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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Yes I was feeling rather long in the tooth as well as I was trying to recall the movies I had liked.
  2. Dark city is from 1999 as well. You mean the one where Kiefer Sutherland discovers the truth about the strange city he lives in ?.
  3. The matrix was definite sci fi and delved rather heavily into philosophy as well. It belongs there. Maybe it would have been easier if it had been just one movie, as people eventually got tired of them - and of Keanu Reeves - myself included, but # 1 is certainly part of what defines sci fi for the 00's
  4. There is almost no good sci fi for the last decade so it's tough going. But yeah. k-pax ?.
  5. Ip Man, 1 & 2. Supposedly about the founder of Wing Tsun, which is somewhat similar to Ju-jutsu. Man, it's a relief to see a martial arts movie where the principles don't routinely fly around like superman. They (Ip Man 1 & 2) are about the Japanese occupation, so they have the same setting as the greatest martial arts movie of all time, Fist of Legend. Unfortunately it kinda lacks Japanese characters which aren't complete caricatures. Still, it's like a welcome return to the old formula. Ip Man kicking some ass : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qhPDEOYbx4
  6. I just discovered my mom is actually an anti-evolutionist, if that's a word. I didn't think they would accept a hippie. She doesn't believe in the literal interpretation of the bible, rather it seemed to revolve around her not liking the notion of descending from apes. She seems to particularly dislike chimpanzees. I mean, yeah gorillas are definitely cooler animals.
  7. Didn't the US grab LA from Mexico back in the day. I mean if anyone doesn't 'belong' wouldn't that be the Yanks.
  8. It was pretty straightforward. Definitely not overburdened in the plot department. Sort of a quick top 3 of the main themes and moments of the early comic that didn't go much into detail.
  9. I liked the first one well enough. I also like how they cut out the 'Marvel Universe' intro. It's definitely a step above the rest. Like the first one, a lot rides on Downey's antics as Tony Stark. Doesn't disappoint though. They seem to have hit just the right formula for ironic distance. Spiderman could be a bit of a sanctimonious prick, and the teenage romance bit got old very quick.
  10. Anyway. Iron Man 2. Better than # 1. I was pretty well entertained.
  11. What, that's just the fake preview from the movie.
  12. I think it's really weird that there are four of us with a close relation to Denmark, don't you. A country of 5 mil plus change.
  13. The oil money helps too I'm sure. You don't see a lot of shoplifting in Brunai
  14. It depends I suppose, on whether you are interested in revenge or rehabilitation. After long prison sentences many people are useless to society and will automatically return to their old criminal patterns because it's all they know. If this can help then why not. Most of you agree except for those crimes where you do want 'revenge' or safe long term storage away from society. I don't put much stock in deterrent anyway. Who thinks about whether they have ping pong tables in prison before they do the deed.
  15. I thought it was rather funny that the Icelandic people got to vote on whether or not they were going to pay off their debts or not. I wonder if I should declare myself a country and inform the bank that I had unilaterally decided not to pay what I owe.
  16. In Clear Sky I took out a Hind with a sub-machine gun, which I thought was pretty damn silly. I imagine shooting a BB gun at a super mutant would be about the same. It's not something I feel strongly about either way though.
  17. I need a reason to move even the slightest. Proving that it's theoretically possible to get from A to B in under 10 minutes does not suffice.
  18. On the other hand, if we did switch to 100% nuclear we would eventually have to canibalise our neuclear arsenals for uranium.
  19. Don't know, but the head is photoshopped in, look at the skintone.
  20. To the point of not needing any sustenance. That would make his body an engine that produces energy without using any. Unless of course he is tapping into the weave or something (obscure D&D reference)
  21. Well isn't it pretty normal for some desert animals not to drink, or urinate, but to take in moisture through their diet. I had a bunch of those when I was a kid. One drowned in a bucket of paint and the other electrocuted itself and nearly set the apartment on fire. One of the reasons I don't believe in having wild animals as pets.
  22. If those scientists happen to discover the magic he uses to live without taking any sustenance or that he is a carnation of the Buddha I will stand corrected. As it stands skeptic seems to be the place to be. Yes, I'm unexciting and you lot are overflowing with spirituality because you will believe something for no other reason than because it would be cool if it were true.
  23. You seem like a pretty skeptical person. How is that working out for you? It's not an exciting life, let me tell you. Unfortunately I can't un-realize the obvious. More's the pity.
  24. Sounds like this is one of them 'more between heaven and earth' moments. We want to believe that some Indian mystic could have bent the laws of nature, because the world would be a more interesting place if it were so. Of course this has nothing to do with reality.
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