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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I'd like to see the methodology of how they did that scatterplot. I'd like to see the methodology of how they did that scatterplot. I agree. You shouldn't trust any kind of poll unless the raw data is available and the actual questions are given and methodology explained. Most of them are biased as hell. https://www.autodeskresearch.com/publications/samestats
  2. There are grenades intended I believe? Or some sort of bomb thing. There is a handmortar thing that is supposed to shoot grenades and Serafen is going to be using that. Would be cool to see it in action in a teaser at some point. Obviously we won't have to buy grenades as ammunition like we don't have to buy arrows (because hammerspace), but having throwable grenades seems like something that would be cool. I'm pretty sure grenades or some form of throwable explosive is going to be a thing, as I recall its linked to the alchemy skill. It was talked about at some point, it encouraged me to make a scientist-type character ready for Deadfire. I don't remember hearing that, but that sounds cool. Sort of like Geralts potion bombinb.
  3. It's directly proportional to clock-speeds if architecture and code is the same. The problem is code optimization, architecture optimization, die-fab optimization, and clock-speeds are all hitting their upper limit.
  4. I might have the same issue actually, but I'd have to pull up pillars to confirm. I know I've at least seen the bubble on my screen...
  5. I play on linux and it works for me. Though I have other bugs that linux people don't seem to have... Are you using proprietary drivers?
  6. Depends actually, you should be able to pre-buffer interiors and transition between them with little loading. You can stream in hidden layers of things you are near. It's certainly more work, and requires some artistic tinkering to get transitions to look nice. But a lot of it is not out of the question. The only real inhibitor is non-contiguous zones.
  7. I thought Pillars 1 was transparent, just not with the underlying mathematics.
  8. Maybe it was part of his 10% time. The best argument for letting him go will be along the lines of him being an "at will" employee.
  9. A good walk animation is good for animation blending. But I certainly don't think I'd use it that much. I'd rather just use the slow mechanic, and typically I want to be moving faster not slower when I'm just moving about.
  10. I found it rather interesting that the guy almost managed to write the entire document with nice charts, citations and links to make his point in a reasonable fashion. He even makes points everyone who is still somewhat rational would agree on - like the points about quotas and lowered requierments for diversity hires not being a good practice in the long term or that being progressive and open should also mean to allow dissenting viewpoints without supressing them. Slipped up at the end with the footnotes. Talking about the cultural marxist agenda against the white cis-hetero patriarchy. Got that close to pass as sensible. A pity, maybe next time*. *Minor disclaimer: Of course that doesn't mean the guy isn't right or that he doesn't have a point, but people who use the term cultural marxism in a serious fashion are on the same level as people who unironically use beta male. The notion of cultural marxism does hold some weight though. Consider when people believe that a "pure free market" will really work. The might hold those beliefs under the notion they are operating as a neoliberal, classical capitalist, or libertarian. They've bought into certain ideas but they know nothing of the original mathematical and philosophical arguments that promoted it. The same happens with the ideas behind what gets called cultural marxism. It's not just people recently decrying post-modernism, which cultural marxism has become a synonym for. Go back and listen to Chomsky or David Foster Wallace. It's just now the ideas have been stripped away from their original groundings. You have people discarding objective pursuits because it suggests their ideals might not be true. You have people refusing to consider factors that play against equity, especially if those factors might seem out of their control; Who want most all that is not ideal to be a result of human socialization such that the factors will be solvable through government. Certainly just name dropping it as if it will get across one's arguments though is entirely amiss and cringe inducing, and is an example of a different problem with how people engage. This guy unfortunately tries to smuggle in an end problem alongside his addressing a process problem, which does nothing to invite people of vary views to step into a realm of engagement that implores a higher degree or responsibility on the participants.
  11. Isn't Tyranny supposed to be an authoritarian hell hole anyways?
  12. I agree with this. This was a matter that should have been handled internally. He wasn't representing Google by it, he was advocating work environment policies that would be less stiffing to the flow of free thought. He probably shouldn't have included his personal opinion on things like the wage gap, merely advocated for higher standards off inquiry in hopes that correcting the process helps both the work culture and the grappling with whatever emergent dynamics might be resulting in the world. But demonstrating that a particular position might indeed hold water put him in a position of having a message he wishes a chance to win out, and thus Google felt like they couldn't endorse a particular view. But his situation was forced by all those taking it public. This is the type of whistle blowing you learn is unbeneficial and counter-productive in ethics courses
  13. Load times were really only bad when doing a lot of interior transitions. Like needing to go into a city and visit someone upstairs somewhere. Or the worst is going from one upstairs to another...
  14. Look at those low Trump numbers in Michigan, and Clinton just snubbed that entire state. I'm really going to have to read her book.
  15. I'd like a more granular grid. Where you might not be able to pack them too tight, but as long as they aren't crowding, the distances between are more free form. I'd also be cool to have "engagement behavior" sort of like american football plays. Where you can have certain characters naturally spread out, flank left, etc. right as engagement starts, but other wise keeps a tight and orderly formation for standard ambulation. Sometimes I start every battle with the same general "get into position strategy" I'd like that to be automatic unless I'm feeling the situation calls for a little something else.
  16. Yeah, equality between the sexes isn't something new to the medium or the result of recent politics. It's been part of rpgs since the beginning. And as far as I know, race is always redefined as speciation, instead of crude phenotypical classification.
  17. The comparison only strengthens that Eder looks different to me. It's like someone else in Eder makeup. Instead of looking inspired by Max Von Sydow, he looks like Aidan Gillen's Petyr Baelish mixed with Clooney. Then in his watercolor he is straight up looking like Clooney to me. His full portrait does looker somewhat better. I'm sure the team themselves have looked at different variants and have picked the ones we see here. So we probably won't see any changes. But getting a raw source of all the portraits in the next update would be nice.
  18. I've never considered this, but I know it's true that this happens in other mediums where name recognition becomes a starter to even remain competitive. Apparently the major axis of Hollywood cinema scoring are teams of many composers who all put out under one person's name. Of course that person has ultimate creative say (if they so wish) but who knows how often they use it. Hans Zimmer has like 40 people working under him. I'm pretty certain King does write like a maniac. Some of the others though I'd be less than surprised if it turned out true.
  19. I find dwarves are typecast worse than even elves, despite what people would like you to believe. Really I want to see more dwarves in Pillars because I think they could do something cool with them yet still. But Orlan's and Aumaua are cool too. Orlan is a good replacement for the halfling.
  20. Remove the popular obvious choices. Roll a dice for the remaining options. Bar the player from taking any part. If you take out Pallegina there are only 2 other female characters left. I do find it a bit strange when characters you spend the length of a whole game with suddenly can be romanced in the next game. So would you not offer at least a choice between 2 characters to romance like other games with romance tend to do these days? I've decided. Eder and Xoti, Aloth and Maia, Pallegina and Tekehu. But if more than one couple hooks up in your party, you'll have to sacrifice someone to die by the end of the game. Their love is in your hands.
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