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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. Me like butt more.. nice to grip!
  2. he was gone?
  3. well it's virtually impossible to remain impartial .. but I believe a newspaper has a responsibility to further debates and develop democracy.. In this case they went to far (in some of the illustrations), but it had an effect .. it just didn't further democracy, rather the opposite! now people are afraid of moslims ... but that's not JP fault, or Denmarks .. nor is it really anyone ones fault, but more the stubborness and radicalness of a few that have moved and affected the many.. Neither do I .. but then what does self-censurship help? then you are practically saying radicalism is ok and we "accept" terror-threats (accept as in we are too afraid to say our opinion because we fear you'll kill us) combat ideas with better ideas .. ideals with better ideals! provocation needs finetunement, so in this case we didn't succed .. but we won't give in to fear and not try!
  4. true .. but silence can sometimes cost you more..
  5. and again, we are used to being quite sarcastic here.. and moslims here are used to the tone .. (even moslim standup comdians usually attack Christianity, which is fine, since it's on par with danish humor) 4 years ago there was a sketch about how annoying it was to find a dead moslim in your home, since we don't have any burrialgrounds for them .. and the sketch ended with the guy being charged several thousand kr in stamps as he send the dead moslim to his homecountry .. now this sketch had a point, but I would dare to agree that the point JP was trying to debate was just as valid! A press can't accept censur that is based on fear .. nor can a democratic country or any citizen therein!
  6. again I would like to stress the fact that these cartoons were not published as a direct provocation or as a direct statement for freedom of speech .. they were published to start a debate, because a danish author (K
  7. I agree.. I've actually tried to play that card from time to time .. though with variable succes! :">
  8. it started 3 years ago ...
  9. To ~Di - Even Europeans sometimes suprise each other with our difference in culture.. especially when it comes to humor and what is considered inappropriate! Danes in unfamiliar territory will probably be much more polite, but on a forum they can be like they always are!
  10. the problem is that average joe in the middleeast don't understand freedom of speech .. because he's used to have the goverments or royal families dictate what is and what is not allowed to be published in the media.. edit: even several ambassadors requested to see the Prime-minister as they thought he was the minister of the media as well .. hence he was responsible .. and they live here!
  11. furthermore: Naser Khader (a Danish ethnic politician and also muslim) said, quite beautifully, that he was quite happy with these drawings.. because he understood the Danish use of irony and sarcasm .. he saw this as the first real steps of acceptance, because if one group in society is considered "holy" and "untouchable" they are not well integrated! If we start treating Muslims/Arabs differently just because we fear how they may react, what does that say about us? that's just as racist or discriminating as "attacking" them purposefully.. maybe it could've been done more tastefully, I believe that would've been wise.. but it's done now and we might as well get the best out of it!
  12. to astr0creep - no, the newspaper did it because a danish writer couldn't get anyone to portray The Prophet Muhammed in his book (designed as an educational piece to be used in schools) .. Jyllandsposten then decided to rally some satire drawers and gave them free hands to express and portray Muhammed as they saw fit .. in an effort to boost freedom of speech in Denmark .. which we now see had the exact opposite effect .. Several residing Imams went to their own countries to express their concernes about these drawings, not because Muhammed was drawed, but because they believed he was being ridiculed.. and now, 4 months later, we see how this campaign turned out! I honestly don't know if they went down their with this on their minds, but I hope not .. btw "The West" is both Europe and America.. -- I don't believe the issue here is the law against the portrayl of holy symbols, but rather the portrayl who seeks to deliberatly ridicule and offend.. This is Danish culture at it's core, we are very ironic and actually quite mean if you don't understand our particular way of expressing ourselves .. These drawings were never targeted towards Muslims, at least not your average muslim, they were targeted towards those who use religion to further their goals and to provoke a debate about Islam and islamic extremists and their impact on freedom of speech.. and this is why Danish citizens can't understand what all this fuzz is about and Muslims are feeling ridiculed by a country they know nothing about! The problem is that our goverment had to stand firm and deny any kind of intervention, when a deligation from many arabian countries came here and demanded that we punish those responsible.. since they, in many middleeastern countries, can't comprehend that the media is not controlled or subjected to censur by our goverment, this was ill-recieved as the arabian media could now say "They denied to see us!! and they talk about freedom of speech??".. which only further escelated the issue and made the majority of the touched muslims believe that our goverment was somehow behind all of this.. Now, I believe, many groups and politically active extremists are using this conflict, and systematically feeding misinformation to their public (this applies to both Christian/Westerns and Muslims).. so "spindoctors" are weaving an elaborate hate-campaign which will take a serious commitment to unravel and put to rest again..
