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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Guess I might as well join in. (9 Points Each) 1. Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando 2. Read Dead Redemption 3. Team Fortress 2 4. Deus Ex 5. Mass Effect (7 Points Each) 6. Portal 2 7. Pillars of Eternity 8. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 9. World of WarCraft 10. Half-life 2 + Episodes (feel free to just count HL2) (5 Points Each) 11. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 12. Civilization V Complete 13. Age of Mythology: The Titans 14. God of War 15. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3 Points Each) 16. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 17. Bully 18. Dishonored 19. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 20. Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (1 Point Each) 21. Elite Beat Agents 22. Diablo II: Lords of Destruction 23. Final Fantasy X 24. The Witcher 25. Destroy All Humans I've played very very few games from the current generation.
  2. Political Thread: Doug Jones For Teen Retribution
  3. Not a bad way to do things. I've never been a purist either, but I also try for non-lethal just because I enjoy the extra layer of challenge. Plus often when you break stealth, the rest of a level can become just a near non-stop slaughter fest, which is increasingly one-sided because you've got a never depleted arsenal at your disposal now.
  4. Microtransactions on a new IP is just dumb. That is sending people's hard work to die, and distracting them from making the best thing that they could possibly make. I think what Take-Two means, is that RDR2 is also getting a "GTA-Online" mode. That all of their strong IPs will have some optional online, micro-translation based component to them going forward. I will be shocked if Take-Two tries to spoil these projects before they launch.
  5. Markets are useful things, it's just that many democrats and conservatives have an entirely wrong view of them. They should be used to explore new markets, and to fairly negotiate at will trades of goods and services. But externalities should be regulated, and government funded infrastructure should be shared and owned. It should not move into a corporate holding, even if that corporation is publicly owned.
  6. Chinese woman offered refund after facial recognition allows colleague to unlock iPhone X
  7. Slang + Korean accent, just ends up sounding like Korean to me
  8. If all you have is Comcast, then you are lost in a desert my friend.
  9. Might I bum a ***? edit: That cheeky filter.
  10. I think the reason why Japanese is less offensive, is because people just end up attempting the actual Japanese accent. Because Japan has a whole system as well phoneticizing loan words, an English speaker doing Engrish is just speaking loan word Japanese. I think it's further alleviated by the fact that American and Japan have a lot of given and take culturally, and are both well established first world countries. So there isn't as much punching down.
  11. If you include slang, then certain dialects become additionally indecipherable. I find for Australia it's the slang that get's me more than the accent, where as Scottish it's both. I really like Scottish accents in general, though a few get at bit too backwater at times. I really like Pan-London, Cornish, Portsmouth, Hackney and Oxford accents. It's amazing how diverse the accents of the UK are compared to the US. Which as far wider dialectical regions. As far as Indian-English, I've seen quite a lot of variety. Some of it is incredibly hard to bare. The worst is not just when there is a strong accent with little effort applied, but it's when someone refuses to raise their voice. I've meet more than a few Indian people who practically mumble and whisper everything, not really sure what this is all about. I usually consider Japan or something a place where a gentle voice is often used. In India it's not everyone but certain people maintain an incredibly soft voice. They're really nice, meek, friendly people. But communication is incredibly trying like nothing else. It's even worse when you are in a group of Indian people and you can perfectly understand some but not others. So that same person you have to ask the same person to repeat themselves every time they speak. American Southern Hick is probably the worst English accent of all time though. The southern drawl can sort of go either way for me, I think the feigned hospitality really ruins it for me though. Valley talk is pretty bad though, and is made even worse when people from the midwest tried to take up that accent, so you have this weird generation of older woman in the midwest who have this teenage Valley girl accent. Tends to be found more in the rural areas. Part of me kind of misses some of the older American accents and dialects that are dying out. Particularly Mid-Atlantic. Just being from a city, I find my taste in American accents is really cut along city/rural lines, preferring suburban dialects. Where as my taste in accents in the greater Anglo-sphere is more based on what aesthetics I like.
  12. I doubt it, this seems to be an attempt to attract creative talent in order to establish new successful IPs. Take-Two's portfolio is getting a little slim and aged these days. Also I'm not even sure how true that sentiment will be given EA's recent fate.
  13. Your party still has a basic base AI, that you might not be fond of. I know I had a few issues with my parties default behavior in Pillars 1.
  14. Wait... this also means they will have James Cameron's Avatar. Which is slated to have 4 movies over the next decade... Christ, Disney is unstoppable.
  15. Wow, I'm excited to see the projects from all those studios. Especially Patrice. Who's been ****ed over 3 times in a row. I really hope he finally gets his vision out there.
  16. Just 21st Century Fox that is, there movie division. This also means the require full rights to Star Wars, 21st still had distribution rights on the movies they produced. This also means they now have X-Man back. God damn though, $52 B is a lot. They bought Star Wars for $4 B.
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