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Lythe Vodaine

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Everything posted by Lythe Vodaine

  1. It's ok for them to take their time. We'll just stress-test the forums and website in the meantime...
  2. Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait.
  3. Most probably "Lythe Vodaine". Or maybe "Cael Amakiir". Or something like that. I never had problems coming up with a name for an rpg.
  4. *sigh* I feel like a child on Christmas eve again. The pleasant anticipation makes me giggle. Take your time Obsidian, I can wait. At least a little while longer.
  5. Yes. If you scroll down further on the Kickstarter page, there is a visual graphic that shows what comes with each tier. Awesome! Funny, I never noticed that graphic before and tried making sense from the block text on the right ("This tier includes all rewards from the previous tier plus..."). ANd I didn't know about the summary page on tumblr as well, so thanks to Prometheus as well for pointing me in the right direction. The relevant picture for me seems to be this: So my question is answered, I already have Beta Access (or will have once the Beta has started), and I don't need to buy it with an addon. Thank you all for your answers!
  6. Same here. Maybe they can put the list of things our pledge level gets us, somewhere in our account info? Would be nice. EDIT: And I have also wondered about the exact diifference between the Boxed and the Retail Collector's Edition. I compared what info I could find on both, the Kickstarter page and here, but I can't put my finger on the difference yet...
  7. Hmmm... My package is in the $140 range, so I should have Beta Access, right?
  8. Hey there! I pledged for the "Retail Collector's Edition", but I can't remember what was included in that pledge level. Will I have Beta Access with my pledge? Where can I check whether I'll have Beta Access? Cheers, Lythe
  9. Welcome aboard, friend. Enjoy your stay.
  10. Hahaha! Yeah, some achievements in F:NV where real great. I even killed Caesar with a knife, just to get the achievement. But I agree with others here that many achievements in games feel more like waypoints than achievements -- maybe Steam should offer two kinds of "achievements", waypoints and real achievements?
  11. Awesome! Thank you Josh, that is exactly what I had hoped for! Personally, I like the idea of getting a bonus for using the "right" equipment and a malus for using the "wrong" one; both adds to my roleplaying experience, since I still can choose freely what my role is, although some roles may be harder to play than others.
  12. Hey there! I'm wondering, will a mage be allowed to use any weapon (like swords, daggers, staves) and wear any armor in PoE? There can and should of course come downsides to doing this, like failing more spells in heavier armor or not being able to excell in using a certain H1 weapon. So, the question is, will Obsidian take the "Dragon Age Origins" approach where any class can basically use any arms and armor; or will they take the "Dragon Age II" approach where every class has a clearly defined and very limited set of arms and armor they are allowed to put on? "Skyrim" and "Fallout New Vegas" are two of my alltime favourite RPG's, not only but mostly because of the absolute freedom to define and develop one's player character. In Skyrim, I always gravitate towards a light armor wearing, long sword wielding mage, for example.
  13. Will I use guns in PoE? Probably not, I prefer "classic" fantasy weapons like swords, bows, magic. But on the other hand their being part of the game world doesn't bother me much either. To each their own, and just because I won't use alchemist firesticks doesn't mean others shouldn't be able to. Just my 2 copper pieces, Lythe
  14. I really love how the Draugr in Skyrim were done, especially when playing with one of these dynamic lights (and darker dungeons/nights) mods: You cannot see them right away and have to listen carefully if something is coming from the dark; and you never know if you'll find riches or death by the hands of some Draugr Deathlord around the next corner. In my last playthrough of Skyrim I had several near heart attacks in some of my crypt explorations. That constant fear of what lurks in the dark, guarding treasures and the resting place of the dead; that's what I love when confronted with the undead. Oh, and glowing eyes, of course; but please no sparkle...
  15. Hey there! I just noticed that the $140 "Retail Collector's Edition" from my pledge is no longer available for new pledgers; instead there is now a $140 "Boxed Collector's Edition": http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/tiers What exactly is the difference between the "Boxed Collector's Edition" and "Retail Collector's Edition", except the name?
  16. I like PoE as abbreviation for "Pillars of Eternity". Would even be a cute easter egg to have an NPC called Poe in the game...
  17. Are all your pledges still bound to your old order with status "Previously Used"? And does the old order still show as "Confirmed/Paid" or does it now say "Canceled/Voided"?
  18. I'll second this. They probably just gave you "in store credit" for use towards the upgrade. Try going back through the "confirmation" steps in the backer portal, and you'll probably see the $100 (or whatever) you gave them during the KS campaign. Not sure about the OP, but in my case (where my pledge was canceled so I could re-finalize it and add the add-on I forgot) they did refund me the money as Paypal credit; not as store credit.
  19. Hmmm... The money they refunded me to re-finalize my pledge was simply added to my Paypal account as credit (because I payed with Paypal in the first place). Did you pay via direct bank transfer or credit card instead? In case of direct bank tranfer it usually can take up to 5 working days until the money arrives, in any direction. That's at least my experience with that payment method; which is why I prefer credit card or Paypal payment instead.
  20. I loved how they handled the loot in "The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind" and "Fallout: New Vegas": Small loot would be random, but important stuff like "Cook-cook's Incinerator" could always be found in the same location / on the same foe / in the same container. I remember hating that part in "Dragon Age: Origins" where you had to abuse quickload (literally for hours) in order to get a fair chance on a full Warden Armor set, because of the ridiculously low drop chance of some of the parts in it. So I'd say: Yes for random small loot, but rare items should be rare because they are hard to find, not because they require luck to obtain them, since "luck" in a game with load/quickload is in essence obsolete as a means to make items rare. But that's of course just my 2 Copper Pieces on the matter.
  21. Thanks! Nuts are always welcome, especially in winter.
  22. Since I was given another chance to finalize my pledge, I finally managed to add the fee to it! Ahem... *clears throat* As of now I want to be known as "Rodent Rascal of the Obsidian Order of Eternity"! Cheers, Lythe EDIT: Like that one better.
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