  13. I'm colourblind ... but then again it means that I'm not limited to such petty things as colours! I can get any girl I wan... ehh.. anyway .. colourblind, so I'll go with curls!
  14. Every Dane is responsible? I don't hold every muslim accountable for the actions of a few? but you do? seems like you are the ignorant one.. I fully understand their anger, but I don't tolerate threats or demands that we surrender liberties or other constitutional rights.. Jyllandsposten was in their right to do what they did.. it was incredible stupid and narrowminded however, but why should every single Dane be held responsible and threatned for that?? And why should our goverment be held responisble? start a debate, pull the paper to court, but never never resort to threats of violence or death - that is stupidity and won't generate anything but recentment right back at you... Denmark has become increasingly extreme in it's political opinion towards foreginers.. and this (plus misinformation in our country) doesn't help the problem.. we are still some who believe Denmark would benefit greatly from a continued immigration, but we are viewed as soft and idealistic these days .. and why? because the population is now more afraid than ever of
  15. The worst part of it is that some imams living here in Denmark are sending false information down to fanatic religious groups, which in turn fuels this conflict (and it is a conflict now)... Now people think Muslims are being harrased and we are burning Korans on a daily basis..A few groups have even declared a Fathwa on Denmark and danish forces in Iraq .. although I'm sure some already existed! but rumors are running rampant on both sides via textmessages.. which makes average S
  16. I've had a Acer flatscreen for 4 years now .. So I definetly recommend LCD! though black does seem a little more gray than it should, but I've never experianced any problems while gaming (refresh rate, ghosting etc) .. so pick up a good quality LCD and you should be set for a good time! plus it looks great! :D
  17. hitler said on some occasions that religion was a powerful tool to control the masses .. that kinda speaks to both your arguments!
  18. Medister.. I don't know what it's called in English.. but it's like a huge sausage .. delicious! (medister = "(med)with (ister)fat" in old Danish .. But I don't know if that's true) although it does have a high procentage of fat..
  19. not that it's related to this topic .. but we have our share of Nazis as well, I think Sweden has a bigger problem though .. they are however keeping their heads low these days, I haven't heard anything significant about them in years.. --- I really think this whole issue is going out of hands... I understand why they are so pissed, and a boycut is a fairly mild form of protest, so I support them on that.. but threatning scandinavians and giving them 48-72 hours to leave their country or they'll be hunted out, is extreme and should be dealt with! Our Primeminister haven't done anything significant in this matter and what good is a head of state if he hides when citizens and companies are harrased?? But it puzzles me that Denmark has suddenly, on the account of drawings, become as "bad" as America..
  20. yeah but I would like to live for a few thousand years nontheless.. even if it costs me a bonus feat!
  21. Elves live forever.. no bonus feat and proficiency in one more skill is worth that!
  22. fish n' chips ... homemade (damn my clothes smell bad now)
  23. don't even start! http://www.hjo3.net/orly/gallery1.htm !
  24. one day we will have revenge ... Ever seen "killer tomates"??
  25. B .. only you also activate the boobytrap device that would detonate a nuclear bomb in the basement if your heart stops!
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