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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Less talk, more awesome.
  2. I''ve been doing strength training for 11 years now and I know for a fact through personal experience that what I say is true. Where did I say that lifting is all you need to do? There is no sport that replaces all other, but lifting does cover muscle coordination, neurological adaption, body awareness, balance and strength. You're not going to be able to lift heavy if there is a weak link on your physique. But you absolutely have to pair lifting with cardio, like cycling. Strength AND endurance. Oh, boy it sure as hell does. The power of a punch comes from the core, and there are specific highly efficient exercises that target the core. Deadlifts and front squats target the core. Also you need this strong muscle corset (core) to withstand a strong punch to your guts, otherwise you'll suffer major internal injuries. The stronger the better. Try it out, punch someone who lifts in the guts and then someone who does not do strength training, the results will differ dramatically. Muscles make the body a lot sturdier and prevents injuries, thats why all martial arts fighters and boxers spend so much time in the gym. If that wasn't true mixed martial arts fighters wouldn't spend so much time lifting and they would be relatively average looking. Which they aren't, by a long shot. Also there wouldn't be weight classes because muscle mass - strength wouldn't matter. There have been matches with different weight classes and they always ended in the guy in in the lighter weight class getting mauled. But legs are extremely important for all around strength, hamstrings are the biggest strongest muscles in the entire body and whenever you lift something you automatically need them! And boxers have pencil legs. You know what big Ali did? He spent hours in the gym, daily. Also, ready my above post that no sport can replace all the others, you definitely need to do endurance. Bodyweight training? Oh, you are one of those. If you are even moderately strong, and by no means a power lifter you should be able to do many exercises with FAR more weight than your own body weight. An average gym goer should be able to dead lift two times their own weight, bench press at least (1 rep max) 1.5 times their weight, barbell row (1 rep max) their own body weight. Not to mention chin ups with body weight should be doable for every average joe, a person with good overall fitness should be doing weighted chin ups. Thats why you constantly rotate your exercises, you have to get strong in every area of motion. This is EXACTLY what power lifting is all about. I'm currently doing and rotating over 35 exercises. *edit* Can somebody move this over to the fitness thread?
  3. If you knew how the human body works and if you had performed serious lifts instead of isolations and using machines you'd laugh at such ignorant statement. Just like me. You know what happens during the first weeks when a beginner lifts weights? He doesn't gain any significant amount of muscle for some time, yet he will make lots of progress. How is this possible? Neurological adaption, he learns to use his muscles correctly and simultaneously. This involves improving and increasing the way your nerves are connected to your brain and their communication. According to scientists an untrained man uses 35% of the available muscles when dead lifting to perform that particular motion. A trained man uses up to 75% because the brain has learned to activate more simultaneously. This has nothing to do with the muscle mass or muscle strength, this is improved communication and coordination. Neurological adaption. Strength contains of muscle mass AND muscle coordination, you need lots of both to be able to lift heavy things. On top of that you need very good balance when performing certain lifts. Do overhead standing presses with your own weight and tell me this won't increase your dexterity. You must be kidding, boxers have very little leg strength because they need to stay in their weight class, they are by far not a ideal and balanced example of good athleticism. Have you actually ever seen a professional boxer? Oh, and when we're comparing apples to apples, pro boxers are not healthier than any other top athlete. Which is not very due to steroid and drug abuse. Sadly steroid abuse is present in all the top athletes, which I've never been talking about. Strange, power lifting contains only exercises which solely focus on strength, you must have done body building exercises then and their primary goal isn't strength. Do you even know how powerlifting exercises work? Evidently not. I'm 6'1'' and I have very long limbs too, this doesn't stop me from lifting though. You have to know what you are doing, you can use different grip widths to compensate for the length of your limbs. You have to use your brain when lifting. And an uphill struggle to what exactly? Strength training means going as heavy as you can and making improvements, thats it, this has nothing to do with the length of your arms.
