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Everything posted by Mor

  1. To be fair NWN looks and camera control wasn't that much different from similar games that came around that time, and the reaction above is can be why many publishers prefer to avoid untested things... Also for those replaying NWN2 make sure to update the game, one of the patches make the camera much more manageable.
  2. Indeed it looks amazing in this image, that something that I'd expect to see in First/third person, in Mount & Blade you could use custom coa, in witcher armor looked spectacular and some of the newer AAA medieval themed games took it further, but I doubt that this will be one of PE features..
  3. Interesting, that would mean 4+ talents (depending on whether we get one at lvl 0 and how many talents will be accessibly through quests). If you happen to stumble upon it once again, i'd appropriate a link, thanks
  4. So.. the big news is the name the guys who is going to write(edit?) the Collector's Edition book(Camping almanac?) - ok.. :|
  5. Only twelve levels, is news to me, can you recall where you seen this info?
  6. Inside Putin's Campaign Of Social Media Trolling And Faked Ukrainian Crimes Vladimir Putin uses an invisible army of social media propagandists, in addition to conventional media, to support his narrative of an out-of-control Ukraine, to spread fabrications of atrocities by Ukrainian extremists, and to unleash destabilizing rumors on east Ukraine. If Ukraine unmasks the myths of Russia’s disinformation war, Putin’s target audiences, at home and abroad, must eventually reject his whole narrative. ... Putin’s Orders of Service reward his visible army of TV, print and on-line journalists. Left out are the equally important invisible cogs of his propaganda machine; namely, the social networkers, rumor-mongerers, and the armies of trolls, poised to attack any unfavorable media. This invisible, clandestine army, toiling away in obscurity, is an indispensable weapon in peddling the Russian narrative of “neo-Nazi extremists” backed by the U. S. state department and NATO, who usurped control from the “democratically-elected” Ukrainian president. We know Putin’s visible media and can evaluate it as such. We cannot say the same for Putin’s social media warriors, who operate behind a veil of secrecy, anonymity, and assumed identities. ... Western media and diplomats now openly admit that Putin lies deliberately and without hesitation. In its releases on Crimea, the state department used “fiction” and “false claims” to describe lies of Putin and his diplomats. .. Putin’s reputation for lying was cemented by his casual statement in his April 17 news conference that Russian troops were all along in Crimea, despite earlier denials ... Putin’s invisible social-media campaign includes fiction writers posting on fake Facebook (or the Russian version Vkontakte) accounts, pretending to have witnessed some horrendous crime committed by Ukrainian extremists. A second wing handles the shadowy distribution of photo-shopped or staged photos, again featuring Ukrainian atrocities. A third wing spreads rumors to destabilize entire communities and districts. No one really knows from whence the fake photo came or who originated the rumor, but they continue to spread through the targeted population. ...
  7. Similarly, in Ukraine, Sovoboda was the smallest opposition party, that has been around for two decades and was legally fit to sit in the opposition during the previous government, was turned into all out Nazis, the face of the opposition\Euromaiden\Ukraine, just as protest over corruption and economy turned into a planned putsch... and now armed militias that took over whole region and shoot up military choppers are just like Euromaiden.. --- In other news, the deposed Ukrainian president Yanukovych, whom Russia used on camera to say that he ask for Russian help, wants Russia to give Crimea back. --- Yes.. it was desimnated from RT(Russian news), and still there is not even fracture of proof compared to Russia's involvement that previously took place in Crimea, which you have been dismissing out of hand. I guess its a fact now , again one point for the team oby retard kids. Not surprising though, they desperately need it to be orchestrated by USA, making them the bad guys, but so far its one of the sketchiest conspiracy theories, fueled by prejudice and made by applying supposition on none "facts"(like the above) riddled with unexplained leaps.
  8. So nothing new, its amazing how the oby team is consistently clogging this with Web S***e. At last rationalwiki lends a hand at screening the most obvious ones. iirc last time it was Sarex with that conspiracy channel about economy, 911 and cancer. I guess its reason why the term or phrase yada yada yada was invented (or rather bar bar bar) Great..
