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Everything posted by Quillon

  1. What kind of buff is ascended?(dex, int etc?) Don't the "Self/Target has X attribute's inspirations" conditionals work for you?
  2. From what I have observed; I could be wrong: CastSpeedIDs only effect spells' casting speed. "PreHitDuration"s effect animations/melee attack speeds. What I did now: I doubled "PreHitDuration"s(all 474 of them ) (e.g. base 0.7 sec weapon swing, became base 1.4 sec.) Doubled the CastSpeedIDs. Left the recovery speeds alone. And reduced combat move speed from 0.85 to 0.5. Tested in couple of dungeons; melee/ability anims' are still way too fast for my taste(at default slider speed), I'll prolly quadruple those PreHitDurations, I'm happy with 0.5 run speed. Spells are fine but not fine compared to melee, same dex melee char can pull of 3-4 moves while a caster fires off a spell, so I don't know what I'll do with CastSpeedIDs when I quadruple PreHitDurations. They have to be directly proportional, right? Otherwise if I don't quadruple CastSpeeds I'm (theoretically) making casters way too powerful I don't know... Also I have the Dexterity's value in the combat run speed mod file, it effects attack speed & recovery time -3% per dex. Maybe I should make it 1%... hmn... Edit: Making dex 1% helped a lot but its a bit dirty workaround I'll try what I said above. Anyway, now its about tinkering and not about how to do it. Thanks for all da help. Alright f*** this s***. PreHitDurations have no effect what so ever. It's only changing numbers. e.g. Greatsword shows 2.8 sec attack speed(default was 0.7) but it hits as quick as ever, as well as other non-cast abilities. Excerpt What is your expert opinion on this?
  3. From what I have observed; I could be wrong: CastSpeedIDs only effect spells' casting speed. "PreHitDuration"s effect animations/melee attack speeds. What I did now: I doubled "PreHitDuration"s(all 474 of them ) (e.g. base 0.7 sec weapon swing, became base 1.4 sec.) Doubled the CastSpeedIDs. Left the recovery speeds alone. And reduced combat move speed from 0.85 to 0.5. Tested in couple of dungeons; melee/ability anims' are still way too fast for my taste(at default slider speed), I'll prolly quadruple those PreHitDurations, I'm happy with 0.5 run speed. Spells are fine but not fine compared to melee, same dex melee char can pull of 3-4 moves while a caster fires off a spell, so I don't know what I'll do with CastSpeedIDs when I quadruple PreHitDurations. They have to be directly proportional, right? Otherwise if I don't quadruple CastSpeeds I'm (theoretically) making casters way too powerful I don't know... Also I have the Dexterity's value in the combat run speed mod file, it effects attack speed & recovery time -3% per dex. Maybe I should make it 1%... hmn... Edit: Making dex 1% helped a lot but its a bit dirty workaround I'll try what I said above. Anyway, now its about tinkering and not about how to do it. Thanks for all da help.
  4. You're on the right track. I am writing a mini-guide, in another post because we don't want to crowd this one with unrelated things, on altering action speeds for attacks. Will post shortly once I have everything fleshed out. Dude, where is your post? I doubled all 474 "PreHitDuration"s, still no effect on attack speed :/ Edit: Ok, nvm. Added the rest of the unedited code into the mod file, now it works. Sorry for the derailment, AwesomeButton. Today's the big day for Spiritual Successor, hype! :D
  5. Are melee attack/ability speeds tied to individual "PreHitDuration"s? If so there are too many of them to edit to accomplish...what I want to accomplish And most values aren't round; they are like: "PreHitDuration": 0.7019876 Anyway, for now I'm gonna buff move speed to 1.7 & recovery speeds to 1/4 of default values and play combat at slowest at the slider and remove the CastSpeed mod until if/when it could effect melee attacks/abilities beside spells.
  6. Ok, thanks for the help so far. To test stuff I set the CastSpeeds to: Average to 5 from 3 Fast unchanged from 0 Slow to 7.5 from 4.5 Very Slow to 10 from 6 But every weapons' & melee abilities' attack speeds are under 1 sec. in the game. 0.5 secs on most weapons. Bought new weps, same thing :/ Also combat is all kinda messed up, everything's happening ultra fast(on default speed in slider) Anyway, going to bed, will mess with it more tomorrow
  7. Yeah I didn't change the values, posted here to ask if the code is correct for a mod file. Anyway like I said above, both worked but now I need attack speed values since castspeed doesn't effect attack speed.
