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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Severe depression and bad luck is giving me a hard time and I need a break from the Internet, and everything else. So, see you in a couple of months, guys. Ah, I hate departures...
  2. Saw her in Merlin when I was zapping through the channels, had to google her.
  3. Except aiming and hitting your enemy it seems.
  4. Extremely attractive, methinks.
  5. Today I found out that one of my rifles needs a new barrel, talked with my gunsmith, a barrel swap will cost me approx 500 bucks (new barrel included). *hangs head*
  6. Yeah, shake it once and it will be wobbling forever. A Perpetuum mobile is definitely magic in my book.
  7. There is a little bit of magic in everything.
  8. What did you expect?
  9. I'd bang both.
  10. A bone callus developed around the crack which made my elbow joint pop out when I tried to bend it (and that hurt) and it took time for my joint to regain its tightness. But I didn't care, I just played sports and ignored the pain, three years later that callus was completely ground down and my elbow was fine again. I think lots of mountain biking helped a great deal to fix my elbow. (Also I'm not a fanatic, I'm merely an enthusiast. There are sports fanatics out there you wouldn't believe it..) I totally agree, I just asked because SPD lead many people to murder and hostage takings because the paranoia that comes with it seems to make some individuals extremely dangerous. There have been cases where people with SPD killed their partner because they believed those were FBI or mafia spies and awful things like that.
  11. I have food supplies that would last me approx 3 weeks, also I have my own freshwater well, but my supplies are currently at an all time low and I really need to restock soon. Also having rifles is nice, what good are supplies if you cannot defend them against thieving hordes that did not stock on water and food?
  12. I liked the film ''The Road'', it portrayed the post apocalyptic world in a much less romantic light compared to other movies. It was also one of the movies I really had to force myself to watch because it was so brilliantly bleak, utterly depressing and gut wrenching. A must watch.
  13. Hamburger Hill, had to stop halfway through because it was so boring and awful I constantly fell asleep.
  14. I'm not an expert on mental illnesses but aren't schizos extremely dangerous?
  15. Hm, thats news to me, what makes you think that they're drugged up? Would explain a lot though.
  16. Its way too late to stop it with sloppy quarantines, experts said a spread in Europe is inevitable, if its not happening already. Whats going to be fun is that the annual flu epidemic is inbound, hysterical people with the flu will think they have contracted Ebola and vice versa, also the immune system of many people will compromised from it. Hospitals will have to deal with a lot of chaos.
  17. TWD makes me angry, I always imagine how awesome it could be if the writers wouldn't constantly screw up, every now and then theres bits here and there that are brilliant and make me continue watching the show but it is getting more and more disappointing. The characters have become stale, illogical, dumb and boring, things really have started to drag in 3 & 4, zombies don't feel threatening anymore.... Also ham fisted action scenes and awful gun animations don't make me happy .
  18. Hiked through a large dead forest, it instantly reminded me of the opening scenes of the (excellent) film ''The road'' and I got some post-apocalyptic vibes. Also I found some cool fungi, I think its a slime mold in winter stasis but I'm not entirely sure.
  19. Thats a lot of assumptions, Volo.
  20. I bet he's not even really Irish. They retrconed him in DA2 and again in DA:I I just don't understand his significant in Dragon Age series at all....seeing him in DA2 is bad enough and they keep him for DA:I...i just don't understand His fan thread is over 3000 pages big. For some reason which eludes me he is extremely popular among the female fans-
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