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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. My taste is not that limited, fortunately. There are many features I find beautiful, a toned body is one but its definitely not a requirement.
  2. Today the back of my computer chair snapped and I crashed hard, almost broke my back. I don't know how that is possible but for some reasons two 5 cm thick plastic parts which were holding the back of the chair broke right out of the blue, its not like I had rough sex with fat chicks on said chair or anything. And yes, it was rated for people weighing 100+ kilograms. But I'm to greedy to buy a new chair! I'm going to steal some bricks to sit on.
  3. I don't see it, besides, sex without ''feelings'' always feels so half-arsed and forgettable, for me its a poor substitute for what you get when you have sex with someone you truly have feelings for. But each to their own. Anyway...
  4. I've always found Emily Haines strangely attractive. She also has a cute voice.
  5. This might be a little off topic, but I have to say I gotta love the pic in Monte Carlo's sig. The Sturmgeschütz III was an awesome little infantry support tank with a punch.
  6. Visited my very ill neighbor and friend, his chances of survival are slim and the therapy brutal. He is very scared that he'll die and from now on he can't even have any visitors anymore because his immune system is dangerously weak. The world is a terrible place.
  7. I've heard the French love taking backdoors.
  8. I'm drinking rum. My friends freaked out and said its unhealthy to drink it pure, but I don't know what they're talking about. Now I feel like a hardcore seaman.
  9. Also I'm off to visit my neighbor in the hospital, even though I'm horribly inept at making troubled people feel better. But its more of a sign of respect.
  10. I just bought two ThyssenKrupp SK3 plates, rated up to 7.62x54r fired at under 20 meters. Those are rifle rated hard ballistic plates for a ballistic protection vest. Don't really need them but got them really cheap, couldn't resist.
  11. This book: This book does not glorify the war or any of the participating parties, instead its a simple diary of a German engineer who received one of the rarest and hardest to get military decorations of the second world war, the Nahkampfspange (close quarter combat medal) in gold. Its incredible what that guy went through, one night he fired 24.000 rounds (160 ammo cans) through his MG42 to defend a position from the advancing Russians who attacked in waves all night long, in the Russian plains in winter they made a wall, 200 meters long and 3 meters high out of fallen enemies covered in snow to make their snow fortress somewhat bullet proof because there was no other natural cover. The book is full of craziness like that, hard to believe things like that really happened.
  12. Ah crap, my favorite neighbor is in the hospital because he has leukemia. He isn't that old and he always appeared healthy and very happy for his age (65), and now this. The strange thing is, his father died from the same thing and two of his dogs died from blood poisoning, I suspect they all came in contact with very unhealthy materials very frequently. I told him that but he doesn't what it could be.
  13. Cognitive therapy. Oh, this sounds so very unspectacular. What I did today: I lifted so hard that I'm now unable to pick up let alone hold a mug. Which kind of sucks because I had planned to play UT online but I can hardly use the keyboard since my forearms and biceps are completely trashed, lol. Also I'm re-installing FEAR, still the best FPS ever created, I love this game so much.
  14. Anti-anxiety exercise? Like dancing naked in front of a crowd?
  15. Equality works both ways.
  16. Sorry, but you are incredibly naive if you really think that law really applies on everyone equally. By rich/poor divide I meant the law, not the ability to by a firearm. And really, firearms are not that expensive, you can buy a good rifle for 150 bucks. Police cannot protect you, the sheer amount of citizen they'd have to protect makes it impossible plus they're not psychic, they don't know when a or where crime happens to prevent it. If you wanted to prevent crime everyone would need his own policeman. If police could protect you there were no more rapes, burglaries and homicides. Same with the fire brigade, they come to prevent further damage when my house is burning, not when the actual fire starts. Thats why everyone in Austria has to have a fire extinguisher by law. Also fact is the police is not obligated to come when you call them, the official wording is: they owe no legal duty to protect individuals from criminal attack. In other words, they're not there to protect you, they can if they feel like it and they cannot be blamed for your death if they screw up. In the US some chief of police even suggests to own a firearm to protect yourself. For me my life is too important to rely on people I've never met before who might come when I call them, but most likely when its too late. Who are also not obligated to save my life. If I even have enough time to get to my phone. So you weren't born with freedom of speech either, so its not a human right? And I didn't say guns are a human right, self defense with state of the art weaponry is. But you're right, you weren't born with the right to defend your life either, according to your logic. Wrong, knowing that people are armed and not willing to gets steamrolled easily is what makes aggressors reconsider, and thats the most important thing. Expecting no resistance means people can and will do with you whatever they want. Once the military chimes in there is no environment that saves you because thats called a war. The government working against its people only results in civil war in a worst case scenario. Need. I love it when anti-gunners break out their favorite argument, NEED. Tell me, what do you need, Azedus? Not much. Water, some place to live in, food, clothing. If we reduce everyone to what he needs living will be hell very quick and hobbies will be non-existent, unless working is your hobby. Do you need your personal computer? No. Do you need Obsidian games? No. Do you need a car? No. Do you need free time? Absolutely not. If he killed more people with his bombs you wouldn't even mention him, right? The worst school massacre in history was committed with a single bomb, in 1927. The bath school massacre. 45 children were killed. Why does nobody know anything about it or talk about it? Because guns weren't used so its boring and cannot be used to enforce anti-gun laws. Ask yourself, if guns wouldn't exist would there be less massacres? There was a time before guns, and it had plenty of massacres, I can tell you. Also if you're already speculating about the efficinecy bombs vs guns, let me speculate too. I speculate that if anyone on that island had a gun he could have shot Breivik before he killed a single person there. But he got them at the most dangerous zone to be, a gun free zone. The victims had no privilege to defend themselves, a gun. They had no chance but to get slaughtered, that is the true crime here. Strange, they're always surrounded by people with sunglasses who carry guns to protect them, they also command hundreds of thousands of soldiers with all the weaponry you can imagine, yet they don't trust people with guns? I tell you what, they're afraid of average citizen with guns because they know that they're running roughshod over the people and are corrupt like nobody else. Politicians are very, very afraid of revolting mobs with guns. Now more so than ever. I present to you the only reason why politicians want strict gun control or a complete ban: an armed mob cannot be beaten to mush by police batons or washed away with their fancy 250k bucks water cannon cars. Politicians only care about one thing, and that is control, and they're willing to do whatever is necessary to prevent it from slipping, this includes lying to the public and breaking the law. More people get killed by cars in a year then with legal firearms in 100 years, and most of them unintentionally. And now you tell me they're not as dangerous. The dead don't lie. Drunk driving is statistically a million times more dangerous than an average Joe with a gun. And it happens every single day. If as many people died from legal firearms as from car crashes guns would have been outlawed one hundred years ago. And don't even get me started with alcohol, far more people die from alcohol than from legal firearms, yet nobody gives a damn. Certainly not the politicians.