  8. Ok both the recovery & cast speed mods worked :D But CastSpeed values have no effect on Attack Speed, only spells are effected... damn it. Any ideas?
  9. Tried to make a mod, not altering the game files directly. I don't have much programming knowledge, just some tidbits left from high school. I DLed a mod and copied its code structure, which worked for combat running speed. Now I'm trying to do the same for the other 9 values you listed above. For testing, I'm just looking at the speed & recovery time of weapon properties, to see any change. I tested the running in combat; assigned it to 2 from 0.85, to see if it would work; they were so fast, animation bugged to "fast walking" Does this seem right for a mod file? { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Average", "ID": "eacb53e3-6eb5-422a-92ca-99cc883ae4a9", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1475, "Duration":3}] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Fast","ID":"e4c738a7-4d3f-407f-b035-cc76191fe26b", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1474,"Duration":0}] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Slow", "ID": "3bf6c8e7-49b6-46b1-8c62-cb9121f0d22a", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1476,"Duration":4.5}] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Very_Slow", "ID":" e2258426-92df-4a1d-b12c-927feb8328cd", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1892,"Duration":6}] }, ] }
  10. Thanks a lot. I found those recoveryspeeds and changed the durations but guess the override didn't work. Prolly something to do with this... ...which goes above my head. This is exactly what I want to do. I want to change overall flow of the combat with way less recovery time for everyone with way slower attack animations and slower combat running speed which I've already found.
  11. How about editing attack/spellcasting speed? I messed around with the files looking for action, recovery & combat movement speed values, found the latter 2 but only combat movement edit worked. GlobalRecoveryMultiplier had no effect in the game no matter what value I assigned to it and I haven't managed to find anything for action speed, maybe in some DLL file?
  12. Need 3 sliders in the options menu: 1. Action speed 2. Recovery speed 3. Combat movement speed Despite all the clearer combat efforts for Deadfire; it is still a bit chaotic and these sliders would go a long way for customizing the experience for individual players' taste; would fix some issues and shouldn't be hard to make(?). The current speed slider's lacking cos it modifies these 3 things together in the same direction. Agracima.
  13. Through Legacy Creation; I got Vela and Eder inherited the "went to Aedyr" ending(in dialogue) instead of Dyrwood Mayoral, tho he got the Mayoral necklace somehow. Anyway I'm waiting for the hotfix to restart and use my own save, at least I haven't went too far into the game, only finished first island.
  14. what do you meant there was no patch there was a fricken huge patch done from beta 4 to game release If anyone nows where it is please post asap There was no patch, certainly not a fricken huge 1.9gb patch.
  15. I know save file import issues are known by devs, they even have fixed apparently but we may have to wait till next week for the update for some reason. Why? The game's not even on consoles that you'd require certification from manufacturers/pay them. Why not a quick hotfix, if its already fixed? Anyway second part is Legacy Creator may not be working right either. I tried to recreate my save(in which Galawain was the only god who I pledged and haven't betrayed) but there was dialogue missing compared to save file import and no boon item(is it exclusive to hylea?) in inventory later. At least Vela appeared but I'm not sure if its worked right? If I should continue playing only to restart later....
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/8hjtcm/anyone_else_accidentally_bring_the_baby_in_im/dylxow5 https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/8hjtcm/anyone_else_accidentally_bring_the_baby_in_im/dym36xb If you have the baby, better test if she is on the first beach location(next to Eld Engrim), if she's not use legacy creator. At least this is what I will do. Safest route seems to be legacy creator/premade legacies tho, who knows if there are more save import bugs.
  17. Hmn, portrait mods for the ship crew are gonna be great when they appear Instead of the reused ones atm.
  18. assassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassins are grrrreeat! probably.
  19. Mage Slayer Barbarian Berserker Corpse Eater Top 4 is probably like this not sure about the rest.
  20. He/she should be able to get the key right away.
  21. Gellarde! well done. A formidable RPG in the old style. They don't build them like this anymore, you know. Not by the mainstream. Too niche for the publishers.
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