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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. Btw, I didn't find any male heads with these rashes. A medical condition that only affects women?
  2. Not sure if it's a bug or a bad attempt at making freckles, but these look like something a doctor should look at: Female elves got it especially bad - there are only three heads, two have a rash and another is terribly scarred. Please, devs, make a clean version of these "sick" heads, it totally breaks immersion when they don't match any portrait because of this problem.
  3. I'll take a look at new requests next week maybe, I got sucked into Monster Hunter World...
  4. This better not get delayed, I gotta schedule my vacation.
  5. Recall that Obsidian has done this trick before. That wasn't random, people figured out that puzzle. It spelled Deadfire.
  6. Or maybe it's a game or something, like Larian Studios' Advent Calendar - find numbers in a picture then enter them somewhere for extra goodies.
  7. Huh, those look like a code to me. Maybe they can be converted in some code language?
  8. All interviews say spring, not Q1. So...sigh, I'm not getting my hopes up for March, more like closer to May.
  9. Um, doesn't spring technically last until the end of May? Or did devs say it will release in early spring?
  10. Alright, time for some requests: Hi, Aramintai ! Could you pls transform this into watercolor ?
  11. Personally, I'd love more mature games that don't give a crap about SJWs, like the Witcher series, for example. Mistreatment of women, bigotry, racism and intolerance - medieval daily life in all its glory! Sold like hotcakes too
  12. Probably a bait post, but what the heck, I'll give a serious reply - POE is a game with a timeline inspired by real world's Renaissance period, where bigotry and slavery were abundant. Nobody cared about SJWs back then and nobody should care about them in a fantasy game, period. All SJWs can go and get triggered somewhere else, by some real world problems, leave devs their creative liberty. And if you are seriously, not just for lulz, get pissed off by some showcases of intolerance in a fantasy video game you are a sad, sad person.
  13. You guys are sure busy around here, I’d love join and start doing pending requests but it’s probably gonna be another week or so before I do. (Moving to another flat is a total pain in the back, literally...)
  14. Full VO sounds very expensive, but if the voice actors and not stars of the industry then maybe... What I'm hoping for is that all major characters and companions get a full VO, everything else is a bonus.
  15. What's male and what's female differs from language to language. Polish "kot" is male but German "die Katze" is female. Both mean "cat". "King Robert's Hammer" translated into Polish will be male. You'd need "King Robert's Mace" to have female name in Polish. And what if there's a language where "mace" is male or neuter? Yea, different rules apply to different languages. For example, in Russian word 'Корабль' (Ship) has male gender, 'Лодка' or 'Шлюпка' (Boat) has female gender and 'Судно' (Vessel) has third, neuter gender. Also, 'Корабль' is generally used for military ships, 'Судно' for civilian ships and 'Лодка' or 'Шлюпка' for small boats. Go figure which one to use in localization
  16. That is a hold over from eternity 1. Like you noticed you can use portraits of any size, but using anything other than the exact size is a bad idea. Basically what happens if your size is off is the engine tries to smart scale it, and frankly, the engine sucks at image scaling. This results in a blurry pic in game. It sucks so bad at it you get better results using a pic that is too small than you do one that is large. Yeah..... :/ I did an actual test and comparison back in Eternity 1 in my original portraits thread, not sure those images are still around however. Don't use the same image hosting site anymore, old one I used to use stopped being reliable. It's strange that the problem was only with watercolor portrait, regular portrait looks just fine. Maybe because watercolor portraits are even smaller in size and the game starts to have trouble rescaling them.
  17. Well, I'm sure they can make a workaround to omit word 'ship' in English entirely if they want, but include it in other languages, it doesn't sound awkward in Russian, for example.
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