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Lythe Vodaine

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Everything posted by Lythe Vodaine

  1. *lol* No, I'm really just happy. And yes, I might send them an email as well.
  2. Yes, they are indeed awesome little fellas. I have several in my garden, which I regularly feed with little treats by hiding them in the trees for them to find. Oh, and this one's also nice:
  3. I really do, despite the bugs (but being a software developer myself I know how pesky these can be). Ever since the time I played Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 for months, I have been waiting for another game that would offer the same experience to me. Pillars of Eternity does. Apart from that, your crowdfunding campaign has been my most positive experience with Kickstarter so far. Thank you, good work, and well done. That is all.
  4. I also live in Europe, and I got an email about them sending my game cards a week ago; and today I finally got the mail about the rest of my physical items (minus game disc) being shipped to me. In both mails the 15th is the probable deliver date. So, hang in there, mate; you'll get your stuff soon™.
  5. Not really, no. We backers where there all along the way while they created this awesome game, and witnessed how all pieces came together and fell in place; and in fact we were the ones making it possible for you to buy it, because without our money there would be no game for you to buy in the first place. Apart from that, no delay on earth can take away that experience from me. And one cannot buy that in a shop on release date, either.
  6. I can only tell you what I pledged for and got so far. My 2 main orders show these details: And in my "Products" tab I have the following entries:
  7. What shady sites? I thought people with box versions received two copies, physical and digital, so you can just play the digital one while waiting for the box. Was I mistaken? No, you are correct. I should get a boxed copy, based on my pledge level and order, as well as an additional digital copy. On release date though I was allowed to generate two digital keys (one for my own (boxed) Royal Edition, and one as additional CHampion Edition copy), and I could download and play the game with my RE key just fine (I gifted the second key to my sister, and she's having a blast as well). So yes, every backer with a boxed copy got one additional digital key, so we're all able to play the game since release, box or no box. Holy Yuno and Revy I just realized that I don't have damn Champion edition entry in my products stuff. And I could generate only 1 key. And link to support redirects me to paradox who doesn't even have Pillars in their damn "choose game" list... god *** damnit obsidian... I'm sorry, my memory failed me: I just had another look, and the second key is for a Hero Edition, not a Champion Edition. I read about other people who wouldn't get the second key unlocked, and I think you'll have to contact CS about that.
  8. What shady sites? I thought people with box versions received two copies, physical and digital, so you can just play the digital one while waiting for the box. Was I mistaken? No, you are correct. I should get a boxed copy, based on my pledge level and order, as well as an additional digital copy. On release date though I was allowed to generate two digital keys (one for my own (boxed) Royal Edition, and one as additional CHampion Edition copy), and I could download and play the game with my RE key just fine (I gifted the second key to my sister, and she's having a blast as well). So yes, every backer with a boxed copy got one additional digital key, so we're all able to play the game since release, box or no box. However, I have yet to receive any information at all when to expect my physical collector's items or my physical game box. The former was supposed to arrive "at or near release date" according to Update #89, but since we're already a week past that date, and without any further information I have no idea when I'll ever get my items, and whether they'll come with the game box or whether that box will come at an even later date... So yeah, I share the OP's frustration about how physical items for Europe were handled.
  9. Sadly no info yet. I'll give it another weekend and then contact CS about my physical items.
  10. But in any case, it can't hurt to contact CS.
  11. Wasn't the "thank you" postcard a Kickstarter only item? I'm only asking because I don't see a Kickstarter badge on your account. When you go to your PoE account and select your game package in the "Orders" tab, is the postcard mentioned under "what's included"?Here is a screenshot of my products: I found the info through this thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66609-confirmation-of-pledge-rewards/page-2 Hence I am a little confused... Uhm, no, I didn't mean "Products", I meant "Orders", which is the next tab on your screenshot. For example, my package lists as content under "What does this include?":
  12. Wasn't the "thank you" postcard a Kickstarter only item? I'm only asking because I don't see a Kickstarter badge on your account. When you go to your PoE account and select your game package in the "Orders" tab, is the postcard mentioned under "what's included"?
  13. I don't mind a little waiting, either, and we are technically still in the area "by or near [the] launch date"; but still it would be nice to at least get some information about when to expect physical items of collector's editions to be delivered to Europe. (Source: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70459-update-89-backer-rewards/)
  14. European backer here with a collector's edition, no information whatsoever about my physical items yet. Wasn't the plan to send this stuff early enough so we would have our physical items (minus the actual game disc) before or at the official release date, which was almost a week ago?
  15. Depending on where you live, no one knows really. I live in Europe, and so far I have yet to receive any information from Obsidian or Paradox about my physical items, aside from "Shipping Soon". Alledgedly, once your items ship you get an email from Paradox; but I haven't received any such email yet.
  16. Oh well, I wouldn't be backing games on Kickstarter if I lacked patience. So I'll just wait a little while longer, I guess.
  17. But I thought that they would send the physical extras before the boxed copies?
  18. Do we have any info from where they'll send the physical items to us European backers?
  19. NPCs walk. Everyone walks. I want to walk, too, for immersion reasons. It is a roleplaying game, after all, and I want to immerse myself and not stick out as "that PC that runs everywhere, even when not appropriate". Not much to ask, I think; even Bioware added a walk toggle to Dragon Age Inquisition after we asked nicely.
  20. Did anyone from Europe yet get their physical goodies (cloth map, Prima guide, etc.)? I thought the plan was to send those ahead to arrive before or at release day, and to send the game discs when they are ready? I didn't recieve anything yet...
  21. I agree; this should be a feature in any roleplaying game.
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