  9. I agree, it wont make a dent if push come to shove, but I strongly doubt that it is Kiev that is playing theatrics by poking the bear. It is far more likely that this is Russian theatrics covering the recent Ukrainian contingent of troops deployed into Eastern Ukraine for their ongoing operation. Which is supported by the fact that this information originated from Russia defense ministry. Which in their cynical statement spoke about "western misinformation", Ukrainians troops supposedly posturing on the border and NATO build up in Eastern Europe, and how all of that is not contributing to the efforts to de-escalate tensions... Cynical, since Russia is the one who has been parking ~fifth of its army on the Ukrainian border from the start, whose presence directly threatened Ukraine(especially after Russian disregard to Ukraine sovereignty in Crimea grab), with Russia ignoring all international requests to withdraw and deescalate tensions. Russian force is several magnitude larger then NATO "gestures" to reassure its members, and pose no threat to Russia. However, its plays nicely to the 'militaristic' angle that has been lately playing in Russian news i.e. the Kiev "junta", Kiev "warmongering" etc.. I don't know how many battle ready troops Russia has on the Ukrainian border or how battle hardened they are, but I think that the one things that everyone here would agree is that Ukraine has no more chance than Georgia had. Although here is a nice break down it might not be the most up to date info, or give a great summary of how much stronger Russian, but its a nice strategic overview, with Russian deployment and previous commitments in the region: Overall all the scenarios concerning Ukraine that I have seen from a while, suggest that Russia would covertly support, or even engineer, civil unrest throughout south-east Ukraine and use that as a pretext for: securing land corridor to Crimea through Donetsk; or even expanding further its Black sea real estate, capturing Odessa and creating a corridor to Transnistria in Moldova; and likely other targets of opportunity that will present themselves east of the Dnieper River. If you are interested in such stuff, here is a nice detailed article on Russia strategy and concerns from Swedish research agency http://www.foi.se/Global/Vår%20kunskap/Säkerhetspolitiska%20studier/Ryssland/Briefings/RUFS%20Briefing%20No.22.pdf
  10. That description fits more than just oby...
  11. If so they are kind of doing a bad job at it, allowing several European countries to take the lead for so long and recently getting slammed in the Nets report for Biden\NSA stuff.. tsk tsk tsk - armatures Putin wouldn't approve. Anyway, its an NGO, it ranks democracy, political freedom, and human rights across the world with transparent verifiable criteria and detailed reports like those above. which is a refreshing contrast to vague wank fest and conspiracy crap you paddling, but hey, if it make you sleep better at night keep checking your closet for the bogyman USA...
  12. So far the devs have been very tight lipped concerning modding, I wont be surprised if it will be something left for the programmers to tackle once the game proper will be finished and work on the expansion commence. Regardless of what moding tools become available to us, I just wanted to say that an impressive complete overhaul, I don't think I ever seen anything so radical:
  13. http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/5/entry-139-realism-vs-what-designers-care-about-verisimilitude-and-the-responsibility-of-expectations/ and anything you have still have problem with is magic. have fun.
