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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Yeah, if I had to choose. I'd rather have just a few too many spells so that it always felt like I could dig a bit deeper to find a new way to overcome a fight. As opposed to know exactly what I have at my disposal and knowing that I don't really have any tenable options. So as with all things, it's a balancing act.
  2. Are you counting the banks as part of the American populace?
  3. Dunkirk trailers don't really have me interested, though I'm sure it will be pretty good to great. Nolan's always delivered for me.
  4. That's nice. I wasn't even expecting that.
  5. I say let the game launch broken. Part of the fun is building into these crazy setups. If a few are too much they can always be curtailed later.
  6. I remember when that big class redactor happened. The one thing I liked is that every class got some sort of proc, and resource management got a bit more diversified. But the major loss to me was the simplification of the talent tree. If they simplified it to build it back up again over time then I can kind of understand, but I didn't stick around long enough to find out. I think I was playing Mage and Paladin at the time.
  7. Hmm that's interesting. Spell level then becomes more of a tool to denote spell strength and resource management. As opposed to group by level, which is kind of an arbitrary grouping anyways. Makes spell navigation less than ideal.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4d7Wp9kKjA
  9. He's also Italian.
  10. Weight make up looks really believable these days. It's gotten really advanced. In general I wouldn't expect someone of his age to put on that much weight. He'd probably kill himself trying.
  11. Priest is confusing. There are certainly spells I never used. But with the AI system I feel that gives you more time to look through and parse all your options. So I'm not sure why they would make the set smaller. But maybe some of those spells won't have much of a purpose given some of the other changes.
  12. Makes me want descent Harry Potter game. Maybe with the trio back to VO.
  13. Might be better to deport someone if it's the US prison system they are facing... speaking form a purely lefty utilitarian perspective that is...
  14. I adore the Pillars OST, one of my favorites of all time. I like the battle music too, but yeah give us some variety. Having a single battle theme is a problem that a lot of rpgs suffer from. I'd hope Deadfire get's it's own theme, and then maybe we'll have two dedicated battle themes that could get assigned to various regions or settings. Ideally I'd want maybe 4-5 which are thematically based, and then within those themes there is dynamic blending and such. Maybe different movements in the song based on your parties health or how deep into a dungeon you are.
  15. Ranger sans companion? I guess if literally ever animal-centric ability get's replaced with something. Otherwise making a ranged fighter seems more like the sensible way to pull that off.
  16. I agree completely. I want more ways to influence how encounters unfold, and more reasons to be strategic and thoughtful.
  17. Porcupine
  18. George Carlin is right. At the same time I think people above a certain age bare individual responsibility to develop their language skills and keep up with language. It's a two prong issue. On one side, stop using language to manipulate people, opt for sincerity and clarity. Do take on the responsibility to understand what is being said and understand that language embeds the spin that the speaker wishes to put on something. Instead of acting like they are hiding things, it will actually tell you more. But also don't just go around reading into everything someone says, there language use may be a result of the realm they are operating in and not some malicious ulterior motive.
  19. At what point do people stop banging their head against double speak, and start unifying words properly as synonyms. It's far easier to just engage their sentiment rather than trying to prove there was some misinformation that needs to be deconstructed. Your deconstructions won't really be illuminating anyone.
  20. Yeah, I thought he was going to be a "water godlike" too. But the Galawain theory is neat too.
  21. Ondra's godlike are the already-existing Moon Godlike, no? Correct.
  22. I'd imagine Takehu will have a unique spirit form. Maybe that will be a one-off and not tied to a unique subclass?
  23. Wuxia would be neat. I've always wondered what a fully historical infinity-like crpg would be like. No magic. But certainly you might have bonuses or attributes tied to practicing faith or some other religion. If only because of a sort of placebo affect. Something set between 700 CE - 1400 CE somewhere in France or Spain. It's sort of the forgotten flavor of medieval history. A game of debauchery, drunken monks, etc. Of course for historical stuff you need an enemy and there is a limited amount of agreed upon "villains" in history. So I can see it being hard to make those sorts of games.
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