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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The Mass Effect trailer makes me think the game will be a lot like the first 3, and I'm happy with that. I have no issues with space operas.
  2. I think they've already hit the day 1 peak, it seems to be slowing quite a bit. I do think they will hit the goal easily within the first couple days, but I think it will slow and the last days pickup will only be a few hundred thousand. Of course, this is all speculation.
  3. They are nearing $400k in the first day. I'd say they will get around $1.5 million.
  4. It's not really a simple question. Is the economic benefit of these pipelines worth the potential environmental risk? We already have a ton of lines crisscrossing the nation, do we need more? Is oil even worth the investment at this point as the future of energy is concerned? It seems like everyone wants to turn this into a big political fight, when really it should be left up to the economists and environmentalists to decide whether the risk/reward is worth it.
  5. I'm sure we'll get some alternative facts about this from WoD.
  6. It's not like Trump started with nothing, so that's a pretty silly comparison.
  7. Yes yes, your guy is the greatest, the other guy is the devil. Facts are unimportant. http://www.snopes.com/obama-deported-more-people/
  8. This wall stuff is crazy. Everyone is ok with us dropping a couple billion dollars on a massive construction project that will have a questionable impact on illegal immigration? It's also weird that people ignore the fact that Obama extended the wall and deported more people than Bush. Both sides seem to ignore that.
  9. As long as they cement in a bunch of the workers, I think the comparison works.
  10. No, it's not a fact: http://www.snopes.com/obama-encouraged-illegal-aliens-to-vote/ Why u lie?
  11. WoD and Volo are posting some crazy stuff about California voting, which are part of the alternative facts machine: http://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2016/nov/28/donald-trump/pants-fire-trumps-claim-about-california-voter-fra/ But hey, keep spouting stupid stuff about California. Morans.
  12. Except point 3 makes it clear that good Republican leadership is very capable of turning those immigrants into Republican votes.
  13. Has that been a trend? The only one I saw was the SNL writer who has suspended indefinitely for tweeting a negative comment about the son.
  14. Aziz Ansari had a pretty good monologue. The rest of the show was rough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9PpuYTgNQ4
  15. Time to revive this thread. Patrick Marleau scored 4 goals in the 3rd period the other night, and is just a couple away from the 500 mark. He's taken a fair bit of criticism over his career, but I've always loved to watch him play and hope he stays with the Sharks until he retires. He is also nearing 100 game-winning goals, which is crazy. He doesn't have the award hardware you'd expect given his numbers, but the guy has just been a consistently good player for nearing 2 decades. I'm hoping him and Thornton get another run at the Cup to top it off.
  16. Obviously that is a problem, but 229 votes over the last decade is almost infinitesimal when it comes to the number of people voting overall.
  17. In a perfect world, sure. But as much as I like the Libertarian idea of minding my own business, I'm not sure that cutting off all international aid is in the best interests of the future.
  18. Thanks for those alternative facts.
  19. Hah, Elizabeth Banks is in that new Power Rangers, awesome.
  20. That could also be you getting better at the game. Enemy Within gives you more options to be successful, but you can still get thrashed without good tactics.
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