  14. "you can make anything look bad (or good, for that matter) by tailoring the terms of reference" - exactly for example rendering discussion meaningless, through onslought of nitpicked over hyped events, ignorantly/intentional insinuating that the situation is the same. Here are some point of reference that analyse overall free press, freedom of the "net" and freedom in general (there was no "Western" category, so I picked USA, which will fit well considering that most of the examples here are about the USA, like the above example, Biden etc) Freedom of press (USA, Russia). Freedom of net (USA, Russia) and freedom in general USA, Russia) Btw, the reason I hate Astrology its because it is written in vague, ungrounded generalities and it "success" is due to its suggestive nature, because people accept general or vague statements as applying uniquely to them. Similarly in our case the first paragraph is that general/vague statements that can be recycled in any conversation about our own local politics, and will appeal to many, me included. (I also 100% agree, only in 180 opposite of what your bottom line) Its the second one "seeking to redefine what is relevant to your particularly narrow interpretation" is the problem ( it plays on ignorance and prejudices of what the media role and the facts in hype spam wank fest)
  15. Nice, anyone who have different point of view in comparision with general line of NWO Party is a troll, liar and agent of KGB. Dude it's serious reason to worry about democracy in YOUR country. I don't really care about NWOs, UFOs and the like, but OBY, ohhhhh.. you care about democracy and our democracy...... In that case what did you think about this observation: "…the quantity of pro-Kremlin trolling on this topic … which has been documented extensively since 2012 as a real and insidious threat to online communities of idea and debate, has rendered commenting on these articles all but meaningless, and a worthless exercise in futility and frustration for anyone not already being mind-controlled by the Kremlin." Mind you its just one commenter opinion on the guardian, but I have seen it mentioned on many other occasions, including in Russia local arena. Last I recall it involved an investigative piece concerning payed comments. (you know like amazon ranking fiasco) Its what I call deflection or the "look who's talking" routine, way to avoid discussion and change the topic, by pointing the finger outward in accusation that what you have is just the same. so far those discussion ended in ad nauseum by rain of endless popular events per google search, while ignoring any and all analysis that cover the various topics.
  16. I have left Greece and Turkey with the distinct impression that they regard traffic rules as recommendation only, while in Scotland people seem overly polite drivers and pedestrians. Though my impression might be tinted by my specific experience i.e. maybe those overly polite gestures where actually: OMG we are in the tourist habitat, take no chance wave the crazy ****s to slow down, or about ****ing tourists who are unfamiliar with lay of the land in overly congested, poorly designed traffic hell holes.
  17. For those interested in realism, there some interesting tidbits in this thread concerning COA.
  18. I doubt that we will have trouble spotting any creature(unless they will have some full\semi transparent effect), but its an interesting idea. Right now scout mode sound like a foolproof technic to side step any encounter except where there are choke point, it will be interesting if it wasn't the case for certain camouflaged creatures that will be hunting for us(also sneaking), so they will only appear if we have high enough perception(scouting suppose to uncover hidden tings, not just sneak around) otherwise they will appear invisible to us until its too late. Those wont be the semi corporeal creatures indra wish for but close enough, no?
  19. I agree. In many aspects our Religions are product of the time, we have the same religious text from thousands of years ago, but their interpretation change effected by social progress and many times hijacked by petty human squabbles. Here the major change is that deities has much more active role in things, I don't know if the end result will be the same, but it seem to me that the reason wont.
  20. From what we are told the main game is pretty much nearing completion, soon it will be locked and work commence on translation, polish, bug fixing musical score recording etc.. In the industry there is a huge "taboo" against developers saying anything about expansions before the game ships, I don't know if its a PR thing (you want the players to focus on the game they have, not what it lacks) or trying to avoid ammunition to the usual loud "DLC rants" about content/features supposedly cut from the game for the DLCs or causing less time spent on quality. But unless its a completely stand a lone expansion (in which case poll away), I'd be disappointed if they don't have a general idea/plan about the expansion (along the lines of what they had during PoE kickstarter) and how it integrates with the story/setting, although I don't really need to know the details at this point.
  21. Uhm, unproductive days.... I wanted drooling homer Simpson icon, but this will do.
  22. I hate elections times, its really miserable and annoying time, but I love voting days, its a free vacation day during working week and no-politics rule invoked. last time we slept, had an late breakfast on the porch and enjoyed our coffee .. went voting 5min in/out, then then was a mix of family/friends time...
