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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. I tried it but got annoyed with the puzzles.
  2. Spec ops : The Line. Thanks for turning me onto this forum. Got Max Payne 3 for some more adrenaline fix.
  3. It only works as long as these educations are marketable. For the top 10 maybe they still are, but people who have to pay their own way might choose another school. So you wind up with schools full of people with rich parents rather than talented individuals and eventually they erode their own brand. It's been a suggested consequence of the economic crisis anyway.
  4. It's pretty good, although they kinda cheated by pretending the game has melee. You just stand close to an enemy and press a power button which leads to a cutscene. That's not really melee.. it's a cutscene. Anyway stealth with an updraded silenced pistol is a very satisfying way to play. It's got great atmosphere too.
  5. You're shooting US soldiers. Not sure how often that has been done before in military themed FPS'. You are chasing a colonel 'John Konrad' who has gone native and disobeyed orders to complete the evacuation of Dubai, nice to know the devs are putting their college educations to use, and my AK47 doesn't have a single fire mode because apparently you are not allowed more than two per weapon. It's pretty good (albeit cover based) gameplay, except when you die because you tried to duck behind a chair that that didn't have the cover property. It would be better if your squad wasn't immortal, but I manage to forget about them most of the time and they seem to know not to not ruin the game for me by being better at dispatching the enemy than me.
  6. That's Matt Damon ? He looks badass.
  7. Not really a Civ guy. I like SINs, especially Rebellion, but would infinitely prefer something more Homeworldy I think that's what they call a contradiction in terms.
  8. Careful, or you're gonna get "heat" like that other Canadian, too. Peter Dinklage's identical twin is in it, or they forgot to credit him for it on IMDB.
  9. I'm stil in the phase where I'm wowed by being able to google something with voice recognition and 95% of the time it will be what I wanted. I'm sure it will pass.
  10. Slaugthering the women and raping the cows.
  11. Sounds more like grim social realism
  12. Samsung Gallaxy S3 came in the post today. I can now lord my hipster status over my Iphone peasant friends. The screen makes web browsing enjoyable. The keyboard is for tiny tiny fingers though logging in here took ages. Why didn't they do a large transparent one.
  13. You all need to learn to say no to games when the only remaining activity is hamstering.
  14. Being a high flying international jet set academic isn't easy it seems.
  15. How do you know, it doesn't add up, or list which bonuses stack anywhere.
  16. Maybe they could put a time limit on it. Own it for a year and you can resell it, by then the game will have aged and not sell at full price.
  17. huh, I just assumed the maximum bonus for anything can't exceed a base score of 10. It certainly reads that way.
  18. Finesse gives you +5 luck on determining criticals, you only need 5 luck to max out your combat bonuses. Of course having 10 luck has some funny dialouge in Vegas so it's not a complete loss.
  19. Subscription based I assume ? I've got enough bloody bills.
  20. Don't care about multiplayer. In fact I rather hope they don't spend any ammount of time balancing different factions and units and so on. The effect is not beneficial to the single player experience.
  21. Seems like it's been done already, and relatively recently. They needed to do a completely new theater. This is Madden NFL syndrome.
  22. What's with Cage anyway. Gone broke ?. He used to be A list, only big budget things with an oscar chance, now he'll do anything. He's been in lots of genuinely good movies.
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