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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I got my Blood Elf Monk up to level 30 in WoW. I really don't remember much about any of these zones I'm playing through. I also ticked the DirectX 12 box and the characters look a good deal better.
  2. and good riddance. What an ugly thing to say.
  3. I'm getting pretty close to my goal of a 5k under 20 minutes. Today I got a good 20 mile ride in, and then ran a 5k in 20:52. I did a 5k yesterday in 22 minutes, so I was surprised how easy it was to push the pace after the bike. I've got my half Ironman in two weeks, so I think I'm hitting a good place in my training and hopefully will be able to bring it to the race.
  4. The story of Volo versus the New York Times is a legend on the internets. They may block him, but they will never silence him.
  5. Kennedy is an interesting case because we really don't know how good he would have been if he survived for a second term. He is rarely criticized for Cuba and his role in Vietnam, but given credit for the Civil Rights Movement and the Space Race. Would he have been as effective as LBJ at pushing forward new domestic policies? I'm pretty partial to Eisenhower, since he was really the last President who seemed to understand what the role of the military should be in our society.
  6. Since we were kind of talking about homelessness, this story was hard to watch: https://www.tsn.ca/video/tsn-original-finding-murph~1466368 Honestly it terrifies me with my kid playing hockey. Football gets a lot of heat about this stuff, but hockey has a pretty dark history as well.
  7. I just don't understand how anyone spends anything on mobile games. My price cap is around a buck for anything on my phone or tablet.
  8. Drugs and booze (and syphilis) make pretty much everything alright.
  9. Sad that it is needed, but they definitely deserve the pay. Although Waste Management has always been a pretty well paid career in this country. I learned that from the sitcom Roc.
  10. Elder Scrolls Online actually has a really effective level scaling system in place. So far I'm enjoying it in WoW, but I'm only playing a bunch of new characters in their 20's and haven't touched any high level stuff.
  11. It's not really trolling, Sonic just has a hyperbolic posting style where all of his opinions, even if spot on, sound obnoxious. He is hardly the worst we have seen over the last couple decades of this forum stuff. Take everything with a grain of salt, etc. Also good to remember he likely is younger than this forum.
  12. Futurama was a bit of a slow starter too, so I am hoping Disenchantment will pick up as it goes along.
  13. I had to look that up. Is a thread lift like a face list? I have 3 weeks until my Half Ironman. Sunday I ran 10 miles at a steady 7:35 mile pace with some hills, so I feel ready.
  14. The game has been sliding towards Inglorious Bastards action(good analogy ) since after BF2. The WWI game had a chance to go back to the roots and was just another action game, so I doubt anyone is really surprised that BFV is not the next BF1942.
  15. I'd also say it's just more evidence that the yearly release cycle is a bad idea. It works in sports and that's about it. People lose interest.
  16. I was definitely not ready to deal with a 30-something year old woman when I was 17. I know you are being glib, but I am glad I had my awkward phase with another awkward teenager. I have also never really been able to just enjoy a physical relationship without getting very emotionally involved, so I am guessing everyone is different.
  17. Not sure where I said anything about sympathy. I said it was more likely. Explaining an action is not the same as excusing it.
  18. Yeah, I had no idea who she was. I'd say the figurehead of the #MeToo movement was Weinstein, since it was the flood of terrible stories about him that really opened the gates. After that it seems like Rose McGowan gets the most press. Edit: also victims of sexual assault commiting sexual assault is sadly not a surprise, it is a likelihood.
  19. Nope. I don't know a single private school in the expensive bay area that pays their teachers anywhere near what public schools in the same area do. We have better retirement packages as well. As the article states, the appeal of a private school for teachers is that it is easier to teach (and typically has a religious component.) The best private schools in the area are the best because of the reasons stated in the article, not because they pay their teachers well. I am sure universities are a different ballgame, but this is the reality of K-12 education. But hey, don't take my word for it, just my career for the last 18 years.
  20. Looks like a sequel to the Panzer General 2. That's what I was thinking. Doesn't look like Xcom, more like a classic wargame.
  21. As I said, I actually give Trump a lot of credit for knowing how to manipulate the media situation to his advantage. There is no way he separates himself from the republican field without having a decent enemy to attack. Everyone else was targetting Clinton and he went deeper.
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