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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That would be a huge boost for Oakland.
  2. Years of delays? It's been available as early access for over a year now, so people that worry about that stuff can see it in action. To be honest, anyone that thought the game would release in 2014 was not paying attention. I believe Kickstarter actually only lets you set a date so far in the future, so that is why the majority of these games do not hit their targets. This was what, a 4 year development cycle? That doesn't sound that much longer than your typical big RPG. PoE started in 2012 and launched in 2015, so Torment basically took an extra year.
  3. Not really the point, any spike after 40 years of decreases is going to look big in comparison.
  4. I think we should move past the outright hostility. I am going to stop teasing WoD over the magna **** laude and stalinist stuff, and maybe we can agree to stop taking potshots at our careers and using vulgarities. Just an idea.
  5. I'm not a fan of Bill Maher, but he is right about the murder rate. Portraying as the highest spike in crime since 1971 is a mischaracterization. What it really shows is that the plummeting crime rates of the last few decades may be leveling out. edit: At the same time, Pier Morgan is the only one speaking any sense when it comes to handling Trump.
  6. I suppose that makes two of us.
  7. Installing one or two mods that takes 10 minutes is confusing? These are two very different statements. edit: Also, I have four different copies of Evil Dead. They have different cases and somewhat different bonus features, but they are all the same movie. That isn't an issue, I don't know why Beamdog is an issue for you. If you are a fan of the game, it should be a good thing that they can run a business model off milking the franchise. It doesn't diminish the original in any way.
  8. Hey, I give the kids blankets. My wife would agree with all of you.
  9. The top commentator on that youtube video was Arvid Axelsson, and he had a similar complaint with what looked a bit like a Warhammer avatar. But looking closer it seems like the avatar was from Dead Space. Your secret identity is still safe.
  10. It isn't fraud. They are still delivering a video game. You are upset because they didn't deliver on all their promises of content. That's perfectly reasonable, although that is a risk when you crowdfund a game. They offered a refund, which is actually a bit above what you should expect when you take part in crowdfunding. But that isn't enough for you? I've got multiple unfulfilled games I pledged for on Kickstarter, some of them are going on 5 years now. Odds are I will never see them. That sucks, but that was a risk I took. InXile is releasing actual playable games, with real graphics and game mechanics. So excuse me if I think your plight is a bit trite.
  11. I'd say the refund alone almost doesn't cut it. imagine paying for a game in Steam and then finding a completely different game in your library. sure, you can get a refund, but it doesn't change the fact that you didn't get the game you had paid for in the first place. Come on. This is ridiculous. You are talking about a video game here.
  12. We paired cookies with some beers today, it was pretty fun. I also went full nerd and made a rubric for our beer drinking, and now we assign letter grades. Black Butte Porter was the only unanimous A.
  13. I keep my heat at 65 degrees and I am paying out the nose.
  14. We learn more from our failures than our successes.
  15. Tigranes, that sounds confusing. That is the appeal of EE. It makes a classic accessible. It also opens it up to a much younger audience. That makes plenty of sense as a business model and probably helps the rpg genre as a whole.
  16. I played the original BG's when they came out, and last year played through the EE versions. The game ran well, looked decent on my modern computer, and had very little differences in content. I was happy. I wish more games got the EE treatment.
  17. Whoa there, no need to get personal. I do my best work that way!
  18. Yes, that sounds like the lesson you should learn here.
  19. Yep, as Zor said, it isn't a report, but rather an opinion piece. The problem is opinion pieces have become the focus in the media today, instead of back page fodder like they used to be.
  20. 14 or 15? It's not really the point, and it isn't a compliment or an insult, just a reminder that we all come from different perspectives, and age is a major part of that. edit: The age was a guess as to how old you were when the Charlie Hebdo massacre happened.
  21. Charlie Hebdo - freedom of press, terrorist attacks, etc.? rings a bell? Always good to remember that Ben is young and his point of references are not the same as many of us. Charlie Hebdo was two years ago, and while I am sure he is familiar with it, it probably did not have the same impact if he was 12 or 13. That is something I always try and remind myself in the classroom. My students did not live through 9/11, Columbine, or many of the other major events that shaped the world we live in.
  22. Lego Batman - the first twenty minutes of this is not only the best interpretation of Batman ever, it is one of the best openings to any movie ever. Go see it.
  23. I love the last one "I like the challenge of trying to craft pants before my mom walks by."
  24. I said the same thing about The Witcher.
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