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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I'm still a fan of the Dualshock 2 / Sixaxis controller. Duke was also a favorite, but I was young at the time so I ended up switching to an S. Both Xbox controllers I thought were much better than the 360, not sure what happened there. Their Dpad is still awful. I like the GC controller for Smash, probably my favorite fighting game controller in general.
  2. I thought it was pretty balanced. Some of the humor probably didn't land as well as it would if the player was more familiar with the world. Over time you start to pick up on the humor of your companions, like Kana. General I really like when humor is used to show a handle on language issues, and I think the occasional misunderstand is important to make a world feel real. Pillars 1 had some of that, I think I'd like to see that expanded a bit. Eder seemed to the primary character to employ sort of awareness to language and yet also had proneness to blundering over language. Which would result in blowing out the scope of conversation to include layers of rapid conflict resolution which I think was always interesting. Often there was a sort of morose underpining of throwness when Eder grappled with his beliefs and views, which would unwind into amusement tinged with existential humor as he would think out loud with the watcher. Which I always found to be rather amusing myself.
  3. Now I understand why you posted that, and now I'm sad...
  4. I just want to say, Coco was an adorable film and one of Pixar's best to date.
  5. Seems like it has functional use if it's protecting an artisan trade.
  6. MP-wise: TF2's pl_badwater Open World: RDR's Mexico Multi-path: Deus Ex's VersaLife
  7. Most award organizations have ancillary motivations, and tend to serve those that have ties to them. I don't pretend they decide the canonical milestones of substantive craftsmanship. I'm just happy when something I think is truly worthy of recognition gets free publicity on someone else's bill.
  8. For whatever this threads insufficiencies of effort. You act like more action need be taken to deter from SJW complaints landing inbetween Obsidian's HTML at all, when clearly the responses here show at this time that individuals are handling themselves. But given that your not into quoting specific and instead issuing a decree on an "entire thread", then maybe some people do need higher action to save their witnessing of other's disquiets. There are both sensible and non-sensible ways to make progress forward, and at some point everyone is a SJW with a different opinion on how to proceed. Civil discourse should be a minimum bar of entry, narrating that it's a facade seems to be the real conspiracy here. Intrinsic to SJW is the warrior epithet which implies an err in "their" pragmatism. I have no doubt much of Obsidian is socially progressive, stripping the epithet of it's denotations of an individual's lack of productive civility does not allow you to "bequeath" it to Obsidian's employee's as if it's merely a progressives badge of honor. Your very last rhetoric acts "to establish particular view points as equivalent", by making an age old call back to gg'ers. As if the conflicting opines on social topics must smell of continuance of that affair. Broad strokes for one concerned with broad strokes.
  9. The sassy stance is honestly quite a bit over-exaggerated, especially for a resting posture. That can't be good for the hips or low back, and woman's throw their hips out not of a personality disposition but for physio-mechanical reasons. So it's double odd. I've thought this since I first saw the animation, but haven't said anything because I thought it might be viewed as hereto-normative nit-pickings. Not that I censor myself, just I want to pick my nitpicks carefully. Since I'd rather dig in on mechanical issues. But If I had more sway I'd have that pose polished up.
  10. It's funny, now that you mention it, I've got to admit that Durance and Pallegina were my favorite characters in PoE1. Then I saw the Joshugina portrait and everything got ruined, I'm still having nightmares. If only Durance was in Deadfire :/ Durance and Pallegina and Eder are tied for my favorites. Aloth is straggling behind. I think Durance is less inclined to become lasting friends with The Watcher, but I'd like to have him around for another go.
  11. You can easily roll nothing but D20s if you load the dice. Though people might get suspicious after a while. Well, by that measure, one could easily load their fictional narrative. They just better not be shocked, nor resentful, when people don't find their work compelling.
  12. Statistically speaking, it's not terribly likely to survive a Biawac and then just happen to run into the leader of the Leaden Key going about sinister business. High fantasy RPGs have never exactly run on what's statistically likely to happen. Fiction and fantasy is often about the unlikely or fated person which happened to come up against the unlikely. That doens't mean they will continue coming up against purely the unlikely, in a world that for the story to work is mostly filled with likely things. It works for MMOs where everyone is the unlikely hero, and the rare person is serving or breeding. This is statistically speaking. I suppose at least once though someone will roll nothing but D20s for a campaign, but it'd actually become quite a trying campaign after a while.
  13. I thought they switched to something from Amazon a while ago, wasn't that what all the drama with CryTek was all about? Amazon Lumber, which is basically just CryEngine licensed and re-branded.
  14. Regardless of what the writer's believe personally, I expect them to display good character when writing or depicting other belief's of temperaments. The shouldn't write themselves into every character, they shouldn't caricature that which they disagree with. This goes for any combination of the writer's disposition, left, right, otherwise. This is a role-playing game about choice, through an imperfect world after all. I'd expect any writer who strayed into arbitrating utopist bias without it being an open and choice explorable theme, to be set down by the rest of the team and be reviewed on their fitness to the job.
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