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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we0OG70NNME I feel an inexplicable urge to overthrow the white establishment.
  2. This was a thing, like 5 years ago and I missed it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YJ3BTKMILw
  3. 3 bottles of 93 % cleaning alchohol, two full and one 3/4 full, two packets of disposable spunges, another two packets of those 'nano' dustcloths, one packet opened and two used, another 3 larger ones for use on the floor and two regular floot cloths. One bottle of Ajax universal cleaner. One window cleaner spray bottle. One pack of wet wipes for monitors. One bottle of brown soap for regular treatment of wooden floors. 2 bottles of toilet cleaner, one empthy, one bottle of liquid drain cleaner, one bottle in pellet form (reacts with water). One pair of rubber gloves (unopened) one 'dust buster' duster, works by static electricity. I really have to stop compensating for not cleaning my place by simply buying more cleaning utensils.
  4. I remember KOTOR, but that wasn't the first thing that sprung to mind when I saw that image. If you always had to worry about copying something existing you wouldn't be ablte to create anything.
  5. Or you could get two of something that isn't a waste of space, with spare change. https://store.wacom.com/us/en/product/DTH2200/ You could poke that like a tablet if you wanted, you can't look really busy with hard-hats at a construction site though.
  6. Always knew there was something off about Ringo. Shifty Russian/Georgian. Probably a KGB sleeper.
  7. I did Wow for half an hour and Guildwars for about 6 month. That is the grand total of my MMO experience. Although come to think of it now I'm playing Path of Exile. The first thing I did was turn off all the channels, there was nothing going on there except various spams. I wonder if that dynamic could be changed if there was no economy and no incentive to farm. There would just be a practical need to work together as a team.
  8. Working my way through Joon-ho Bong movies I haven't seen. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0094435/?ref_=tt_ov_dr
  9. I'm convinced that the only thing keeping me alive is my healthy mistrust of things like red lights and traffic signs in general.
  10. If you imagine him with enormous bushy eyebrows it becomes really clear.
  11. Don't think having less information in expert mode makes sense either. I mean that would be the one mode where knowing your target's defenses down to decimals might actually make a difference. Have most combat info off by default and have the option to turn it all on. That would be my preference.
  12. Once I got the general drift of it, that things aren't as bad as you expected It was easy, or I was lucky,whichever. I got 7/9.
  13. Took me a while to figure out why my SSD was almost maxed out on a clean format and install. The windows swap disk was a whopping 64 gb. x2 of the ram per default. lol. It's quite the leap in performance from what I'm used to. There are practically no load times all the places I'm used to seeing them.
  14. Yes, it was a just a matter of installing the driver.
  15. So everything fit together nicely. With the case closed the CPU is hovering around 42-43 degrees in the Bios, 39-40 with the case open, which probably means airflow is not ideal, but it should be fine. Everything is really quiet, except my GFX, but I think I can reduce fan speeds in the control center. Sometimes it's hard to predict how fans react to eachother and you get a perfect storms that create nuissance noises. I hope I won't have to look into another cooler for the GFX. It sounded quieter in the old case.
  16. Ok so it isn't eating up 88w idle, but it's pretty bad at low load as well. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon-r9-290-review-benchmark,3659-17.html
  17. Doesn't it say 88W idle from the first link, and 300 something under load. ATI are deliberately trying to obscure how bad it is, I'm sure they are aware it's a point of contention. http://anandtech.com/show/7457/the-radeon-r9-290x-review/19
  18. Yeah Finland is historically a dangerous place for Russians. (when all else fails, go with the war)
  19. I've wondered with high end high power consumption cards and the commonplace of CPU or board based graphics why someone hasn't though of making a card that could be turned on and off like a harddisk, working with light load and 3dmode as well as a manual toggle. There would probably need to be a motherboard standard as well. Maybe there already is ?
  20. I'm about to watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7Qo74_L3vo
  21. The power consumption is quite bad though, the listing I saw for it had a 750 watt PSU as a minimum requirement. For a single card... nuts.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24786119 Moar hot russian Oby butthurt, or something. I'm gradually learning the syntax I think.
  23. Depends on the alcohol level obviously. People drank beer for its health benifits, and because the water was full of bacteria in the major cities, throughout medieval europe.
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