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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Given her description I think people are seeing her as already being founded in that stereotypical ideal strong independent academic autodidact prodigal bookworm alternative woman elf, with a side of either tsundere or yandere. We had a whole thread about it.
  2. I think their appeal is pretty self-explanatory. Additional party options that aren't just cardboard cutouts and paper dolls, more economical than companions which represents their vision of what party members can and should be. It's also somewhat realistic because not everybody you meet in real life intertwines their life with yours as others, yet you still find yourself working along people for a time.
  3. I'm most interested in Rekke, he sounds like he's from distant lands. Storm Folk? What's that? Bonteru also sounds like my type of guy, Maturin to my Aubrey.
  4. I think people underestimate how far the west has gone to defend against terrorism. People now think it's a negligible issue because they take for granted the measures, and further because they live where it doesn't affect them. If you look at the increasing string of attacks throughout the 90's and the culmination with 9/11, then things really fall into perspective. The patriot act didn't just come out of nothing, it's not just a cynical attempt to prey on the fud of the people. It's largely desperation with a massive slippery slope attached to it. People forget things like the people of Israel needing to live under the Iron Dome. The US has a high interest in providing protection for refugees, but also a high interest in maintaining a nation where they can easily integrate. Looking at Europe, their methods are far more questionable, and you wonder if integration is an actual goal or just a word that turns on some people on. People seeking occidentalization deserve to find it as a home, not ghettoized.
  5. When Tyranny released, most people thought it was still half a year out. People hadn't budgeted for it, Paradox did relatively little on marketing. Then they go off saying they it didn't perform as they expected. Not sure how a publisher asks for a short dev cycle, gives little in the way of marketing, shoves it out the door and acts like the factors contributing to it's performance must lie beyond what they control. But the reception of people that actually played it seems positive, so it has that going for it. Torment despite some vocal hypekids, I think was generally underwhelming and people caught wind of that. The lack of DLC also failed to generate a second burst of sales on the full game. I really don't know what InXile was doing with that project, picking Numenera in hindsight is also very headscratch inducing. Between the two I think Tyranny can still be turned around to some extent.
  6. Every camp has it's desperate dregs, recycling old politics has long since been it's own genre of consumption and for many a replacement for actual political involvement or effort. If your media makes your position seem so ****ing obvious, your probably leagues away from crafting any useful argument to reel back your opposition.
  7. Well, if religion is personal and the personal is political... politics always comes back to certain things.
  8. C++ in heaven? Are we sure it isn't hell?
  9. I think Apple has a hard time doing it's format without acknowledging jobs. If they deviate the lose what he brought to the company, if they don't references him it all feels like a simulacrum. As far as the presentation, it all has to be practiced, it has to mostly be business/tech people leading the whole ordeal. The business people have to reach tech people, the tech people have to reach business people, but most of all the non-business/non-tech people need to be reached. Most of what apple does is taking impressive underlying tech that the industry at large is working with, and apply it in a salient, fun, gimmicky way that everyone could immediately appreciate. If they add some neat machine learning tech to drive some internal smarts, they will bootstrap it onto emojis so it can market itself to people who don't care about the gory details. I've gotten less cynical about what people do as I get older and more cynical about the reasons that leave people with little choice. Apple at or near market cap has essentially imprisoned itself and it doesn't know where else to grow. It's the same problem with Google.
  10. So you're trading in someone stealing your fingerprints to someone stealing your face... seems risky.
  11. Priest/Druid spell dumps are wasted on me the first time through, and I'm likely to not roll the same class twice. Sometimes it takes a long time to even find a use for some of your spells when they are so situationally specific. I guess there is an argument in dumping lots of spells though when they are situational. If you only got 2 new spells which are both situational then it feels like you piked them out either too soon or after when they'd be useful. Of course though all the problems with level up dumps becomes worse when you just start at 15.
  12. I'm so glad I never threw down for SC. Even if I think they will deliver something cool, it's already feeling slightly aged. At this point I care less about the open universe and more about a throw away campaign that I can complete and be done with.
  13. Christianity provides similar diversions from suicide, but the west is increasingly nihilistic, faithless, but also saved by grace, etc. Thanks J-man!
  14. Which seems to largely correlate along lines of continental isolation, 3rd world, or high inequality first world. Islamic nations seem somewhat protected from high suicide rates. Tropical tourist based countries also seem to fair better, which is interesting.
  15. I think suicide rates are an objective measure on the socio-economic immobility and livelihood pressures of the lower and working class. If those rates are seen in white collar jobs, that just is indicative that intellectual workers are not operating out of lower and lower socio-economic levels. But often high suicide rates seem to be correlated with either rural isolation, or a highly well off strata that has bootstrapped itself off the lower rungs of society. I'd tend to expect high suicide rates in areas that also rate high in happiness, given we're not talking about a place like Nepal.
  16. You can always pace yourself, I bet some of these stories wouldn't come out naturally with inquisitive fans digging a bit.
  17. Libertarians love their bananas.
  18. Non-interventionism is irresponsible to maintain as an ultimate policy.
  19. Is that supposed to mean isolationism? Because America would die.
  20. I'll be honest, this is the most intense interview heavy, information heavy, developer centric campaign I've ever seen. Really enjoying it.
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