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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. So is the new Hobbit as bad as the last. Was considering dragging my mom to see it to preempt the usual Christmas guilt trip.
  2. It's something to be proud of, to a point. The British Empire had refined the client state model to such a degree that it made more sense to have capable administrators who could rule by proxy and with the authority of the Empire than menial labor walking around in chains. Systematic exploitation was still the order of the day, but there was no one industry completely dependent on slave labor like there was in the US.
  3. i dunno. he was clearly vain and elaborated the truth when it suited him. but he wasn't incompetent despite the outcome of market garden. he beat rommel by waiting for 3 '-4 times material superiority. not to memtion he was fighting italians whose hearts werent in it.
  4. Isn't there some truth to the idea that US forces prefer more tactical speed when securing a building. Also I would surmise that it depended on whether the job was to secure one farmhouse or 100 bungalows.
  5. Battery life as stated on the box is always a best case scenario. Large screen = low battery even with light usage. Get something that says 8 hrs on the box and it might last 4. In my experience it's really that bad, but it's been 5 years since I bought a laptop and it's normal for the battery to crap out on you over time leaving you with even less. 1-2 hrs tops.
  6. So I take it windfarm+spotted whatever = splat. They should put them on city roofs. Sort out the pigeon problem.
  7. Because procrastination is my first response to everything.
  8. I have one, I just loathe electronic or any other kind of paperwork. I didn't like the idea that I was forced to use PayPal, so I never pledged. Also, they take up too much screen real estate. Maybe squeeze them in side by side or something.
  9. It's kinda funny that he chose to show up on the day instead of faking illness or something. The moral of the story, don't lie that much on your resume. @Gifd meant Oby's.
  10. Oh my god is that Helle Thorning. Mandela died at a ripe old age having succeeded in his struggle to liberate his country. People aren't there because they are sad, they are there to pay tribute. Some people are also narcissists who wouldn't turn down a chance for a pic with Obama and Cameron no matter the circumstances.
  11. Pulling out doesn't prevent pregnancy you idiots. This is like the first thing they teach you in sex ed.
  12. Cleaning my appartment becomes a form of self flagellation I've noticed. Something I do when I've been 'bad'.
  13. Nelson Mandela did a lot of good work, don't get me wrong. But I think I'm on track to do something even bigger. I liberate minds with my music. That's more important than liberating a few people from apartheid or whatever. LMAO
  14. All this made me think about a discussion I had with a coworker about textures being done by math rather than huge source image files with the need to accommodate a wide range of resolutions. With games pushing 50 gb now because of huge texture packs I suspect this area will see more development. It's not that far fetched for uniform surfaces and could mean much wider variation for tile-sets.
  15. No it shouldn't, adoption is more an admission that you don't have the resources and stability to care for a child though. What 'I' want isn't, or shouldn't, be foremost among the considerations of capable parents, excepting the biological opt out that women have.
  16. I think long term it might be better for the stability of families if men don't have the option to renounce their children. I mean the kids wouldn't be 'fatherless' except legally. The kids would just grow up knowing he abandoned them, and what if he changed his mind. Having a good relationship with one's children usually becomes a point of prestige later in life.
  17. Didn't have the patience to sit through the ads. They spawn again after the clip.
  18. I believe the logic was that Germany would grow weaker realative to Britain and France. The British Empire might have been too large. Constantly darting to avoid one disaster or the other, but doubless a miitary asset. Imagine Britain fighting WW2 without its indiginous colonial forces. Germany didn't have the fleet to support the african colonies it did have. Cameroon, others ?. Lost in the WW1 peace treaty.
  19. 95 is more that I expect to rack up
  20. Excercise is boring though and it's getting too cold to bike everywhere like I usually do.
  21. I was actually going to post him but I couldn't remember his name, true story.
  22. Danish Wikipedia is such a joke. Dunno why google always points you there.
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