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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Good luck Calax.
  2. Be careful what you wish for, most people are insufferable idiots, being alone is definitely not the worst of fates and in the end you still have yourself. Often when I felt alone I went to my favorite bar to hook up with some girls, but then I always realized that being alone isn't really so bad.
  3. What I'm, doing today: I'm off to shoulder pressing, maybe I can finally break my 90 kg shoulder press record today, my mood is bad enough for some seriously heavy lifts thats for sure.
  4. No we aren't, we are all part of someones or somethings dream. Speak for yourself, I'm certain i'm part of someone's wet dream. Not from mine though, thats for sure.
  5. Not if its a digital clock, when those stop working they usually show no time at all thus being wrong all the time.
  6. In an evolutionary sense it is logical. Find a partner, pass on your genes, feel something like love that makes you care abut your offspring which increases their chances of survival. For whatever reason nature thinks its damn important to pass on ones genes. I don't get it though.
  7. Family matters, at least for me it does. If your own life does not matter, why do the lives of others? Are they different? They're as lost as you. Not saying you shouldn't love your children, but its a very flawed logic.
  8. No, this does not matter either, nothing does. Those having a great end are just as dead as those who die miserably.
  9. Pff, I trump you all, maybe not in the overweight department but in pretty much everything else. But since I stopped caring about anything life has become less of torture, just remember that you'll die no matter what you do and everything is completely meaningless.
  10. No we aren't, we are all part of someones or somethings dream.
  11. Today I read the news and I had to laugh out loud. Someone here in Austria placed a roadside IED right where the police often stops with their radar speedometers to catch speeding cars. The IED was triggered via tripwire and the payload was poo. The explosive charge was intentionally weak so the police officers weren't hurt, only their pride. In one split second they were peppered with tons of dung. Whoever that was, he or she deserves a medal.
  12. It took me about a year to get used to the daily physical strain of lifting weights, from all the changes this took the longest. I was already pretty muscular and could lift heavy but still felt completely trashed after the workout; especially leg workout, I almost fainted every single time. No power boost. It took my body one year to speed up the metabolism and increase the energy storage for the daily workout. Thats when you feel a great after-workout power boost, I can lift as heavy as I want and I never feel any energy loss whatsoever, even after the after-workout ''high''. But there is a drawback (isn't there always?) All the extra energy needs to be spent, if your body has adjusted to lifting 1.5 hours per day 7 days a week you need to do that or do something else that burns that energy. If you go cold turkey on your exercise and decide to do absolutely nothing for two weeks you're going to feel terrible. Insomnia, hyperactivity and all that crap.
  13. What kind of heresy is this? Thumbnails?!
  14. Shooting blackpowder guns is much more complicated and ten times more fun than modern rifles. I love modern rifles too, and have many and shoot them, but their advantages are also their disadvantages. They have little soul, are boringly efficient and ugly compared to the blackpowder smoke poles from the 18th and 19th centuries. Today its all about saving money, so you'll find lots of plastic, aluminum cast, burrs and bad, cheap finishes on modern guns. Back in the day guns were a work of art and those who made them were proud of their designs. Also blackpowder smells so much better than modern nitro powders. Sure, if I have to defend myself I'm super happy with the efficiency of my scoped rifle which shoots pretty much hole-in-hole all day long at 110 yds, with my loads, but for fun, collecting and aesthetics black powder firearms are hard to beat. Well, I've only read about guns with cartridges, there might be completely different laws applying to guns that don't use cartridges like muzzle loaders and cap and ball revolvers. Also ''smokeless'' powder is mentioned in that text, thats modern nitro powder, but nothing about black powder. I know in my country muzzle loaders are considered ''less effective weapons'', which can be bought by people 18 yrs or older. None of the standard firearms laws apply to muzzleloaders, except carrying them in public, which requires a special license. A buddy of mine, an avid target shooter, lived in Sweden for a couple of years, I'll ask him.
  15. Stupid? This gun has an IQ of over 130.
  16. Well, that its not a rifle caliber is highly debatable, its a blackpowder firearm that shoots round balls, there are thousands of muzzleloader rifles that shoot the same round ball. (.451 that is). If it had a cylinder for cartridges like say .45 colt (there are conversion cylinders for this gun) it would be clearly not a rifle caliber gun. Its pretty much a multi-shot muzzle loader rifle. Don't you guys have special laws for blackpowder firearms and clubs that shoot muzzleloaders? As for being a poor SOB.... Don't be upset, sooner or later everyone will be in the same boat, a boat where guns of any kind are completely outlawed. Thats one of the main goals from certain delegates of the EU. (ms. Cecilia Malmström in particular). And looking how things are going here in the EU, and with the media doing great work at antagonizing gun owners 24/7 it will happen in the next 10 years. And the world will be beautiful again. Or thats what some people with fairly limited intelligence expect to happen.
  17. Awww.... .
  18. What I did today: dumbbell squats, one of the hardest and most brutal exercises invented by man. Heavy deadlifts and bench pressing is nothing compared to really heavy dumbbell squats. Very heavy weights and almost all muscles in the body required to lift it, go figure. Also holding a 60kg dumbbell in each hand for 30 seconds is hard on the fingers.
  19. And that from the mouth of a girl? Reminds me of that Spongebob episode where it was ''opposite day''. Though I know some people from the steam punk scene, and the girls are into muzzleloaders and western themed rifles. Anyway, thats how you load and shoot a revolving black powder cap'n ball rifle:
  20. If I'm not entirely mistaken you should be allowed to own one in Sweden, its not even a cartridge weapon and its a rifle. Unless of course you're talking about the cash. Ah damn, I think I need to by one, but the voice of reason is holding me back still.
  21. Thinking about buying a new gun with my hard earned bucks. Laid my eyes on this beauty of wood, brass and blued steel, a replica of a Colt Revolving Carbine from 1858, black powder, 44 cal roundball 6 shots. Its basically a 1858 revolver from the Civil War retrofitted with a butt stock and an 18'' barrel. Along with the Henry lever action rifle they were one of first repeating long arms, co-existing with the general issue single shot rifled musket muzzleloaders. Those were used in the civil war. 600 bucks though, and I don't need one. Can't decide if I should blow my surplus money on this new toy or save it for.....bad times I guess?
  22. Don't worry, the pain is only temporary because beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear.
  23. He was wonderful in the expendables.
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