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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I can't help but feel half of their issues are due to using CryEngine, the other half from using double precision floats for every god damn thing, and obviously indev feature bloat. Ubisoft might pull of a scaled down and focuses realization of a similar experience with BG&E2. Even that seems like a pipe dream, but it's a pipe dream I still can see myself dreaming about.
  2. That could work. Also, many (most?) of the Total War games. I feel like if CA invested in a Total Re-engineering effort, and truly modernized both their engine, the core of their real-time combat, and the core of their over map ("4x-lite") into a better realized 4x game. Then they could have one of the greatest strategy games of all time. With each game it seems like they are buying a new fashion wardrobe, and slapping on the seasonal lipstick. But it could be so much more.
  3. So it's like politics in space.
  4. Wish? Fake news or do you need a dictionary?
  5. Bannon can't be long for this world given his obvious cirrhosis.
  6. Binding of Isaac is like the perfect example of a game that is perfectly designed against what I value. ****ing instant death when walking into a room does not inspire continued playing. A high skill "many runs" game should not be giving me game-overs on account of it's own dice rolls. I say this as someone who thinks one-hit KOs are fine. There has to be some way to have a chance to mitigate against such things, even if it requires initial failure. Instant death after loading is so dumb for a game that is designed around being hard but then growing to be OP. It's just lame. It's a game that becomes lamer the stronger you get. It's the opposite of the Souls games imo.
  7. Or a "Games I can see why other's like, but totally don't fit my bill."
  8. Ew @ the vive pro The future is not A E S T H E T I C
  9. Somebody show show a video of this to a crow. All hell might break loose.
  10. Well OW is basically dead to me now anyways, but it was fun while it was young and pure. Matchmaking always fails in the end, which is why good dedicated servers are always the best way to go.
  11. EA is full of ****. Give me UT, Quake, CS, TF2, or OW every time.
  12. I wish the Torchlight devs continued refining their genre instead of doing that weird niche playground game. Now they are dead.
  13. What is? The Mueller interview? I'm sure they'd record it for their own internal use, but it won't be public. They should give me a copy.
  14. Sometimes people feel they have to nitpick simply because they feel that is the role they should play. But they don't really have the proper insight to offer any real constructive criticism, so they throw around a bunch of red herrings that sound that far bigger issues than they're really are. I think the true test of balance will come from post-launch patches.
  15. Wow, it looks far more progressed than I ever thought it would end up.
  16. SM17, you're falling into some semantic issues. What you call religions in other people, they say they have merely a belief and a non-theistic one at that. I'd say religion is a belief that one endows with a heightened credulity on revealed truths. Truths which cannot be verified on the efforts of a conscious observer alone. Clearly there is a reason why the religious talk about faith while the non-religious talk about that which is knowable and that which is likely but should not be depended on as a truth.
  17. Now begins the march towards Oscars. Who has baited the academy this time?
  18. People still dying in 2017? God damn.
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