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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. My wife and daughter will tell you they are dealing with all of their hair.
  2. It has a lot to do with PR. Will more people fly with Delta because they took a stance against the NRA? Will those numbers compensate for possible sales lost? What type of consumer reaction will Georgia be subject to? I actually trust that Delta's PR machine has a better grasp of the situation than the state of Georgie.
  3. I've been noticing that people are reacting to me differently now that I am in much better shape than I was a few years ago. It seems that I may be less approachable. I don't believe my demeanor has changed, or if it has, I'd say it has changed for the better as I feel more positive and energetic. However I've noticed my typical smile and greetings are not returned in the same manner as they used to be. I mentioned this to my wife and she put out an interesting theory. Men who are a bit overweight are more approachable and considered friendlier (jolly?) and more intelligent. Fit men are seen as gym rats and muscleheads. It is reversed for women. An overweight woman is seen as lazy and not intelligent, while a fit woman receives much more positive attention, particularly from males. At least, that this her theory. But I am finding it to be true. Ah well, I will console myself by staring at my abs in the mirror.
  4. Can you serve the time? Otherwise I'd reload. The save system in this game does freak me out. I find myself looking for a bed every time I do something even remotely productive. I've been killing a lot of bandits while they are asleep, or rather while they are in a state of undress as I wake them up with my sword. I feel only a bit bad about that.
  5. If Vegas had the Giants winning somewhere in the 70's, it would be a good bet.
  6. This is false. It's like you guys don't even listen to my podcast!
  7. Ok, now I'm pissed! https://www.wsj.com/articles/canned-beer-pays-price-for-trump-tariff-1520000163
  8. Has anyone voiced support for that? Other than a few of our European folks who just say ban guns altogether.
  9. I'd argue that all pledges are more ceremonial than about any actual technical specifications, but there are some systematic changes they are making to be more responsible as a seller of firearms: - No sales to anyone under 21 - No high capacity magazines In terms of the assault rifle, or what they refer to as a modern sporting rifle, that could very well be a symbolic move rather than a technical one. Still, it positions them as a responsible gun vendor, even if only symbolically. I think that is a good move to make for them. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but over half a million people liked their post, another 200k loved it, and only 34k hated it according to the very scientific facebook like button. I don't think this will suddenly end mass shootings. But it is refreshing to see major gun sellers taking a responsible stance. The NRA does the exact opposite in these situations.
  10. Since I posted the last one: I gotta be honest, it seems like they are knocking it out of the park from a PR perspective with this stuff. I mean it may seem like common sense to encourage responsible gun ownership, but far too much of the narrative is dominated by absolutists
  11. I've been playing this. It reminds me a lot of Mount and Blade, which is great. I'm terrible at lockpicking and I'm thinking about restarting with a more virtuous character just so I can use morality as my excuse for avoiding them.
  12. I never understood why Reign of Fire wasn't popular, on the topic of dragon movies.
  13. I was 8 of 8. I feel like Millenial covers too many years. There is a huge difference between me amd my co-workers who are ten years younger.
  14. I don't know if we had an NHL thread this year, as the last one I could find was '16-'17, but we are getting close to the end of the season and I figured it would be good to have one. I'm pretty excited about adding Evander Kane to the Sharks. I know he's had troubles with other organizations, but he's a legitimate power forward and the Sharks have really lacked that for years. Also I'm amazed at what the Vegas Knights have done. I head out to Vegas at the end of the month to watch them play my Sharks. Also my son got to play in net a couple weeks ago, it was fantastic.
  15. It seems to be more of a visual difference than a functional one. Which I get that people love to nitpick, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of these mass shooters have been attracted to very similar looking weapons. with the idea being if the would-be mass sh00ter cannot purchase an ar-15, he will simple call off the whole plan and instead take up macrame or something similar? after all, it ain't as if 5 minutes o' internet searching could possible reveal to a prospective purveyor o' adolescent mayhem the availability o' semi-auto elk hunting rifles which is genuine far more powerful than ar-15s. not to mention we ain't yet seen a school classroom which is the kinda 400 metres which is testing the ar-15's max range, so 'course deprived o' an ar-15, the wannabee attention wh0re would never consider a backpack or duffle bag filled with handguns as a viable option b for confronting his perceived abusers in these smallish school classrooms and hallways. have said before how Gromnir actual is in favor o' any number o' gun control options. even so, am disappointed by the fixation and distraction o' assault-style and military-style weapons. shouldn't make hurl the punching bag, but has gotten to the point whereby anytime we see "assault-style" or similar nomenclature, we feel need to vent a bit. doesn't make any sense to us. HA! Good Fun! Your making a lot of assumptions about my beliefs on 'assualt style' weapons, but that is probably my fault for not being clear. I was simply posting what the sporting good store went with. In terms of their interest, they probably hope that not having that type of weapon available will lessen their chances of being listed as a seller when the next shooting happens. That seems reasonable.
  16. It seems to be more of a visual difference than a functional one. Which I get that people love to nitpick, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of these mass shooters have been attracted to very similar looking weapons.
  17. This seems like a pretty reasonable response from a gun seller. I wish the NRA would adopt stances like this:
  18. If my Giants can stay healthy, I think they make the postseason. But they lack depth and are old.
  19. Also, if you really want a System Shock type game, play Subnautica. It's amazing.
  20. Yoga Hosers just struck me as something fun he wanted to do with his daughter, so I don't really hold it against him. Like many in Hollywood, once you hit the big time it can be difficult to recapture the magic that made you stand out. I don't expect anymore Clerks/Mallrats/Dogma moments from him, but he still does a great job telling stories in his podcasts and comedy specials. But yeah, he's only 47. He should have another couple decades if he can change some health habits.
  21. Looking at it, the surprising thing is how much work they seemed to have done. A lot of these projects that have failed were rather clearly in the earliest stages of development. I didn't follow this one closely or pledge, but it definitely looks like they were fairly far along on it before messing up.
  22. Probably because the car thief has no insurance himself. Although that would be a pretty responsible thief if he did.
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