  23. Meanwhile on the oby "team", (with which I more and more tend to associate you) from the start your the arguments pretty much followed along the line of what has been portrayed in Russia media (i.e. from Russia vs the west point of view) Which instead of leading to a solution perpetuated the problem, and now we have thoroughly destabilized country, with armed militias with military hardware in east Ukraine, in control of a whole region, where we already seen armed attacks, torture, assassination and escalating military conflict.. Except that dirt slinging at anything dubbed "anti-Russian" (like the nazi stuff etc etc etc). We have dubled in a lot in excuses for Russia actions with claims that "west" planed this crisis; that its the "Western media" that are the one who show completely one side picture of event; the they also do it stuff with mostly superficial comparisons; basically pointing the fingers at anything and anyone away from Russia. We also has a lot of popular tangent topics, where certain members of Oby team can vent about the west, such as whose ideologies\policies\whatever are better, who is the superpower, stronger or win world war; and now we are back to media\Serbs discussion which except reinforcing certain bias concerning the role of media in this conflict, has little todo with it. Speaking off media, here are couple of relevant interesting/amusing headlines: Pro-Kremlin journalists win medals for 'objective' coverage of Crimea: Vladimir Putin gave 'Order of Service to the Fatherland' medals to 300 journalists known for Kremlin-friendly coverage - It reminds what happned in Chechnya, Pro-Kremlin journalists won medals, while many of those who didn't found rough treatment and even killed. Russia's Media Trolls
  24. @Zoraptor, sorry I have no interest in continuing dubling in this demagoguery and KaineParker is right this take too much time from other (and more importantly from me). So here is my bottom line summary for "you" (its actually leftover from few other posts from couple of days ago, that I filled the gaps in between). As I said from the start, I am generally against violent revolutions, preferring gradual change. Following unfortunate events that took place in the Independence square, I said that once a solution provided and stability restored, all relevant parties should be held accountable and dealt with (including those you exclusively feature). However, lets be honest the internal Ukrainian issue wasn't the reason why this event drew so much attention. The real reason was Russia rhetoric/propaganda machine going into high gear as it did in a recent chain of Russian power moves in the region to assert its dominance.Here is summary of the points, on which I based my opinion on the issue: Russia still has the Cold War mentality, blaming the loss of power and status following the break up of the Soviet Union on the west, which portrayed some times almost as its "arch enemy". Russia showed desire to return to the old days, and repeatedly warned against NATO enlargement/expanded cooperation with former Soviet republics. Russia ended up intervening under various pretexts in all those Soviet republics who cooperated with NATO and haven't been brought to heel (i.e. Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and other seem to brewing), creating "breakaway" region and making direct real estate grabs in tightly grouping in the Black-sea region, which Russia considers as pivotal connector between central Europe and the Balkans in its revival mood. Russia has vested strategic interest in Ukraine joining their Euroasian economic union, playing the buffer zone, playing their energy export pipeline and playing their forward base in the black sea. I recent years Ukraine tried to assert its sovereignty, to become more than a satellite state like Belarus, this caused contention in all the above aspects and Russia using its regional uncontested monopoly power to pressure them in line. Russia has been supporting the president Yanukovych since before 2004. While the orange revolution led to deterioration of the relations between Russia and Ukraine. Notably for Ukraine choosing to go with "western development" and opening the prospect of joining NATO and EU, which was seen as dangerous and against Russian interest. But despite Russia applying pressure for years, Kiev has given little in terms of political concessions to Moscow, until Ukraine put its own head in the noose, bogged down by mismanagement and corruption(despite the big proclamations during the orange revolution) unable to fix its economical problems and unwilling to make unpopular reforms Yanukovych was ready to make 180 for a big pile of cash from Russia. But the popular movement against Yanukovych which led to him being deposed put end to Russia hopes. Russian government control all of its major mass media outlets, in what can be characterized as state-run one-sided affair, at least in relation to issues critical of the government. To put thing in perspective, on the world arena Russia is featured at the bottom of freedom of press ranks and at the top of censorship.(most recently using recent internet censorship laws against "pedophiles" to block opposition websites - as suspected). More importantly Ukraine has large ethnic Russian population, many of who used news in Russian So yes in my opinion, Russia had exploited the crisis in Ukraine for its own gains. F***ing up Ukraine as it consolidated its losses by securing its strategic goals i.e. the real estate grab in Crimea, and possibly seeking to creating a new buffer zone in the East Ukraine. (Crimea is cut off from the main land and need either cooperative Ukraine or Eastern Ukraine in Russia pocket)
  25. On the "Proof" bit, there is an update in that article, if a screenshot and one article counts as proof in your book. I don't know if Russia lied on the results, but the circumstances in which the vote and been conducted is not news.
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