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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. Sword and shield builds can be pretty decent though, right? If you're building a tanky character the deflection bonuses you get from a large shield + taking sword and shield style seem to make it worthwhile to me?
  2. At the end of the day they can't put everything someone dislikes on a toggle. That's a lot of programming and testing time that would be better spent elsewhere. Seeing as it's an effect that only occurs when the main pc is fatigued (and given how long it's taken for someone to notice I'm guessing it only happens when the pc suffers from major fatigue) it''s something you'll only see very rarely and you'll probably be resting soon after you see it anyway.
  3. Oh wait what's actually happening is this (explaination courtesy of Ark Evensong): Your Endurance can never go over your current Health, so if your Health is down to 20/240, your Endurance will be stuck at 20/60 as well.
  4. Healing in combat exists (potions, a bunch of priest spells, paladins' Lay on Hands ability and others) but it's mostly focused on recovering endurance. There are a couple of non-class restricted talents that allow you to heal health but they're pretty limited.
  5. Has your priest previously lost all their health and is there a line across their portrait? If so this is working as intended. After a character loses all their health for the first time they become maimed. Part of being maimed is that endurance does not heal above the line and only resting can fully restore their health and endurance. In this screenshot BB wizard is maimed:
  6. Hey, if you romance Aerie you get what you deserve.
  7. The only randomization I remember them talking about was in regards to the placement of some (but not all) of the loot, not its presence in the game at all.
  8. "Beginner tooltips" has no effect atm, as far I can tell. I assume that the complete game will be much more noob friendly than the backer beta.
  9. http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/76137431236/what-are-the-average-life-spans-of-the-races-in#notes
  10. Sure. I may have worded that badly. I'm not making any argument about what is or isn't suitable for young people; I 'll leave that for their guardians to decide. I was just making the point that it's difficult to achieve what Falkon wants - a game he can play around kids whose parents would prefer them not to hear such stuff - simply by implementing a profanity toggle.
  11. Actually, minus the swearing, the description sounds pretty close to Teen. The sexual and violence content seems in line with BG2 which has a teen rating. I don't remember STIs, or rumors thereof, being a part of quests or dialog in BG2... (“But if he spreads a rumor that her lover has just visited a brothel and acquired a pox on his loins, she'll end it on her own.") There's also a side quest in the beta involves rape and couldn't be made suitable for young folks with a language filter. But yeah, I was exaggerating for effect.
  12. The ESRB has rated Pillars of Eternity: http://www.esrb.org/ratings/synopsis.jsp?Certificate=33780&Title= I think a bad words filter would be like putting a band aid on a gaping wound.
  13. It's going to be interesting to see what the reaction is when they reveal just how loosely they've adapted 5e. Going by their use of language ("Inspired by") and the presence of cool downs I'm guessing it's pretty loose. Judging from the forums there are going to be more than a few people who be very surprised and disappointed. (There are people rationalising the presence of cool downs by suggesting they're round timers.
  14. It might be a bug on your end. When I kill villagers in Dyrford everyone goes hostile and runs to attack me if I'm visible to them. I also lose rep with the village.
  15. Okay, no worries There are going to be achievements in the steam version of the game (the devs have mentioned it and it's confirmed by the steam page). Ii don't know if opening the console will have any effect on them.
  16. Eh it looks pretty hack'n'slashy to me. Which is fine if that's your thing but it's not really what I'm looking for in a DnD game. Anyway, not to derail this thread too much, but I think that as of the most recent beta build PoE combat is pretty fun.
  17. Yes, you need to have your address up to date. Go here: http://eternity.obsidian.net/ and sign into your account (top right of your screen). Once you're in click on "My Account". Then select "Addresses" from the tabs on the left and update your info.
  18. Stylewise that UI is awfully reminiscent of NWN2's. Combat looks pretty damn fast, almost MOBA speed.
  19. I'm starting to think there might have been a last minute change. At the top of the stream they only mentioned Crusader Kings, Cities and Magicka... EDIT: Okay they've said the stream is going away for one and a half hours. There's definitely been a change and I'm guessing PoE got bumped for some reason. Sorry guys. EDIT 2: Yep definitely no Pillars. Paradox's facebook had it listed yesterday but they put out an updated schedule for today a couple of hours ago and there's no Pillars on it. EDIT 3: And now they've edited it out of the original facebook post (but you can still see it in the edit history ). Definitely not happening today. Maybe they'll reschedule for tomorrow.
  20. Paradox will be streaming some Pillars of Eternity at their yearly con. It'll probably be presented by Josh Sawyer seeing as he's attending the con. Where: Paradox Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive When: 12 Feb 16:00 CET time (roughly two hours and twenty five minutes after this post) Source: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?835493-PDXCON-2015-The-Grand-livestreaming-schedule-for-PDS&s=72e4ee129a1f190fb33f2a5603d8424b&p=18859798&viewfull=1#post18859798
  21. I wasn't worried about quality of an expansion in a least until you said that. Now I am. Darn. Fear not; Bruce is just (jokingly) pushing his pet project. Almost everything that has been said by the devs on the matter of the expansion is in my post.
  22. Multiple buffs that improve the same stat don't stack. Only largest buff, or in this case the first buff, is taken into account.
  23. If there's a mildly subtle joke on the internet I will miss it.
  24. Red boots was a nonexistent joke dlc for Wasteland 2. It spoofed the kind of exploitative micro-transaction dlc nonsense like Oblivion's horse armour dlc.
  25. There's been a lot of discussion about this recently. The short version is that separate sliders for FX and Ambient sounds won't make it into the initial release but it is something that the lead audio designer is keen to patch in at a later date. EDIT: Mods feel free to delete this post.
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