn't Trudeau save someone's life recently? I thought about him, but I can't say I have much to go on other than him seeming charismatic. But really, it's difficult to look at current leaders and say they are great. Usually it takes a decade or so to reflect on what they really accomplished, unless they've been in an extraordinary situation. Fox, for example, was. It was pretty much a miracle that he ended up in office.
  9. I read a great book about Vincent Fox when I was in college. I'd agree with Johnson's choice. Can't say there are any current world leaders I'd be comfortable backing.
  10. Ah, totally forgot they kickstarted a Bard's Tale. Yeah, they need to slow down their pledge drives.
  11. Yeah, I don't get it. The first time in awhile we see a solid bipartisan vote and it is for a terrible piece of legislature.
  12. What was the 3rd? I was perturbed when they put out the Torment kickstarter before W2 was released, but then W2 came out, was good, and they even supported it with a very nice DC. That makes me more forgiving. Plus Torment seems to be very far along, meaning they probably have finished all the content creation and are just polishing, which likely doesn't need the same size team. So it doesn't bother me that they are launching the next one, as Torment is close enough to finish and they successfully pulled off Wasteland 2.
  13. What other games are you talking about? Wasteland Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fallout Brotherhood of Steel Fallout 3 Wasteland 2 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 the end of the world never ends Oh, you meant actual Fallout games, I thought you meant games that mimic the old school style of Fallout 1 and 2. Wasteland 2 is the only new game that is doing that. Wasteland 2 is a pretty different setting too. It shares the post-apoc stuff, sure, but it doesn't have any of the 50's retro setting, it's fairly grounded in reality when it comes to weapons, etc.
  14. Wasteland 2 was excellent. The complaints seem to be more about how InXile handles their PR then the actual game. What other games are you talking about?
  15. That is brilliant, Gizmo. They better let us mod that in.
  16. Yeah, looks a little rough, but it dropped the right names to perk my interest.
  17. I was surprised how much Trump continued to rail against American companies moving to Mexico. Not only is Mexico not at the top of that list (China is a better target) but it would seem to contradict his whole wall building rhetoric. Is Mexico stealing American jobs or are Mexicans crossing the border and stealing jobs in the US? China is also a much better target for this rhetoric, because they are barely bringing in any American goods. It is an imbalanced relationship, while our trade relationship with Mexico has actually balanced out more over the last decade. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/aug/27/donald-trump/trump-says-us-companies-moving-mexico-more-almost-/ http://fortune.com/2015/08/10/is-donald-trump-right-that-mexico-is-killing-us-on-trade/
  18. They don't have cable. They are Trump supporters, but they feel like he is not doing well. I can't really tell, it is hard to listen to either one.
  19. Somehow I ended up with neighbors over thay wanted to watch it. This is ugly. Bit surprised how long they've spent on business talk. That would seem to favor Trump.
  20. Of course there is some huge financial advice I'd impart on myself, like telling myself not to buy a condo right before the housing market collapse. But on a more spiritual level, I don't know if I'd have much to say. I mean, I have kids, so I already have younger versions of myself to give cryptic life advice to, but really I just want them to be happy. My mistakes have been too closely tied to who I am today, and I'm happy with who I am, so I am not sure I would go back and fix them. Except for buying that condo. I'd skip that dumb part. And maybe be smarter about car loans too.
  21. My car is in the shop, and they gave me a sweet Audi Q5 as a rental. I am now planning out my next car purchase. I still have a year before I can buy, but I am thinking a Mazda 6 or a Jeep Cherokee. It is a commuter car, so the 6 makes more sense, but I love the new Cherokees.
  22. Well, I guess if you toss out the 60's and early 70's, then you have a point. But I don't know why we would do that, since they are a pretty solid blueprint to follow as to how this whole thing is going to develop over the next decade. http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/11/are-we-living-1968-all-over-again/ http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0503-burrough-violent-revolution-20150503-story.html
  23. Only interesting if the pseudonym turns out to be something good like Sexbot420.
  24. Well thankfully the internet exists and you can check to see how often they happen. The 60's and 70's were pretty crazy, this stuff pales in comparison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_racial_violence_in_the_United_States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_the_United_States
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