  17. The problem is I'm kind of greedy when it comes to replace old worn every-day stuff, I'd rather buy something fun instead. Oh, I just remember,I still need some anemones for my seawater aquarium. Only 80-120 bucks a piece!
  18. I 'm going to have to do the exact same thing next month.
  19. Laws are only for the lower classes. Also outfitted? What the hell? It should be everyones free choice. If you don't like guns, don't get any. Freedom of will. The police is not responsible for your own safety, neither is the fire brigade responsible to protect your house from fire. You are responsible for those things, police and other emergency institution are for damage prevention and investigation, they usually arrive after something happened. I was born with the right to bear arms just as I was born with the other human rights I mentioned, but people who call themselves leaders dictate which right I may exercise because of fear and selfish reasons. But this doesn't make it any less of a right. People in Russia are born with the right of choosing their sexuality, but they can't. But this doesn't make it any less of a right. Self defense with a modern and capable weapon is a right. Read the text again, the law was designed that people could defend themselves against any threat, a totalitarian government that enslaves its people included. Now if the law only allowed people to own old and inefficient weaponry it would not make much sense, no? What a joke. People get killed all the time before the police can arrive at the scene, thats why there are so my robberies with homicides. Read the news. Where I live the police needs 15-20 minutes to arrive, robbers can kill me 10 times in that time, and this already happened here a couple of times. I'm sure they called the police. What a load of crap. No, they committed those crimes because they were completely insane bloodthirsty numbnuts. The guns neither enabled nor told them to kill. Breivik killed people with a bomb before the massacre, so should we outlaw explosives now and everything that could be used to make a bomb like gasoline or fireworks? He also drove there by car, should we outlaw cars that could transport bombs? Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea, gun related deaths are hilariously minuscule compared to traffic deaths. If you are afraid of being killed by a gun think again, the chances to die in a car crash are a thousand times higher. Bottom line is, insane people always find ways to hurt people, what needs to be banned is people that are insane. I'm very certain that Breivik would have found other ways for his massacre, or do you think he would have thought ''Oh no, I can't own guns, well, there goes my plan of killing dozens of Untermenschen.''. China has a zero-gun law, yet that hasn't stopped terrorists. They use edged weapons and, surprise, illegal weapons. I've heard a lot of criminals don't care about laws. Of course not, but it makes it easier and its a nice demonstration how politician think when banning things. Its always to their own best, they don't care about the people. Hitler raved about Germany being the first civilized country with strict gun control, selling it as a huge in crease in safety. Those who support gun bans don't give a flying f*ck about increasing the safety for the greater good, they have other more selfish reasons despite what they tell you. From everything you wrote I agree with only one thing: a mandatory mental health check before anyone wants to own a weapon, its a good thing. The problem with this is you'd have to have mandatory mental health checks whenever anyone wants to buy something that might endanger the lives of other people. Flammable or combustible materials, cars, knifes or edged tools, fireworks, chainsaws..... people get killed by those things all the time. It would quickly turn into a bureaucratic nightmare. Azedus, please, don't hold back, its on-topic and I'm open for discussions like that. Just remember that my time is very limited at the moment and my response time might be long-ish.
  20. Yes, but they're not game designers, they're game crafters.
  21. Not only that but the ''bowguard'' is also in the way of the arrow. The artist has no clue about bows, but game designers in general have no clue about medieval weaponry. If I was a game designer I'd at least gather some first hand information about the things I'm designing so I don't make a fool out of myself.
  22. The right to bear arms should be a privilege, not a right? Wow. So the right for self defence should be a generous gift from the rich upper class....I mean generous politicians rather than a right any human should have? One that can be easily taken away, like most gifts? Oh boy, thats exactly the mindset that allows politicians to wreck the World with little to no resistance. The right to own weapons IS a privilege in the European Union and guess what? It gets slowly taken away right now, from the lower classes I might add. I tell you, I was born with the RIGHT to bear arms just as I was born with the right to human dignity, the right to choose my religion and the right to choose my own sexuality. Access to free water is a human right. Those are not privileges, unless your sorry ass happens to live in a very totalitarian hellhole. ''That 200 year old paper'' was written by the most intelligent and idealistic politicians in the history of the US which actually cared about their people, right after defeating a tyrannic government. It says: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Because history has shown numerous times that the defenseless will always be at the whim of those who have the force of arms, governments sooner or later tend to go apesh!t on the people who are not wealthy and they expect no resistance from. The first person to employ extremely restrictive gun laws was Adolf Hitler just before he started to get rid of certain sections of the population.
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