  4. A few shots of plum schnapps.
  5. Lasershow? No, anti aircraft tracer fire.
  6. I disagree, it is indeed not mind expanding but there is no law written that hobbies have to be. Lifting is all about the challenge. What keeps me going right now is working on my goal to deadlift 5 reps of 250 kg and shoulder pressing my own body weight 5 times with no leg drive, thats a goal I want to reach and I slowly and steadily get closer to that it whenever I exercise. Its very hard. Performing feats of strength makes me feel great, picking up huge weights that weigh three times as much as an ordinary untrained man could lift feels pretty damned cool, because its very hard honest work to get there and you have to work years for it. Reaching those goals is extremely gratifying. And thats what hobbies are about. Also as a nice side effect you get better body awareness, you get healthier, your testosterone production increases and stays high even when you get older. Its a fun, extremely challenging and healthy hobby. Perfect. Of course, you CAN make it boring, if you only do body building exercises (isolations instead of compounds) things can get pretty boring, you have to perform powerlifting exercises. Couldn't agree less with you, compound exercises are very demanding, for a deadlift you are using 75% of your bodies muscles simultaneously, your brain has an enormous amount of calculations to do to coordinate them all. Or one armed dumbbell presses standing, with your feet touching shoulder pressing 50 kilograms above your head with one arm you need extremely good balance and you have to coordinate almost all the muscles in your body. Actually, few sports require as much muscle coordination, dexterity and constant nervous system adaption. If your dexterity is low, technique sucks and you muscle coordination is off you will never be able to lift several hundred kilograms of weight, even with balloon sized muscles. If you had been a true lifter you'd have quickly discovered that. Just going there and doing dumbbell curls for bigger guns to impress some superficial girls is not what I'm talking about.
  7. Like most of the more demanding hobbies they make little sense and have little appeal if you have never tried them, but I can tell you once you really give them a try its completely different, like entering another world. Trying to understand mountain climbing or weight lifting etc without ever having tried those activities is completely futile. Before I really go into those hobbies I didn't understand them either, but I gave them a try and I've got totally hooked. Anyway, Saturn and the little dot is earth, shot by the Cassini probe. Mars sunset.
  8. Vostok Station isn't in Russia. Good, no need for further displays of your lack of education.
  9. The point is having fun, genius, thats what a hobby is all about. A hobby doesn't need to have a deeper meaning. Also I'm a mountain climber and I do not fit any of your strange stereotypes. And this begs a question, do your hobbies have a deeper meaning or do they have a point?
  10. I really want to go mountain climbing now.
  11. O'RLY?! Its not my job to educate your sorry behind about the climates of extreme places on this earth, where people still live and thrive. Do some research and you'll find out that there are WAY harsher places out there that make Russia look really comfortable. And it has not greatly enhanced their abilities to wage war.
  12. smart decision lol. During WW2 EU soldiers in Russia has serious mental disorders because of environment... but Russian constantly live in such environment. In other words they are very dangerous bloodthirsty maniacs, they hide this by constant self-control (Russian don't smiling because of this, no emotions - only cold intellect), but during wartime... ... Then I seriously hope that we'll never have to fight people, living in Antarctica or in the deserts because according to your logic they'd eat people alive. Russia is a joke compared to those environments.
  13. People wearing fake nerd glasses should be shot on sight.
  14. How to properly aim and shoot a firearm is very basic knowledge for somebody in a law enforcement / military position, no matter the nationality, gender or race. We're not talking about rocket science here.
  15. Possible. Though I've seen similar displays of abysmal (or complete lack of) tactics and weapon handling in firefights of US troops in the sandbox.
  16. When I think of smoking women I think of red and infected lung tissue, cold cigarette smell and a disgusting cough. And I don't want to have anything to do with people who do that voluntarily to themselves because thats definitely not a sign of intelligence and hints to low self discipline (giving in to peer pressure.) One of my relatives smoke, and it makes her infinitely worse. That cough is disgusting. Come to think of it, nobody in my family smokes because everyone thinks its disgusting, except that one relative. Anyway. Same girl.
  17. Nah. Unless you're a social justice warrior with no life of course. (I think thats what you meant?)
  18. Man, I just did heavy 1-rep max dead lifts and destroyed my trousers in the process, I was all the way down and when I pressed hard to pull the weight up I heard a ''rrrrrrriiiip''. Now I have BDSM ass window trousers. I seriously need to get me some training trousers.
  19. Its an equality simulator, you can beat the living crap out of people no matter the gender.
  20. Thats called strength and you can get this upgrade through lifting heavy objects on a regular basis.
  21. You should let them upgrade you to a T-1000, I'm pretty sure that would solve the hidden bugs of your current design.
  22. I wonder where those guys received their training. I'm by no means an expert with extensive military experience but at least I can fire rifles accurately. Not using any sights, resting the barrel on hard surfaces, really poor shooting stances, you're not winning a firefight that way. Sure, suppressive fire does have its place, but if thats all you can do you're not effective. Its like new years eve, they just want those firecrackers go off. One skilled and clever marksman with a scoped rifle could have replaced all the amateurs in the vid, including the HMG on the APC. Without destroying the building in the process. I'd bet a good amount of money that those rifles weren't even sighted in correctly.
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